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We welcome information/documentation on all people murdered during the Holocaust, but especially the five million often forgotten -- the non-Jewish victims. Written contributions are welcome. So are photos. Electronic file transfers (E-mail) are preferred, but we accept manuscripts and photos or other documentation by mail to the address . Thank you.

Terese Pencak Schwartz

Hi! I am in the 7th grade and am writing a report on the Holocaust in Poland. My main idea is " The segration of the jewish Poland and how nonjews faced it. If you have any ideas where I could get more info please e-mail me.I am having some trouble. I thought your story was interesting and I agree. I am jewish but a formal Unitarian Universalist and know that they were killed in the holocaust also. From Sarah Griswold

Sarah Griswold

Dear Pencak, The holocaust greatly interests me because i am a Polish-American and proud of both. My mother imigrated to the U.S. in 1971 so i am in close touch with polish culture since i was born in 1981. My mother always told me stories of the period that her mother and father had told her. She told me how my grand father fought in the polish army during the invasion in 1939. After it was over he was sent to a german labor camp. After getting out he quickly left and joined the allied partisans. Antother story i remember was that my grandmother had her first child in 1940,my mother told me that she would leave the house at 4or5 a.m. just to get a little bit of milk for her baby,my mother told me because she was malnurished due to rationings she couldnt produce her own milk. Sometimes she would return empty handed and have to give him water or sugar and water if she had some sugar. Even though these stories are sad an unfortunate i know that my grand parents were the lucky ones. Alot of people got sent to the concentration camps were most likely you would never come back. Another relative of mine made it through a concentration camp because of one thing,his skill as a taylor. I just wanted to tell you that I really liked your web page. It told the truth,for all those years in school i have been hearing about how only jewish people died. They too along with the poles,gypsies,and many other races lost their lives. If you can give me any other in formation about poles in the holocaust i would greatly apreaciate it.

Paul Romick

I have had an interest in the Holocaust and done a lot of reading about it, but until I read the article in your website I was unaware of how much the Polish people had suffered. I was deeply saddened and feel my reading of your article brought many new things to light. Thank you.


Dear Mrs Pencak-Schwartz, I have been very touched by the message, I have read on your website. I am Polish Jew, my mother in law was saved by the wonderful Polish people, my polish father in law married my wife's mother during Nazi occupation in Poland. God bless you in your noble work, we all need to heal our wounds and to remember sacrifices of all our people. We are trying our best to find a common ground in reconcilation of Poles and Jews. Your father in law may assist you with translation of discussions, which is going on on scp.

Alexander Sharon Calgry, Alberta, Canada

I'm doing a term paper on the Holocaust. I was wondering if anyone read the book Night by Elie Wiesel and I would like to know your feelings that you had. If anyone is out there who had relatives or even yourself who went through the Holocaust could you please email me. thanks at


Hi, How are you? My friend and I are from the U.S. and we are doing a histroy project on the Holocaust and we would like to know if you would send us some information on any related subject to the Holocaust. Our main idea is to show the Holocaust from two points of views, like Anne Frank and Hitler. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

Vitali @ Sunline. Net

Very informative!! Thanks

Jennifer Rhoads and Lachelle Hobson

Hi! I am very interested in how people of all nations put their lives back together after the war. My father was stationed in Berlin during 1945, and he tells about some of the things that the German people had to endure. However, it must have been very difficult for anyone in a combatant country to pick up the pieces and begin again. I am interested in the DP camps, the postwar pogroms, and the people who returned to their homes, along with those who chose to start over somewhere else. I would love to receive email from people who have first-hand knowledge of these events.

L Olson

After a visit to Poland I am interested in the history of this country. I saw the Auschwitz concentration camp and the ghetto of Warsaw and am very interested in the history of World War II and of the Shoa.

Schuppisser, Fritz Oskar

Got here by accident, but: As non-Pole, non-Jew, just as human being... Having read, I salute you, your page, your story, your efforts.......

Steve Payer

Very informative, but please do not forget the Rom, Gypsies, who lived through out Europe. Members of my Maternal Grandfather's family who lived in Germany, Poland, and Denmark just disappeared.

Robert Kottke

I just finished watching the movie Schlinder's list. Though it's getting late, I won't be able to sleep till much later tonight. I am so glad I came upon your web site while searching the net for info. on the Holocaust. Thank you for giving me even more information about this tremendous sin of man, Holocaust. I wish you the best.

Mary Owens

As the grand-daughter of a Holocaust survivors, I was very interested in the Holocaust and did many school projects on it. I have seen what the Holocaust has done to my grand-parents and we must never, ever forget this time in history. It is one of the most horrifying parts of history, yet one of the most important. More should be done for the survivors, for they are heroes and heroines. Not everybody is strong enough to have accomlplished this and they fully deserve more recognition.

Robin Mandel

I'm trying to find information of non-Jewish Lithuanians killed in concentration camps.


Hello, I am a 17 year old highschool student. I am researching the Holocaust for a project that I am doing in my advanced drama class. Please e-mail me if you have any useful information.

Carrie Cromer

I really find your work very interesting. It is very important that people are made aware of the horrible traumas that people... living ,breathing, human beings... were forced to endure. Keep up the fine work!! Kyla A. Johnson Age 17 Brillion, WI

Kyla Johnson

This is an excellent page! I have studied the holocaust and WWII for almost 25 years. I still find it amazing that people don't realize the scope of the Third Riech. I want to thank you for bringing out another chilling point in our worlds history of WWII.

Garry Hutchison

Hi!I am an eighth grader in Louisiana. I am currently doing research on man's inhumanity to man:the holocaust and slavery.I am a Jehovah's Witness and many people of my relegion suffered in the consentration camps and such .I was visiting today to see if any mention had been given to the Witnesses who had suffered like many other minorities.I don't see any mention of them :whether you didn't know of them of are against their message, I believe strongly that they have a right of mention.

