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Page scans from Commodore manuals : _these are converted fax's so the quality could be beter ;-)
These are pictures of the various plugs and connectors that can be found around in home brew leads etc
Use an 8050 drive with your C64/128? : _this tells you how !!! ;-)
cables and connections for your CBM /PET
page from a 1984 catalouge about the IEEE-488 cable _ which is this page here !

IEEE-488 GPIB / IEC 625 cable assembly

Cable assembly ( colour grey) to IEEE-488 GPIB /IEC 625 . Designed to facilitate rapid interconnection up up to 15 programmable instruments ( in star or daisy chain configuration ) or control equipments equipped with IEEE-488 GPIB IEC 625 ( also known as HPIB ) communication link capable of , talking ,listening , talking and listening and or controlling . Each end of the assembly consists of a back to back 24-way male and female connector (rack and panel type ) with captive locking screws . The cable contains 24 conductors of which 16 are used for signal lines and the balance used for logic ground returns and overall sheild . Lines DAV , NRFD , NDAC, IFC , SRQ and ATN lines are each twisted together with a ground wire to form twisted pairs as detailed in the connector contact assignment table show below .
Available in 1m and 2m lengths.
Voltage rating 200V d.c. Current rating 5A per contact . Contact resitance <10M ohm . Contact material , gold over copper .

connector contact assignments
A contact assignment of the cable connector and the device connector is as shown below:

contactsignal linecontactsignal line

1DIO 113DIO 5
2DIO 214DIO 6
3DIO 315DIO 7
4DIO 4116DIO 8
6DAV18Gnd. (6)
7NRFD19Gnd. (7)
8NDAC20Gnd. (8)
9IFC21Gnd. (9)
10SRQ22Gnd. (10)
11ATN23Gnd. (11)

Note : Gnd.(n) refers to the signal ground return of the referenced contact.

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