This is a list of the 700 series library as it is at present from the catalouge disks - this section of the library is one that I want to increase in size
All contributions gratefully received !!

menu list

1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 " this disk is for the 700 series only !!!!!!!
17 "
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 REM
22 "*** 1 "ERR$-JOY ERR$crubber " ch 2c
23 "*** 1 "initializer" prg
24 "*** 1 "<-------------->" usr
25 "*** 2 "so LOAD er" prg
26 "*** 1 "deprotec TO r 2" prg
27 "*** 1 "deprotec TO r 3" prg
28 "*** 1 "<-------------->" usr
29 "*** 2 "start.p" seq
30 "*** 1 "<-------------->" usr
31 "*** 12 "instructi ON s" seq
32 "*** 1 "<==============>" usr
33 "*** 10 "ch-start.p" seq
34 "*** 2 "churches" seq
35 "*** 3 "days" seq
36 "*** 7 "days.p" seq
37 "*** 1 "depart" seq
38 "*** 4 "giving" seq
39 "*** 10 "giving.p" seq
40 "*** 76 "hinstructi ON s" seq
41 "*** 7 "labels.p" seq
42 "*** 4 "mailmerge" seq
43 "*** 2 "membership" seq
44 "*** 8 "membership.p" seq
45 "*** 3 "OR der" seq
46 "*** 3 "quarter 1 ms" seq
47 "*** 3 "quarter 2 ms" seq
48 "*** 4 "quarter 3 ms" seq
49 "*** 4 "quarter 4 ms" seq
50 "*** 3 "recheck.p" seq
51 "*** 5 "rep OR ts.p" seq
52 "*** 3 "TO tal.p" seq
53 REM
54 REM
55 " *ju1:nb superoffice decryption program
57 "Here are the instructions for using the SUPEROFFICE DECRYPTION PROGRAM
58 "When completed the process (about 5 minutes work) you will have a de -
59 "protected, decrypted version of superoffice that will load in 53 seconds
60 "without SUPERSPELL or 67 seconds with SUPERSPELL instead of the normal 120
61 "and will take up only 1/4 the disk space of the original. NOTICE: Neither
62 "CBUG Inc, nor Mark Schwarzbauer the author assume any responsibility
63 "or liability for lost data, disks, etc from incidental of coincidental use
64 "of this program or the result of using it. Thankyou for understanding.
65 "NOTICE: It is both illegal and unethical to give away or sell copies of
66 "any copyrighted program. Your deprotected program still contains the
67 "copyrighted code of SUPEROFFICE.
68 "-------------------------
70 " *NB USERS NOTE: I suggest you print out this file for easier reference
71 " *nb it would be wise to also include it on your data disk for easy
72 "access. You may also output to video or simply cursor down.
74 " *CN1; VERSION 1.0æ
78 " INTRODUCTION.....................PAGE 2
79 " CHURCH CONTRIBUTION..............PAGE 3
80 " MEMBERSHIP.......................PAGE 7
81 " DAYS.............................PAGE 9
83 " ORDER............................PAGE 12
84 " LABELS...........................PAGE 13
85 " REGISTRATION.....................PAGE 14
86 " Authors:æ
87 "Most of these prgs have been written or formatted by Mark Schwarzbauer
88 "A few of these prgs were written by Tony King and were adapted for more
89 "user friendliness and expanded potential by Mark Schwarzbauer.Tony did an
90 "excellent job at getting this material started & we thank him along with
91 "Rev. Dan Link who made some of the original versions available.
93 "A good working knowledge of Superbase is helpful in using these programs.
94 "Working through the Superbase Tutorals will provide this necessary
95 "knowledge
97 "S.O requires a 256K machine but you can get yours upgraded easy through
98 "many of the vendors of CBUG. Superoffice contains both Superbase II+
99 "(this works the same but has many 'bugs' removed and is more efficient) &
100 "Superscript II in also a better version. The programs are integrated and
101 "allow you to switch back and forth between them in seconds.They integrate
102 " so you can take materials from your records files in Superbase and mail
103 "merge them into a superscript letter with ease & efficiency. The formats
104 "are even pre-written for you here in SUPERBASE II.
105 "
106 " ************************* that's all folks ************