Lauren Zweifel

My father is a Holocaust victim - originally from France. Now a native New Yorker. I would be interested in learning anything else that you might know or any other sights I can find on the internet. Thank you

Hayley J. Miernik

I have been interested in learning about the Holocaust for
about 7 years now and I sometimes feel very bad about my
being interested in a subject that resulted in the death of
about 11 million human beings. I would like to pursue a
career/job in this field and I was hoping someone could
e-mail me with any suggestions of things that I could do
that involve this topic. Thank you,
Danielle LoSasso
(15 years old-10 grade)
P.S.- I would like to thank whoever made this page for enlightening me about the many, tragic, non-Jewish deaths.

Danielle LoSasso

Very moving. Also, very inspiring.

Thank you for your efforts. Please continue with your valuable contribution to the heritage of the Polish people.

With pride and best wishes,

Sophia Jarosz Kowalczyk

Sophia Jarosz Kowalczyk

We love you Teresa for what you are doing.

Susan Ostrowski Perrone

This is a wonderful article and has helped me a lot with my project. Thank you for writing this as it is harder to find information on the "other" victims of the Holocaust.

Keely Watson

Pencak, I am also of Polish descent and one of Jehovah's Witnesses. It was very surprising to find that Jehovah's Witnesses are one of the 'forgotten' victims' of the holocaust. They spoke out against Nazism from day one and were actually the first to be sent to the concentration camps. Their story is unique, since they were imprisoned because of their faith. Repeatedly they were promised release from the camps if they would only sign a declaration renouncing their beliefs. However their stand made them objects of hatred from the SS. Karl Wittig, a former German government officer who was himself detained in several concentration camps, later wrote: "No other group of prisoners . . . was exposed to the sadism of the SS-soldiery in such a fashion as the Bible Students were. It was a sadism marked by an unending chain of physical and mental tortures, the likes of which no language in the world can express."

You might be interested in the following two items:
1) The link titled "The Holocaust-Who Spoke Out?" found at

2) The video "Jehovah's Witnesses Stand Firm against Nazi Assault". This video is based upon a seminar given at the USHMM and is in circulation at Holocaust museums throughout Europe. It should be available through your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, or contact one of the addresses listed at

Noah Hart

I have known for years that I am a descendent of Catholics who were taken to work camps during the Holocaust. I have always been somewhat intrigued by the entire story but never before had I felt as awe struck as I was when I toured The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. It was because of that visit that I felt the need to know more. It is shocking every time I see a picture or hear a story of the Holocaust. I can not even begin to imagine what those people felt. I want to extend my deepest sympathies to all those involved and I only wish I could embrace those who survived it and let tehm know that someone cares.

jane Dunn

This site is well done and very informative. Although I was born in Poland much of the information was not known to me before. Thank you.

Anna Tomas

My father was a member of U.S. B-17 crew. When I was a small child, he told me about the eleven million. He instilled an interest in me in this period of history. Since I was a child of the fifties, safe and sound in the heartland of America, my mother felt that he had no business telling me the frightening stories he told but my father's standard reply to her was that it was HIS DUTY to tell me for someday he would be gone and then who would tell the stories? I have tried, as best I could having never lived in a war zone, having never gone hungry, having never been in fear for my life, to pass on that oral tradition my father started on the one idea that it is MY duty to pass on to my children, this oral tradition of repeating how my own father was marked by the tragedies of war and how the world allowed the extermination of eleven million of it's children.

Carla Smith

I greatly enjoyed your web site. I'm very interested in the
Holocaust. It's amazing how one man could destroy so many
lives. I live in the United States and have never had to endore
such pain and sorrow. Maybe by informing people of these
terrible things we can help with problems in the future!!
THANKS a million for your web site!
~AMANDA~ :-)


You made an excellent presentation tonight at the Polish American Business and Professional Club.Your WEB Site is excellent, also. Keep up the good work! I am pleased to have met you and your husband.
Ray 10:50 p.m. 4/11/97

Ray Kulvicki

Thankyou for the information it was very helpful!

Meg Martin

TERESA Keep up the good work.

richard wojtasiewicz

You bring out an aspect of the Holocaust that is too frequently overlooked. Do you have information about the "lebensborn" program, that saw "Aryan-looking" Polish children deported to Germany?

Gary Schark

I would like for you to please e-mail me and tell me about your experiences with WWII. I am in eighth grade at Meadow Montessori school in Monroe, Michigan. Our class is now doing a Peace Curriculum. In this we are researching many different wars. This is why I would like to hear what you have to say about the war and how you think it could have been prevented. Please e-mail me back at
Thankyou, Emily Boughton

Emily Boughton

I typed the wrong e-mail adress earlier it is
ThankYou, Emily Boughton

Emily Boughton

Dear One and All ;

I did NOT know about the "other" 5 million non-Jewish casualties of the Shoah.
Sad. Victims of gratuitous evil.
Actually, I am LOOKING for more biographical information on certain French Jewish families from Bordeaux and Paris, who were deported in 1942. I have just picked up an 1800+ page monograph entitled "French Children of the Holocaust".

Even if you do not have the time to tell me, I still must ask : Where can I find more biographical information on the French families that I would like to research. I want to write an extensive novel, based on fact. Very difficult, but it can be done with work. Accuracy and dignity are most important in such an undertaking.

Anyway, I do appreciate your time very much!

jesse irwin carnes

jesse carnes

Hey cool page we are doing a report on the holocaust and I am doing mine on those who were not Jews that were killed!

