For parents, teachers, and others concerned with disabilities and 
assistive technology 

Americans with Disabilities Act Discussion Group  

Americans with Disabilities Act Law  
Americans with Disabilities Act Discussion Group   

University Coordinators of Americans With Disabilities Act  

D-Sport Sports for Persons with Disabilities  

Dads of Children with Disabilities or Special Health Needs  

Forum for Information Networking on Disabilities  

Higher Education and Carreer issues for students w/ disabilities 
Community Rehabilitation Programs for Persons With Disabilities 

Information Technology and Disabilities 

Information Technology and Disabilities 
Managed Care and Disabilities
Our-Kids - Support for Caregivers of Children with Disabilities 
Developmental Disabilities  

Family Discussion of Down Syndrome and Other disABILITIES 

SJU List for Coalition Advocating Disability Reform in Education 
St. John's University Disability Support of Families List 

Research on Disability and Long-term care  

Disability, Work and Social Security Benefits 


Disabled Student Services in Higher Education 

Student Coalition of Disabled Students 

TravAble Travel for the Disabled 

SJU Autism and Developmental Disablities List 

Developmental Disabilities 

ADDKids- The List for Children with Attention Deficit Disorder 

Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Children 
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free Children List 

CAPsych Child-Psych 

Discussion for Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy 
Children with Special Health Care Needs 
Children Youth & Family Discussion (221 subscribers) 

DeafKids List for Deaf Children 
PARENTDEAF-HH  This is a list for parents of deaf and hard of hearing
children. To subscribe, send an email message to listproc@list.educ.kent.edu with
nothing in the body of the message except: subscribe PARENTDEAF-HH your
name (please insert your real name not your screen name).  Within several days you will be part of this dynamic parent discussion.

DEAF-L -- A list for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. A very
active list that generates a lot of e-mail. Once you are subscribed you will want to
set the DIGEST option to receive one large e-mail which combines all of the individual
postings.  To subscribe, send an email message to listserv@siu.edu with nothing in
the body of the message except: subscribe DEAF-L firstname lastname.

The server is for the following mailing lists is majordomo@avenza.com.  To
subscribe one would address email to that address and then in the message

"subscribe choices-l"  
  choices-l is an open listserv for parents, family members,
caregivers and others who wish to discuss the difficult choices faced in
caring for a child with special needs.  Topics may include but are not
limited to: residential placement, controversial education/therapeutic
methods, abortion/euthanasia, puberty and sterilization and any other
aspect of loving and/or living with a child with special needs.

"subscribe  cp_dystonia-l"  

This listserv has been set-up so that people with CP (or anyone) can engage in general discussions regarding their
condition, problems they face, and to have the opportunity of
'meeting' new faces.  I have decided to include those with
Dystonia has some problems faced by people with cerebral palsy
and Dystonia can be similar. The list is open to ANYBODY with an
interest in cerebral palsy or dystonia, even if you do not have
a disability.  Parents and carers are especially welcome.

You can also join the apraxia kids list by typing:
"subscribe apraxia-kids" or "subscribe apraxia-kids-digest"

"subscribe SWS-Support-L"

Welcome to the SWS-Support-L  mailing list.  This listserv is composed of
an informal group of parents, individuals and professionals with an
interest in Sturge-Weber Syndrome.  The intent of this list is to share
ideas,  experiences and everyday conversation regarding Sturge-Weber Syndrome
(SWS), Kippel-Trenaunay Weber Syndrome (KTWS), and Port Wine Stains (PWS).
The Sturge-Weber Foundation was incorporated in the US in 1987  (1990 in
the UK and 1994 in Canada) as a non-profit organization  for parents,
professionals and others concerned with Sturge-Weber  Syndrome (SWS).  As
the cause of SWS is unknown, research to find  the cause is needed. Join us
in our efforts to obtain research so  that the families of a child with SWS
may have a brighter future.  In 1992 the mission was expanded to serve
individuals with port wine stains (PWS), and Klippel Trenaunay (K-T).
These conditions place an emotional and financial drain on families and
employers.  Our vision is to educate the public, empower the families and
individuals and instigate research into the cause of these maladies.

"subscribe CHARGE-L"
This list is mainly made up of parents of kids with
CHARGE Syndrome for suport and information, although we do have most of
the CHARGE Syndrome Medical Advisory board on the list.
At this time we have almost 90 on the list from 7 countries world
wide.  Affliated with the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation, Inc. based in
St Louis MO.
subscribe MMRD-List

The MMRD-List (Mitochondrial Myopathies & Related Disorders List) is for
individuals and families dealing with mito disorders.  We provide support,
information and friendship for both the individual with the disorder and
for the caregivers who provide the daily care for them.  We also provide an
avenue for physicians and other medical personnel to get information for
themselves and the folk whom they work with.  We also have a website that
is integrated with the List, the MELAS Online Network

subscribe CMV-L

 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a herpes type virus that affects young and old alike.  CMV's
complications range from unnoticed to devastating.  The purpose of this list
is to create a common ground - for parents and caregivers of children with
congenital CMV,  their caretakers, therapists, doctors and nurses who work
with our children, those with CMV, and those researching ways to conquer CMV.
This list is also a forum to learn from each other, share our frustrations
and rejoice in our triumphs.

This list will be a place to discuss any and all of the complications of
CMV...To list a few: intracranial calcification, Cerebral Palsy, seizure
disorder, deaf, visually impaired, profound delays and MR, microcephallic,
mal-absorption difficulties, feeding difficulties, CMV retinitis.  There are
many other handicaps associated to CMV, all of which are open for discussion.

Here we can discuss our children's accomplishments and defeats, knowing that
the audience includes others who know what we are going through.  We can also
get some idea of how others address specific problems/concerns with feeding,
learning, schools, medical resources, techniques and equipment, as well as
describing the problems to friends and family or just coping.

Early childhood education/young children (0-8)  

Early Childhood Education On-Line mailing list 
Policy Issues Related to Young Children 

professional development of teachers and caregivers of young 

Child Health Utilization Project   
School Aged Child Care Issues and Concerns 
Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Depression Forum 

Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Children 

These lists may vary greatly in activity level. If you join any of these lists, you will find people with similar interests. Others on the list may have information to share with you as you will be able to share with them. Please share the information you may learn with others and us as well. Information is POWER!

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