We Are Now on Facebook:
|Tracy Huang Online (Facebook Edition)|
|FANsss Page|Tracy Huang Collectors'|Portrait Corner [Closed]|
|Unofficial Tracy Huang Fanclub|Tracy Hunters' and Collectors' Club|Tracy Huang Portrait Club|
Welcome to Tracy Huang Online. Built for Tracy's fans from all over the world. For some reason or another, we all love Tracy and her music. She is our beloved and will always hold a special place in our hearts. We hope that you will learn to appreciate Tracy like we have. Tracy, you are our greatest!
We have FANsss Page for interacting and reading the latest news of our diva, Tracy Huang Collectors' for album reviews, pics and her vast repertoire of music, and Portrait Corner for a more personal and quieter reflection.
Together with the three sites, are three clubs where members can interact with one another and provide feedback on matters related to Tracy. Each club has a different focus. The Unofficial Tracy Huang Fanclub provides a venue for members to chat on general matters related to Tracy and provide the latest news and gossip. Members can contribute an article on Tracy at our fanclub which may get posted on our website, FANsss page. Photos of Tracy can also be posted at our fanclub for all to enjoy. Tracy Hunters' and Collectors' Club was set up for members to locate Tracy Huang's past and present CDs. Tracy Huang Portrait Club for fans to post their personal thoughts and musings on Tracy's music. We are now on Facebook too!
Tracy Huang Online was built rather haphazardly and quickly back in March 1999 when Tracy's official website suddenly closed down. I was so afraid that with the demise of the original site, that we would all lose contact with one another. I also wanted to gather and store as much materials and views that I could on Tracy from her fans from all over the world. In fact, the existence of Tracy Huang Online rests on all of you who have contributed articles and photos of whom I am always grateful for.
After Online, then I went on to build Tracy Huang Collectors' in June 2000, about a year later. Collectors' looks very different because I had more web tools to work with at tripod.com. For one thing, I could use many of the templates freely available. I transferred some of the pages from Online to Collectors' during that time to give more coherence to the two websites. Collectors' was also meant to be a showcase of Tracy's albums, her music, and her immense talents. Often underrated by many, I wanted to let everyone know that Tracy Huang's music and voice has that endearing quality that is rare and one which strikes the core of a person's emotions and being. I also wanted Collectors' to be honest, critically honest where necessary. After all, we all have our favourite Tracy albums and songs, and also the not-so-favourite albums and songs. Incidentally, my favourite albums are "I Don't Want to Talk About It" [English] released by EMI Singapore in 1977 and "We ah We" [Mandarin] released by EMI Taiwan in 1997.
In 2001, I created a Tracy Huang Portrait website at homestead.com. I did not like it very much. In 2002, I renamed Tracy Huang Portrait to Portrait Corner and moved the site to geocities.com. Meant to be more reflective and personal. Never got much time after that to expand on Portrait. I wanted to write so much more but somehow I just could not manage to find the time...
After a while, I realised that I had to streamline all three websites and try to put some order into the three different sites. In mid-2002, I decided to merge all three into one, and put them all under Tracy Huang Online with three angles: Fansss Page, Collectors', and Portrait Corner. They still look disjointed, but this is about the best that I can do.
Now there are many Tracy Huang websites (some recently established), far more beautiful and exciting than this. I especially like Terence Lee's, Zack's, and Thomas Ng's websites. I am happy to see such a large proliferation of sites for our wonderful Tracy. After all, it has been nearly three decades since I have been an ardent fan. And I know that there are many fans here who go back even further than this. And Tracy's own official website, Inner Music, is looking very good.
In the future, there may be fewer updates on Tracy Huang Online. Apologies in advance to dear Tracy and everyone here. Not that I have lost interest, but my work has been piling. And whatever little time I have, I prefer to spend them listening to your beautiful voice and music, Tracy. Or catching up with friends and also my sleep.
Happy 2013 to everyone !!! To all her fans and friends, please keep the contributions coming. Do drop me a line at our fanclub when you are able to. I would love to hear from all of you.
We Are Now on Facebook:
|Tracy Huang Online (Facebook Edition)|
Tracy Huang Online: Three Sites in One and Three Clubs
|FANsss Page|Tracy Huang Collectors'|Portrait Corner [Closed]|
|Unofficial Tracy Huang Fanclub|Tracy Hunters' and Collectors' Club|Tracy Huang Portrait Club|
What's New ...
For changes since May 1999, please click here.
17 April 2013.
We are still alive and kicking. Very active at |Tracy Huang Online (Facebook Edition)|
17 April 2013. Somewhere along the way, Tracy also set up her account at Facebook. You can view it here at: Tracy Huang's Facebook.
1 January 2009.
Happy New Year 2009! We are ten years old this year!
16 August 2008. Three new compilation albums released in 2008! More to come from EQ Music. Thanks to Christian Chia for pics of the three albums.
10 August 2008
We are now on Facebook.
1 December 2007
Link to some videos of Tracy can be seen by going to our fanclub. Please click here to view.
27 January 2007.
New compilation album released in 2006! Tracy's Greatest Collection. For more information, please visit our fanclub.
17 March 2006. See pictures of Tracy's concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium in 2005 here. Taken by Josh Swu.
28 December 2005. Subscribe to news/gossip from our...
Unofficial Tracy Huang Fanclub
Short Takes, Gossip, and Personal Musings...
22 June 2012. Tracy's new album, Tracy Lullaby, has just been released. This is Tracy's first release after a break of fourteen years. To preview this album, please click here.
10 August 2008. Three new compilation album of Tracy released by EQ Music and EMI Singapore. Two in english and one in mandarin. Some of the songs in these albums have never been released in earlier compilation albums. A must buy!
29 December 2006. No new album but a compilation album has been released by EMI Malaysia. For more information on the album, please click this external link.
15 December 2005. It has been rumoured that Tracy Huang will be releasing two new albums in 2006, one in English, the other in Mandarin. We honestly cannot wait for these releases to come out. Tracy, we wish you every success in your endeavours!
For more news and gossip, please click here.
16 March 2005. Tracy will be performing in Singapore. This is very very good news and I am ecstatic. Please click here to make your bookings. Hurry, before it is all sold out.
(c) 1999-2013 Tracy Huang Online/Tracy Huang Online: FANsss Page/Unofficial Tracy Huang Fanclub/Tracy Huang Collectors'/Tracy Hunters' and Collectors' Club/Tracy Huang Portrait/Tracy Huang Portrait Club are unofficial sites.
Articles in Tracy Know, Tracy Like, Tracy News, Tracy Albums and Tracy Perceptions written by fans from all over the world.
Website Maintained and Updated by P.O. Lee. E-mail: polee@yahoo.com.au
Photos supplied by Tony Doo from the Unofficial Tracy Huang Fanclub, and Inner Music.
Visit Tony's Website here. It's a site which has interesting information on musicals (movies) and Disney animation films.