Keith Sartorius

Dear Mrs Schwartz,

with great interest I was reading your articel about the non-Jewish victims in the Holocaust and I must say it was a very touching subject.
I'm writing in behalf of my mother Helene Wittig, which passed away in 1974, she also went to one off those Camps and survided Ravensbrьck and Retzow. Since she was only as a political prisoner, she never got tatoowed and therefore later on never any compansation. She suffered her whole life and you can imagine the agony she lived through. Not only that she survived the camp, but also got declared for death one year after her survivel!!!
For the longest time I'm trying to find old record in Germany, but unfortunally nobody seems to know anything which makes me wonder.
I also got those looks when I told my friends that my mother went to a camp and I also got those comments!
People don't seem to realize that non-Jews also suffered pain and torture during this time and I personally find this very difficult. Why not talk about more of those victims, why do keep people quiet? I don't understand this at all.
With all this, the war, the after math, politics and the wall- I never met my entire family. Now, after many years of my research, with the little help from the german government, and thanks to all the strange people on the internet who helped me so much faster, I found distant relatives- something I dreamed all my life about, something I missed so much. No one ever knew that my mother went to Ravensbrьck, no one knew about my existens! Many times I wish that this war would of never happend and I would of known my real home and my real entire family. This war took my mother very slowly,piece by piece and distroyed my family. Was this really nessecary? To many lifes, to many victims.

I contacted the Ravensbrьck Comitte, but unfortunally this section of organisation closed down. Do you have anu info were I could look for further details?

I will close my letter now and perhaps you will write me back?


Gisela Wittig/hillman

Thank you for putting this information on the internet for our use. I was recently assigned to do extensive research on the Holocaust and with the help of these pages dedicated to this purpose I can get the job done sucessfully. I would greatly appreciate if you could e-mail me more information if you possibly can. Thank you.
Valerie Williams

Valerie Williams

I am a Jewish 5th grader, and I am finding information about the holocaust for my religeous school class. I think the idea of people murdering each other so brutally is sickening. All I have to say is: I hate Hitler!


Non Jews were not forgoton you idiot


thank you for a very moving remebrance. I am Jewish - I do not know if any of my relatives where survivors. I do know that my grandmother and grandfather - on my mothers side - were from Poland. Both my parents have died. Thats all I know. But I share with all my feelings.

thank you

Jackie Lesser

Just discovered your website today, and haven't had time to explore it. It seems to be very informative. Hope I can spend some time with you soon.

Solomon H. Statman

I just adjust from catholic to Jewish few weeks ago. I live in U.S. I am 18 years old. I want some adult who can e-mail me some information about this subject. Please e-mail me please!.
Michelle L. Trezecinski

Michelle Trzecinski

Terese, I read your page and am a bit confused. There were 20 million Russians who died during the war and surely many millions throughout the rest of Europe as well. These millions of Poles that you are counting...did these die in the camps? or as a result of the war in general? I know it is sometimes difficult to make these distinctions but it is a critical one. During wars many die ...those that died in the camps merely because of who the were ...the Jews, the Gypsys...cannot be counted with those that died because of the results of war.


Orianna, thank you for asking an interesting question. We have all read and heard countless times about the 11 million victims of the Holocaust -- six million Jews and five million "others". The figures mentioned at this Website are not new and are not "mine". They are figures that historians worldwide seem to agree on. What we have attempted to do at this site is to identify these "others" -- to give them some recognition so they may be remembered and acknowledged as something more than just "the others".

There were also thousands of Polish Jews who fought and died in the war. Some Polish Jews fought as enlisted soldiers in the AK -- the Polish Army -- such as Menachem Begin. Other Jews fought as resistance fighters in the sewers and streets along with the Polish Underground. Over one thousand Jewish soldiers fought in the Italian campaign against the Nazis. I do not know if historians have included the Jewish grave markers at the military cemetery at Monte Cassino when they counted the six million. Did the historians count the Jewish soldiers who died in Monte Cassino as casualties of war or victims of the Holocaust? It is a good question. As I stated before, we simply want to recognize and not forget the five million "others".

Terese Pencak Schwartz

My grandfather died in Buchenwald, my mother and grandmother survived Ravensbruck and Belsen. Thank you for having such a site on the 'net.

Richard Blaszczyk

Great site,keep up the good work.

stephen St. Hilaire

Interesting and well-made side Teresa. One of the other writers, Orianna, makes a valid point about 20 million Russians and whether or not the Polish victims died in the camps. Itґs true that in ABSOLUTE terms Russia lost more people than anybody else, however Stalinґs military tactics
also contributed to that high number. In RELATIVE terms Poland lost 20% of itґs prewar population (half of them
jewish). This is the highest of any country, and compares to
10% for Russia and Yugoslavia, 2.5% for Holland, 8% for
Germany and so on.
Orianna is right in saying that the jews, gypsies, homosexuals and certain religious people were persecuted
for BEING jewish, gypsy, gay and religious. As far as I know, the 3 million non-jewish Poles that died, died because of three things: war action (like the invasion of ґ39, the
Warsaw Uprising of ґ44, the Polish Armed Forces in exile,
the Red Army in Poland during ґ44/ґ45), murder by the
Russians (katyn, Siberia, etc.), murder by the Germans of
which the extremely harsh reprisals for the slightest
ґwrong-doingґ are just one example. Also the brutal clearing
of hundreds of Polish villages in SE Poland by the SS, in order to create ґLebensraumґ for German farmers. These
ґclearingsґ usually meant that everybody,men,women and
children were summarily executed on the spot. I know for
sure that in the extermination camp ґMajdanekґ near Lublin
also in SE Poland, a number of non-jewish Poles were gassed.
I know this doesnґt compare to the six million jews
of whom the majority was gassed. However, the gassings that
took place in Majdanek were supposed to be a start to
kill a larger amount of Poles (again to create Lebensraum),
and the remainder would be used as slaves to the Germans
that would settle in their new ґLebensraumґ.
Concluding, I think it is fair to say that the jewish people
suffered the most, by far, as a PEOPLE, but that the Poles
suffered the most as a NATION. In the end, I think itґs
better to look at the present-day and prevent intolerance, bigotr

Patryk Minkiewicz

I think it is a wonderful thing people are doing to rise the public awareness on the subject of the Holocaust.

