I can not imagine why the Muslims would bother dealing with the West at all. The way things have been going for decades time is on their side. They were nothing in 1948 when Judah (not Isreal) was shoved down their throats. But since then they have been going up while the West has been going down.

This crazy new pseudo-Christianity called RAPTURE has been spreading like wildfire over the last couple of decades. And the usually anti-Christian publishes have been pushing it like hell. Why? Well because it switches Christianity from needing only the return of Christ to the need of 'Israel' being there for Christ to return to.

3-14-05 TO BE DONE freddie prinz, geraldo rivera, fiorello laguadia

Heidi klum

cary grasnt, schwarzenegger, 'pushed around'

READ: MODERN TIMES: Twenties to the Eighties. PAUL JOHNSON. isbn 0-06-091210-3

dhama and greg, will and grace

adrian brady, ethnic movie, pol/jewish guy

dr seuss

hats blacks, martial arts RANT RAVE