Native American Medicine Bag

To the Native Americans, "medicine" was a spiritual reference to all that was mysterious in their lives. The medicine man (or woman) aided the tribe's spiritual life, and he also aided the physical life; he performed both kinds of medicine.

The medicine bag should be made of animal fur or hide. It should be decorated with beads, fringe or animal parts, such as teeth or claws.

Your medicine bag has many uses, of course. You can use it on a daily basis to draw on it's power. You can change or update the contents of the bag to mark any changes or troubles in your life.

To your bag you should add:

* Corn, beans and squash seeds to indicate good food in your life.

* You could add a piece of any plant that has special meaning to you. Perhaps a few petals of a flower or plant given to you by a loved one. This could indicate love and beauty of the earth.

* A sprig of lavender or a piece of amethyst for calming of the nerves.

* A few items from the animal kingdom, fur, feathers, or claws. This is to keep your eyes open and keep you alert.

* If you are having trouble in a love relationship you can put in a lock of hair or a small personal belong to represent your loved one.

Once you have your medicine bag items together, smudge all of them. and place them in your bag. Then sit with your bag in a quiet room. Think about each item you put into the bag, and what it means to your life. Give thanks to God above for the help that you are given and to the members of each kingdom.

See some of your energy going into the medicine bag, to be joined by a white beam of energy coming down from above. Let the energy of the bag flow into you, and combine a joint flow of energies. When the time feels right to you, end your meditation or prayers and keep the bag around your neck for the next day or longer. Sleep with the bag under your pillow if at all possible.

This to the Native Americans works the same as the annoited prayer cloth. Which Christians annoint and pray over and then wear close to their hearts.

1. I have been told they should be given to you as a heartfelt gift....

My Native Index