Cameron Crawford

SHALOM, I am so sorry to heard that. I am not Jewish before my 18 th birthday. Now, I am 18 years old. I want to be Jewish because I can save American and Europe Jews for next century. Please response this letter and SHALOM, Michelle Trzecinski.

Michelle Trzecinski

Seems like the guest book still functions
bob Miller

robert miller

I need help on a history project I am doing on the concentration camps in the second world war. I am in grade nine and I live in South Africa. Any concentration camp would be fine.

shoana steenkamp

Hello, my name is Stanley W. Lyskanowski. I am a survivor of Auschwitz. I was captured in Warsaw in November 1941, taken to SS HDQ in Warsaw, held for 11 months and sent to Pawiak and deported to Auschwitz in the spring of 1943. I was transferred to Mauthausen-Gusen and remained there till the end of the war.

Stanley Lyskanowski

I read with interest, in one sitting, your entire web site. I commend you for efforts to remind us of ALL the victims of the Holocaust. It seems unfortunate, however, that the world doesn't learn from the past. The recent genocide against the Muslims of Bosnia, once again in the lap of Europe, and the world's seemingly indifferent voyeuristic response leaves one feeling despondent and frustrated . . .

Christine Schardt

My father was taken from his home in 1939 and has never seen his family again. Now I am trying to find out if any of our relatives are still alive in Poland or elsewhere, but am not quite sure how to do this. My father is 78 now and I know he would like to know about his family. He is stubborn though and won't talk about his life during and before WW2. I would appreciate any advice on how to accomplish my search.
Thank you,
Robert Olejarski

Robert Olejarski

I really appreciate your fine efforts in publicizing the fact that Polish people suffered greatly during the War. Keep up the good work.

Ron B

This was very educational and I learned alot from this site!


I became a student of the Holocaust after reading "Night".
I am convinced that "never forgetting" through education
and awareness is paramount to it happening "never again".
However, humanity is slow to learn the lesson of "The Holocaust".
Bosnia and Rwanda are recent examples. I am a member of the
"Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights". It was
through their publication, "Catalyst" that I first became
aware of "the others" and the current misinformation being
circulated about what Pope Pius XII did and did not do about
"The Holocaust". I am also a Pro-Life educator and sadly see
many parallels between "The Holocaust" and "the silent holocaust
of abortion". I see hate as the common denominator. With the
Nazis it was hate for non-Ayran races as an intrusion on creating
a "master race". With abortion it is hate for the intrusion
on and inconvenience to life style (>95% of abortions are done
for these reasons). Mother Teresa said it best, "It is truly
a great poverty that your child must die so that you may live
as you wish." In both cases a "class" of human beings were
first blamed for economical and sociological problems, accused
of infringing on the rights of others, dehumanized and then
stripped of all legal rights. In both instances the popular
culture allowed one group to have absolute power over another
group by being persuaded (duped) into believing a misinformation
campaign of propaganda. Yet, in both cases the people knew/know
the truth in their hearts ("But, did you know?"). This analogy
draws mixed reactions. Sometimes it angers people, sometimes
it enlightens people. Most people know about "The Holocaust",
but, they do not understand how, or why, it happened. I use
the analogy in my classes to teach how precious all life is
because it is a gift from God and only God can give life and
take it away. The Nazis nearly succeeded in removing morality,
conscience and religious opinion from the public forum. I see
the media being manipulated into doing the same today

Tom Guiod

Thank you, Terese, for making such information available. I
have known of the 5 million but could find very little about them. I am of Polish descent, both my grandparents emigrated
to the US around 1909, but all of their families remained. I am having difficulty finding any information about relatives left behind and I believe I now have an idea why. Any info I glean I will certainly share with you. I remember!

Linda Szalacinski

After reading messages about how the "11 million" were determined, I believe the difference between casualties of war (the millions of Russians) and the Holocaust victims was that the Russians were fighting the war to gain something or to stop something (like invasion of land or usurping of power) whereas the Holocaust victims were killed simply because of who or what they were, Jewish, Polish, handicapped, black, Gypsy, etc. They were systematically pursued and exterminated, most had no weapons and did not actively defend themselves as a soldier does in a conflict. I hope this helps explain HOW the numbers were determined. I believe they find peace knowing we won't forget ANY of them.

Linda Szalacinski

The Holocaust was a sad and unfortunate chapter in history. We must remember it, and teach our children and others of it, so that such horror can never be repeated again.

with held

What a wonderfully enlightening web page. Thank you for your information and the stories told here.

Doris E. Williams

I am 41 years old and only recently found out, by taking my children to the Holocaust museum in Los Angeles, that the Polish were so targeted by the Nazis. My mother is Polish, and ever since I remember, has always been very secretive about information regarding her heritage. A few little bits of information would come through every so often, but now I believe I understand. I am trying to trace her relatives but with very little luck. I finally found a document that lists my grandfather's birthplace as Lody, Poland, but that isn't listed anywhere, so it's still a dead end. I will continue my search. Thank you for this website. It's is wonderful and informative. Best of luck to you.