0 "ICPUG 700 Games " 7g 2c
2 " -------------- " prg
6 " menu" prg
8 "adventures" prg
13 "chomp" prg
43 "hangman" prg
90 "super star trek" prg
1 " screens " seq
8 " bootscrn" prg
8 " instscrn" prg
8 " advscrn" prg
8 " hmscrn" prg
8 " pascrn" prg
8 " aascrn" prg
8 " ccscrn" prg
8 " crscrn" prg
8 " wwscrn" prg
8 " dsscrn" prg
8 " scscrn" prg
1 " adventures " seq
88 " haunted" prg
67 " pirate" prg
49 " colossal" prg
86 " african" prg
65 " cavern" prg
116 " wisp" prg
71 " dogstar" prg
58 " sorcerer" prg
1 " colossal data" seq
9 "advf 0" seq
5 "advf 1" seq
5 "advf 2" seq
4 "advf 3" seq
3 "advf 4" seq
4 "advf 5" seq
6 "advf 6" seq
3 "advf 7" seq
4 "advf 8" seq
4 "advf 9" seq
2 "advf 10" seq
2 "advf 11" seq
2 "advf 12" seq
2 "advf 13" seq
3 "advf 20" seq
7 "advf 21" seq
6 "advf 22" seq
5 "advf 23" seq
6 "advf 24" seq
7 "advf 25" seq
11 "advf 26" seq
6 "advf 27" seq
5 "advf 28" seq
1 "advf 29" seq
7 "advf 31" seq
9 "adv9 0" seq
5 "adv9 1" seq
5 "adv9 2" seq
4 "adv9 3" seq
3 "adv9 4" seq
4 "adv9 5" seq
6 "adv9 6" seq
3 "adv9 7" seq
4 "adv9 8" seq
4 "adv9 9" seq
2 "adv9 10" seq
2 "adv9 11" seq
2 "adv9 12" seq
2 "adv9 13" seq
3 "adv9 20" seq
7 "adv9 21" seq
6 "adv9 22" seq
5 "adv9 23" seq
6 "adv9 24" seq
7 "adv9 25" seq
11 "adv9 26" seq
6 "adv9 27" seq
5 "adv9 28" seq
1 "adv9 29" seq
7 "adv9 31" seq
8 "advkeys" seq
18 "advshor" seq
18 "advsh8" seq
21 "advmap" seq
9 "advitm" seq
1 " directory " seq
8 "scr0" prg
878 blocks free.

0 "b128kit liz 4-86" bj 2c
6 "important mesg" prg
25 "w.dcontents" seq
1 "<---- b ---->" prg
8 "tsk loader" prg
2 "+btxfer.fe48" prg
1 "<---- 1 ---->" prg
16 "+smb v8.0400" prg
16 "+smb v8.e000" prg
16 "+smb v8.0400+" prg
16 "+smb v8.e000+" prg
16 "+smb v8.0400++" prg
16 "+smb v8.e000++" prg
47 "supermonb v8.ins" prg
1 "<---- 2 ---->" prg
17 "+b1 kxb128.x1" prg
4 "+b15kxb128.x1" prg
2 "+b15kxb128.5c0" prg
4 "+b15kxb128.x1+" prg
4 "+b15kxb128.x1++" prg
17 "+b1 kxb256.x1" prg
4 "+b15kxb256.x1" prg
2 "+b15kxb256.5c0" prg
4 "+b15kxb256.x1+" prg
4 "+b15kxb256.x1++" prg
60 "keytrix x1.ins" prg
1 "<---- 8 ---->" prg
21 "dcl b128.pal" prg
2 "mykeys s8kx1" prg
2 "+4keywords" prg
1 "<---- k ---->" prg
4 "change dev#" prg
23 "copy-all b128.4" prg
2 "+copy-a.21c3c" prg
8 "disk view.b128" prg
11 "disk logger.b128" prg
1 "+disklog.400" prg
7 "disk mod.b128" prg
15 "disk check" prg
5 "stringthing b128" prg
22 "list all/jim b" prg
1 "<---- i ---->" prg
7 "execute.v1" prg
1 "e.demo" seq
2 "+xec b128.f0400" prg
2 "+xec b128.f5a00" prg
2 "+xec b128.f7a00" prg
2 "+xec b256.f0400" prg
2 "+xec b256.f5a00" prg
2 "+xec b256.f7a00" prg
1 "<---- t ---->" prg
4 "cross.b128-1.1" prg
5 "+cross.b128" prg
2 "ramtestb.v1" prg
1 "+ramtestb.v1" prg
1 "<---- c ---->" prg
6 "pre-superscript" prg
2 "seqfilesplitter" prg
15 "b128 irq rate" prg
5 "notemaker.v2" prg
12 "notemaker.ins" prg
7 "spool b128" prg
10 "w.b128 spool" seq
1 "<---- d ---->" prg
6 "xcall" prg
1 "+xcall.fe00" prg
80 "w.b128 xcalls" seq
2 "datamaker" prg
7 "4023 scr dump" prg
8 "p.dump ins" prg
5 "p.cats" prg
1 "configure b128" prg
4 "verifizerb128" prg
27 "w.exp15" seq
4 "big rel file" prg
17 "reader/writer.3" prg
1 "<---- e ---->" prg
24 "b128<->am2.b+pal" prg
2 "+b128<>am.2" prg
1 "<---- f ---->" prg
23 "grungy towers" prg
2 "impossible" prg
15 "diary" prg
2 "events" seq
12 "twin bagels" prg
3 "waitline" prg
1 "<---- g ---->" prg
2 "egcff" prg
5 "tab" prg
4 "sm sort" prg
8 "words match" prg
11 "squares" prg
16 "rotate" prg
3 "primes" prg
1 "<--8432 utl->" prg
3 "Start8432.21" prg
2 "t1" prg
2 "td.alt" prg
2 "t2" prg
2 "td" prg
81 "8432.21" prg
4 "bank F.20 '1024" prg
5 "instructions8432" prg
9 "supermon4.rel" prg
5 "aid4.6b00" prg
5 "aid4.7b00" prg
6 "cross" prg
1 "<----<c>---->" prg
1100 blocks free.

