1998 MOPpers

List of MOPpers
David G. Arthur master_zed@hotmail.com
Reid Barton reid@tiac.net
Gabriel Carroll gastropodc@hotmail.com
Chi-Bong Chan CBongChan@aol.com
Lawrence Detlor I7maFrog@aol.com
Jeffrey D. Fonck jf@imsa.edu
Matt R. Hughes mhughes99@hotmail.com
Daniel J. Katz dkspam@voicenet.com
Michael Khoury LoQueNoSoy@aol.com
Kevin Lacker lacker@worldnet.att.net
George Lee Jr. sir_garr@hotmail.com
Jim Leonard xit_vono@yahoo.com
Po-Shen Loh ploh618@geocities.com
James M. Merryfield James_Merryfield@hotmail.com
Dan Moraseski DEM@moraseski.ima-net.com
Yogesh More jyotimore@email.msn.com
Oaz Nir oaznir@hotmail.com or the much more exciting f_u_all@hotmail.com
Alexey A. Radul Unknown
Sasha Schwartz QBOB@aol.com
David Speyer speyer@erols.com
Charles L. Steinhardt csteinha@mail.sas.upenn.edu
Paul Valiant Paul_Valiant@Milton.Edu
David Vickrey dvickrey@usd.edu
Melanie Wood ClassicM2@aol.com

This is the complete listing. Back to main page.

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