Rita Bishop

I can fully understand the problem with the racially selective element of the Nazi doctrine causing discomfort for any non-german--the crimes being comparable to the biblical genocides celebrated in the Jewish religion--causing clouding of judgement, but why are the actions of the Communists ignored? Why is your short history of the Nazi elimination of the Polish governing classes revisionist. Hitler invaded Poland with the assistance of Stalin. Stalin eliminated the Officer classes--though later claimed to have not done so. Is it because you have pinko aspirations? Or careless? Regardless of the crimes of our enermy we must give them a fare hearing. Otherwise we to become revisionist.

Henry Muller

I really like the web site on the Holocaust. I am very interested in the Holocaust because I am Polish and since that is where it started, that's why. Thank you and please keep this site on the web.

Tara Mallak

Thank-you for having this web site.Words cant express how tragic the Holocaust was.

mar kamon

never let anybody forget this heinous act that one man did!

Gordon Lindgren

Istnieje wrazenie ze Holocaust stal sie monopolem dla jednej nacji. Propaganda hitlerowska wymazala Polskosc z pamieci niektorych nacji. Praca Teresy Pencak Schwartz jest jedna z nielicznych so przypominaja te fakty. Szkoda ze jest tylko w jezyku polskim. Polacy dobrze pamietaja o wszyskich nacjach pokrzywdzonych w czasie 2 wojny swiatowej. Propaonowal bym umieszczenie w jezyku angielskim, jidysz, hebrajskim.Po w tych jezykach jest najwiekszy brak na obiektywne wiedze o tych okrutnych czasach

Zbigniew Dworski

GOD BLESS YOU.The truth will be known because of people like you.You have a true Polish Heart.

Larry Zeleznik A Pruod Polish American

Larry Zeleznik



Dear Mrs. Terese Pencak Schwartz,
It was with great interest that I read your historical
account of the Holocaust of Polish people not of Jewish origin. Please translate this article in to the English language - not in Polish only.
To add to your account - my Komierowski family was also victims of German invasion and occupation of Poland during
WW II. In the first hours of September 1st, 1939 Tomasz
Komierowski, col. Konstanty Komierowski were arrested and executed. Many more members of Komierowski family lost their life or (1000 years old Komierowo) family estates including all belongings during the war time.
Because they were members of the old patriotic Komierowski family, the Gestapo had prepared all family members to be
exterminated. During WW II family help many people in needs
(underground Polish Army, prisoners, priests in Dachaua, Auschwitz concentration camps, including Jewish population
in town of Ryki.
After the WW II family was ostracised and oppressed by communist government. For Komierowski family the WW II ended in 1989 when communist government collapsed.
Above are additional statement of the victims of WW II and
Yalta Agreement.

Rafal K. Komierowski

Correction! Not six but eight milions people was killed in Poland in World War II including Jews. I can't fond how many of them was Jewish.

Christopher Blaszczykowski

If you are only looking for other accounts I am sorry I have none to share. I would only like it to be known, that I am deeply moved and I appreciate the effort of anyone who is going to remember. I am of Polish Jew descent and when I hear of the propaganda being printed about the Holocaust being fabricated my blood runs cold. As my grandmother has told me, for as long as I can remember, "We must not forget." Indeed, I will not LET them forget. Thank you for contributing such an informative page. May God bless and keep you.


Przejrzaіem Pani stronк. To waїne, їeby pisaж o nieїydowskich ofiarach II wojny swiatowej. Sami Їydzi maj№ o tym raczej blade pojкcie. Natomiast nie moїna pisaж na przykіad o Holocauscie Polakуw, poniewaї takiego faktu nie byіo. Hitler nie skazaі Polakуw na zagіadк tak, jak Їydуw, tylko z powodu pochodzenia rasowego, religijnego, czy narodowociowego. W przypadku Їydуw wchodziі w grк czynnik rasowy. Polacy ponosili natomiast koszta bardzo ciкїkich okupacji - hitlerowskiej i sowieckiej. Nikt nie wywiуzі z Lublina 80 tysiкcy Polakуw do Beіїca, czy na Majdanek. Za to z getta wywieziono wszystkich Їydуw. Polacy mogli normalnie podrуїowaж kolejami, prowadziж handel, otwarte byіy kocioіy, przynajmniej w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie. Za to w stosunku do Polakуw hitlerowcy zastosowali bardzo ostre represje i terrorystyczne prawo okupacyjne, ktуre nie obowi№zywaіo we Francji, czy nawet w Protektoracie Czech i Moraw. Nawet wysiedlenia z Wielkopolski, Pomorza i Њl№ska, chociaї tragiczne w swojej wymowie, nie koсczyіy siк masowymi egzekucjami, czy deportacj№ do obozуw zagіady. Na Zamojszczyџnie ludzi kierowano do obozуw pracy w Niemczech lub osadzano ich w specjalnych wsiach na trasie Lublin-Warszawa. Dzieci Zamojszczyzny - wiele z nich zamordowano, ale istniaіy duїe moїliwosci wykupywania ich z transportуw. Przypadki takie miaіy miejsce w 1943 r. w Lublinie i w Warszawie. Dzieci їydowskich nie moїna byіo wykupiж, bo z gуry przeznaczone byіy na smierж. Istnieje bardzo bogata literatura na temat II wojny swiatowej w Polsce. Moїna porуwnaж sobie los Polakуw i Їydуw. Sam jestem Polakiem. Rodzina moja wojnк przeїyіa w Lublinie i z historii rodzinnych wiem, їe nie przeїywali takich okropnosci, jak Їydzi, czy Cyganie. Wujek mуj byі na robotach w Rzeszy w latach 1940-1945, dziadek siedziaі w wiкzieniu na Zamku lubelskim. Brata drugiego dziadka rozstrzelano w 1942 r. na Starym Kirkucie w Lublinie, nie za pochodzenie, ale dlatego, їe byі zakіadnikiem. Jego rodzina wojnк przeїyіa. S№ to pewne rуїnice z losem Їydуw. Moїna mуwiж o martyrol