0 REM dsave "@list-me.7u",d0:print ds$
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. 7U ***
13 " ********************************
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
28 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
29 " ********************************
30 " ********************************
31 " *** ok to copy but not to ****
32 " *** be sold or published ****
33 " *** for profit. ****
34 " ********************************
35 " ********************************
36 " * To the best of our knowledge *
37 " * the programs on this disk *
38 " * are in the public domain. *
39 " * *
40 " * Should this not be the case, *
41 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
42 " * *
43 " ********************************
44 "
45 "
46 " LIST-ME.7U This file contains descriptions of the programs on
47 " ICPUG Disk No. 7U - LOAD and LIST it.
48 "
50 " date: 5 October 1985
60 " This disk was compiled by D.P. Griffin
70 "
100 " Programs for Commodore 700 Series Machines
101 " - (Also known in USA as B Series)
102 " ************************************************************************
103 " The programs presented here were supplied by B128 User Group
104 " They come from two main sources - Liz Deal & TPUG
105 " ************************************************************************
106 "
107 " : last minute update: if you have memory in bank 15 at $4000-5fff then
108 " : keytrix and supermon will attempt to load the hookup code at
109 " : $5db0 and $5f80 respectively, using files which have a '+' at the end
110 " : (normally they would go at $5b0 and $780 in bank 15).
111 " :
112 " dcl b128.pal :b128 def's for an assembler, in prg format, by brad
113 " : templeton. list or keytrix 'list n' to make a seq file.
114 " +btxfer :transfer sequences - should be on every b-disk.
115 " : is needed to support all machine code programs
116 " xcall :addition to xfer, see 'w.xcalls' superscript file
117 " supermonb :works in b128 and at least some b256. list '.ins' or
118 " : run .ins on the screen or printer before using.
119 " keytrix :basic utilities. works b128, some b256. see '.ins' or
120 " : run .ins on the screen or printer before using.
121 " change dev# :jim b. software changes disk device #
122 " copy-all :copies files in one, or across two, devices. only b128.
123 " : permits manual rearranging of files before copying
124 " configure b128 :basic will live at 1025, as in the pet, so you can list
125 " : prgs in any cbm computer (supermon/keytrix do this
126 " : configuration for you).
127 " w.exp15 :how to expand bank15 by 8k using calc-result cartridge
128 " verifizer :went to the transactor. perhaps they'll use it.
129 " big rel file :m-r to disk permits jumbo relative files as on the 8250
130 " : '8250 exp*' for basic4 pets only (8432 maybe!)
131 " pre-superscript :run before loading superscript. fixes keyboard bounces.
132 " : see also 'b128 irq rate'. just list,run '+ta*' object.
133 " spool :fast spooling disk to ieee-printer. see 'w.b128 spool'
134 " disk view :jim b. snoop 4040/8050 t-s contents
135 " disk logger :jim b. catalogue (header addrs,file sizes) 4040/8050
136 " disk mod :jim b. allows fixing/destruction of disks 4040/8050
137 " qplot :building block for quarter-graphic plots
138 " primes :primes generator from the transactor ... very cute!
139 " us b-roms :low profile 128, hi profile 256 (identical kernal roms!)
140 " -----------------
141 " Start8432.21 :loads and sets up several 8032s. see instructions
142 " supermon4.rel :pet4 supermon for use in the 8432. load,run.
143 " aid4 :tiny aid for pet4. load and sys to the start address.
144 " : use $6b00 if supermon's in, else $7b00 in empty 8432.
145 " :
146 " bmx :jim b. benchmark tests for 8432
147 " -----------------
148 " basic tutor - step by step instructions for learning the 700 machine
149 " -----------------
150 " extra monitor :a tiny monitor, lives totally in bank 15. supplements
151 " : resident monitor in b-128 (not for 8432).
152 " -----------------
153 " sample boot.b - shows required setup to run m/l in bank 1 (text bank)
154 " txram obj - bank 1 jump table & interrupt handler for a b-machine
155 " sample obj - unused m/l for demo purposes
156 " test.basic - sample processing program
157 " hex dumper.z - dumps a disk file
158 " flash.bas.b - shows a totally different way of running m/l on a 'b'
159 " - a small m/l program running in bank 15,
160 " where i think you must have it for user-processing of
161 " interrupts. this demo flashes the screen border.
162 " flash.obj - the m/l for the above
163 " flash.8.1 - source for the m/l in mae format
164 " chg ld addr v1.2 - to fix a 'b' program so it can be loaded on
165 " other commodore machines. the easiest way to
166 " do this is run 'sample boot.b' above, then
167 " dload and dsave to program. but that only works
168 " when the 'b' is available. change load address
169 " can be run on any machine.
170 " mem dump.b - does a memory dump
171 " err$ list.b - lists all the system messages. some of them are fun,
172 " and could be useful in your programs.
173 " basic disassmblr - disassemble code on disk
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****