Kuwaіek Robert

Hi! I am a professor of German at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. My current research concerns the writings of Mariella Mehr, a Swiss Roma (Jenische)who was instrumental in stopping a race-hygienic program (Hilfswerk fьr die Kinder der Landstrasse [Charity for the Children of the Countryroad])in force between 1926-1973.
Currently I am working on "Tiefland," Leni Riefenstahl's last feature film. I am searching for documents that may shed light on the allegations that she used Rom prisoners as extras; some sources say that she did so with the promise of protecting them; many are said to have died in the KZ shortly after the filming was ended. If anyone knows more about this, please drop me an email-note. Thank you.
Roger Russi

Roger Russi

I am neither jewish nor polish, but I greatly applaud your efforts. I am a teacher who is concerned about the lack of knowledge on the Holocaust in the younger generation.

I am also writing a paper about the position of homosexuals in America today with regard to the religious right and their anti-homosexual rhetoric. I am glad to see that you included some information about the slaughter of homosexuals under the Nazi regime as well.

May God bless your efforts.

Cindy Le Fevre

As a degree student of History I found this page a useful source on a subject that should never be forgotten. When thinking of the Holocaust one thinks of the Jews. This page reminds us that other people suffered the same atrocities.


As a student training to be a teacher I have had to try to teach the Holocaust to Year 9 pupils an enormous task to do well. I hope that I have taught it with compassion and interest, your site has certainly helped me to explain to those pupils the true horror of what happened. Thank you.

Phill Jones

Can anyone tell me anything about the 104 Battalion (Kobrin). The battalion was formed in 1941-42 in Belarus (Pollessie region) and consisted of about 1000 Belarusian and Ukrainian volunteers. The volunteers wore green Lithuanian uniforms - their duty was to guard railway lines, supply depots, canal locks, etc.

All replies welcome.

Olga Miller

Found your sight very enlightening. My inlaws were part of the non Jewish survivors of the holocaust. I have been trying to trace the family roots to no avail. If you know how I could find out about my father in laws birth place it would be appreciated. Sladkowborny is how it is spelled on his death certificate.

Both inlaws worked in the Nazi work camps in Enhin Donau or there abouts. All I have is a picture of mother in law with "Prison numbers" on it.

Louise Boruch

Louise Boruch


Kevin Smith



I am interested to know more about the holocaust. I had a teacher in grade school insist that the holocaust did not happen. So it was drilled in our heads that such a thing did not happen. I was wondering how I can get some hands on some information about this. I do not have and e-mail address, but I will give you my home address. Thank you very much for your time.
Kirby Flegel
715-401 Athabasca ave.
Ft. McMurray, AB
T9J 1H3

kirby flegel

watch my site:
secondly:my grand grand father abraham shalom friedberg (har shalom) was a hebraist writer in warsaw died in 1902 his grave is a mounument in the jewish cemetery near perec and great writers.he wrote many books and was publisher of the first newspaper in hebrew in warsaw.was censor etc..
my uncle Izio Nachimzon was a hero fighting Nazis at last days of uprising warsaw together with poles (as christian)
and died while fighting.
best regards
uri jerzy nachimzon/Izrael

uri nachimson

I am so glad someone is reminding the world of "the others". EVERYONE who was mudered in the Holocaust should be remembered. We all swear we will see that it never happens again. Unfortunately it has happened again: The Khumer Rouge and the Killing Fields are another example.
So was the massacre of the Russian people and the Chinese.
Someday, the world will have to realize that all human life is precious.
Perhaps the best memorial to all victims of hatred and murder is love amoung all people and NO MORE WARS.
It astounds me to know that one human being could do this horrible thing to another human being! It's even more astounding how many people are willing to perpetrate such atrocities on their fellow man.

Cheryl Strayer

while looking for information on medical experiments done on people in concentration camps i came across this article. I am glad to see that i am not the only one interested in making sure people know about the non Jewish victims. My question is this, why do we only here about the Jewish people. why don't more people know about the others!


I am of polish decent, my grandparents came from poland
This is a story i have never heard and i am very grateful to have read more history about my polish heritage
Thank you
Ted Wilk

theodore wilk

We visited the museum two summers ago and found it to be
an incredible and moving experience. I remember seeing the items described.
Since our visit, my aunt passed away. The signifigance of my aunt's passing
to anyone reading is that at my aunt's wake, I was informed by family my father never told me about that my true nationality,
on my father's side is Polish. I grew up being told by my father that he was German/
Austrian. I met my cousin,the son of my father's brother. He said, " Isn't it amazing
how you grew up German and I grew up Polish and our fathers are brothers?" My
uncle told me many lied about being Polish. Now that I know, I crave for knowledge of
my family I have never known.

Susan Barriball

this website has been a wonderful resource for me. It has given me alot of inforamtion I will use in my class project.

Darrell Roberts

Thank you for remiding the people of the world the horrible truths of what the Nazi's did. This site is wonderful.


These were all very sad stories. The whole idea of the Holocaust is a sad story. I found this site because I had to do a report for a class. And I'm glad I did because I learned more about it.


Ich denke, daЯ es nett ist, sich an vergessene die zu erinnern. Leute wie die
Zeugen des Jehovahs.

Uwe Dritten

To whom it may concern,

I went to your site, looking for information on the holocaust. I Had to do a 10th grade report on it..... I read the report by a boy that visited a slave camp when he was my age...on a trip to europe.... it was very well written. i just wanted to thank you for changing my out-look on the terrible tragedy that occured.

sincerely, koral l. menzies


thank u sooo much 4 creating this page. i have found it a very useful resource 4 my group's project 4 humanities. i appreciate u acknowledging the other victims besides the jews :o) your page is very informative! thank u!

Lauren K

I am fascinated with the Holocaust. I cannot believe how the world did not do anything about the extermination of so many innocent people. I am glad that you are letting people know about the Holocaust, so that we will learn from this disaster.


This article was very interesting. I too lost lots of brave fellow Jehovah's Witnesses who were persecuted because of our belief and reaining firm to it

Nicola McKay

this web site is yery educational.

christina rivera

I got to this site by searching on Yahoo! for a report for my class. My friend and I are doing a report on Schindler's List. We realize now how sad and depressing it is, and how many people were killed. It just makes you realize how fragile life is, and how fast your life can change for the worst. ~Nicole

Coley Lewis

I am currently a university history major. This semester I have 3 courses on the holocaust and Nazi Germany, and thus I found this web site through research. Even in 3 courses I have heard little so far about non-Jewish victims, and wanted to thank you for putting the information out there. The persecution of Jews was frightening, but the persecution of others was just as frightening. It needs to be known.

E Till

I think the information here is very useful and also extremely sad. I will be talking about the Holocaust in my Geography class. This will give them a better understanding of those that were murdered by Hitler. Thank you

Pam Chasteen

I have always wondered why the non-Jewish victims have not banded together like the Jews and speak up regarding the horror of the Holocaust. My interest stemed from the nuns who taught me about the horror and told me about people like Maximilian Kolbe and other brave Christians who helped other victims and subsequently lost their lives. I am a teacher in Moorpark California. Thank you.

martha mihalovits


This article was very intresting. I'm in high school at the
moment. I need some information on the holocaust, since I am
doing a research paper on that subject. If you can send me more information on this subject I will appreciate it. You can email me at .


I'm a High School student in Florida. I just thought you should be thanked for the information. It has helped me greatly.


Hi, I am doing a HUGE paper (5-8 pages) about "Ravensbruk".
If you could send me some information that would greatly appreciated! -----thank you

Anna Brown

I am using your information in a term paper for school. I belive it is important for people to know about the non-Jew victims of the Holocaust. I did'nt know so many of "The Others" died. I will never forget.

Tiffany Hyatt

I found this website to be very informative. I think it is important to learn about our history, no matter how terrifying or unpleaseant it is, so that we can learn from our mistakes for a better future.


I found this website to be very informative. I think it is important to learn about our history, no matter how terrifying or unpleaseant it is, so that we can learn from our mistakes for a better future.


it was great. i really loved to learn about the horrible holocaust i know that sounds terrible but it's the truth i wish i could know everything about the holocaust it was very good.

april/ badgirl
Rickman's @

I am a student of History in Poland (so sorry for my language). I write this word to say thank you!!! for your job. I think that all people in Poland and all Jews think like you, there were no rasism(?) in Poland against Jews and no more antipolisch speaker (e.g. Weiss). I think that polish and jews have a lot of together history. At least 3 mln Jews lived in Poland before II war and i heard that in Izrael in 50 -years 90% people speak polish. So if you will need some documents, papers etc pls write me.
Krzysztof Czapelski
Szczecin, Poland

Krzysztof Czapelski

Thanks, for finally telling the world what really happened,to my father, mother, uncles and aunts. All witnessed it and suffered, but very few ever believed them after the war, except for their own families. My God give peaceful rest for those who died and are not remembered, but may He may also grant wisdom for those who fail to believe, what really happened to Poles at the hands of the Nazis.
From Walter W. Rzeszutek, Winnipeg, Canada.

Walter W Rzeszutek

Ruth Ann Kerr

Leilani Vavau

i want to give a shout out to my teacher mrs.tremane because i have a project to do for her and i hope she will read this shout out!
the one the only,
Leilani Vavau

Leilani Vavau

dear Mrs.Treamane,
this holocaust project is really fun! My partners are Lisa Clemson, And Quninett Gray. They are really fun to work with and i hope i can do this project again! and that you r the greatest English teacher that i had ever had in my life!
Again, the one, and the only,
Leilani vavau

Leilani vavau

Thank you for a nesscary site.


Hello, this is an excellent site, it will teach more people about the horrors of World War II. I just can't believe the uneducated people these days. I am not Jewish religiously but I greatly defend Israel and the Jewish people!

Mazel Tov!

No mail please

This is a great web site. My friend Diney and I are doing a resurch project and this was a great resorce!


My literature interest has always been in the incidents that occured and that are referred to as "The Holocaust". I learn every day of how our malicious actions can destroy a world of people with dignity.

Norma L. Crispin

In Nizkor's rebuttal to Zundel's "66 Questions" I found something that puzzled me. Responding to question 36, in which the IHR is quoted as originally estimating the number of dead in the concentration camps at 300,000 before revising this figure upwards to a possible 500,000, Nizkor says:

"What would the revisionists be saying if real historians changed their figures around like this...?

In the light of the above, can anyone explain to me how the number of Auschwitz dead was officially numbered at 4 million before being drastically revised downwards in 1990 to 1.3 million? Were "real historians" responsible for this?
I'm referring of course to the 19 plaques that could be found at the Auschwitz Museum site before 1990. These were removed in favour of a plaque that now gives the new figure.
This puzzles and disturbs me. I am by no means a revisionist and I have always believed in the veracity of the Holocaust, but such a drastic revision astonishes me.How was the original figure arrived at? Who is responsible for the new figure? How is it possible to go from an accepted figure of 4 million to an accepted figure of 1.3 million?
This doesn't make sense and it worries me.

Roy Whyte

ATTENTION ALL!!!! I'm doing a IB school project and I NEED primary sources on the holocaust. I can't seem to find any. Your help would be greatly appriciated. Thank you.

Lisa V.

this is a very imfo packed websight and i really enjoyed reading it . It really helped me with my research report!!



Haven't been to your site in awhile. Looks wonderful and is growing. Visited Poland in August for first time. Sad but enlightening. Visited Warsaw ghetto sites and last synagoge in Warsaw. Said a broka for those who perished and postcards to my Jewish friends telling them that theywere not forgoten, then went to Mass. Am living history buff collect Polish militaria. I will try to send you some documents that you may wish to use.


Paul R. Konys

I am writing a novel that deals with this subject. I would be very interested in learning more about the experiences of both Polish and Jewish victims and current issues regarding Polish-Jewish relations.

Curtis Urness

It is no joy in reading on the sad and trajic Holocaust subject matter, but it is a very interesting topic. I have read many books on this subject and i can find no answer to how can a country be so cruel to so many people. If my country of my identity commited such horrifying murders, I would be completely embarrased to be known of my nationality.
I haven't read many things on Josef Mengele, the angle of death. If there are some books on this nasty, horrific and inhumane doctor, please recommend.

Rajashree Patel

Nazi's used the word "Aryans", Swastika, the symbol for swastika and the way they did Hitler's pledge.
I am a Hindu and all these 4 Nazi identities have been used in Hinduism for thousands of years. Aryan is a sanscrit word means pure, swastika means well being, the nazi symbol for swastika is in most Hindu scriptures and in all Hindu temples and the way Nazi's honored Hitler (by raising their arm perpendicular to their bodies) is the way people in India pledge their motherland.
Does anyone know why the Nazi's used words that are related to Hinduism? When i moved to US and i found this out, I was really pissed off. Please resond to me if anyone has any answer to my dilemma.
thank you.


I am studying literature of the holocaust at the University Of Herts, England and believe that the Jewish Holocaust is something that should never be forgotton

Annika Eade

Never forgive, never forget. Above all else, never forget.


I am not jewish, so I couln't begin to understand the horror of the events that happened. I have done a lot of research so I do understand a lot of what happened. I have been to memorials and have a lot of Jewish friends. I THINK jewish people are strong and beautiful.

Michelle Ryan

Hello! Thankyou for developing such an information packed site. I am a tenth grader and I am doing a report on the non-jews killed during the Holocaust. Especially the terror among twins that was performed. This site let me fully understand how strong Jewish people were and will always be.
Thanks Again


I am one of the hundreds of High School students learning abou the Holocaust & I thought I would just comment on the account of the teen who visited Auchwitz- well no one can help feeling the dislike for Hitler & what the Nazi's did to the jews. Believe me I do not like it either but what I am trying to say is that we should not stoop to the level that Hitler & the Nazi's did with the killing of millions of innocent people by hating them & by (as in the teens account - wanting rejoice in the death of the commadant) b/c if we were to do that would that in a way be like repeating the cycle? Just some food for thought for those who read the guest book. n/ways great web site & it has helped me immensly with my report. Thanks!


I am one of the hundreds of High School students learning abou the Holocaust & I thought I would just comment on the account of the teen who visited Auchwitz- well no one can help feeling the dislike for Hitler & what the Nazi's did to the jews. Believe me I do not like it either but what I am trying to say is that we should not stoop to the level that Hitler & the Nazi's did with the killing of millions of innocent people by hating them & by (as in the teens account - wanting rejoice in the death of the commadant) b/c if we were to do that would that in a way be like repeating the cycle? Just some food for thought for those who read the guest book. n/ways great web site & it has helped me immensly with my report. Thanks!
ps> How could any body begin to hate a whole other beautiful race?


I am trying too find out information on a German man named Peter Shmitz who died in Dachau on April 11,1945 . He was an SS officer imprisoned for getting letters from people on thier way to concentration camps to family members. I even have a case number #136088. Could you tell me where to get info on him


I am an eigth grade student doing a report on the Holocaust. I thankyou so very much for providing this information. When I read stories of the survivors it brings tears to my eyes. I thankyou again for providing this important information for my report.


My heart aches when I read the tragic stories of the lives of these humans. God be with those who have felt this pain and are living with the horrible past in their family's lives.

My daughter was doing a project on the children of the Holocaust and I did the research on the Webb and found so many sad stories...

C. Tippens

I only wish the school's would teach everything that I have learned today just by visiting this site. Perhaps if these things were taught within our school's we can prevent something like this from happening again. Thanks to all who have shared their stories with the world.

I am very interesting in the history about the Holocaust during the Second World War. I have read very much about the Holocaust, but my problem is that I can not understand how this could happen, only 20 years before I was born. One problem is that most of the photos from the concentration camps are black/white photos. I think these photos makes a mental distance to this terrible part of our history! I really look forward to visit Auschwitch by my self,may be my mental problem will be reduced. I think that my generation is responible to bring the Holocaust history in to the future, and I will try to my best. Thanks a lot for for these very important link!

Gustav Svane, Norway.

Gustav Svane

My father was Charles Coward. He was responsible or saving over 4000 Jewish people during his captivity at Auschwitz concentration camp. The Israeli people hounoured him the `Israeli Peace Medal` and he is one of only 2 non gentile people to receive this medal. The other non gentile was Sir Winston Churchill. He has been hounored in a garden in `The Avenue of Righteous Gentiles` together with W Chirchill and a tree has been planted in their honour.
A book was written and then a film made of his exploits (The password is Courage). I have recently been informed that he was responsible for the escape of the father of a Mr Shimon Perez, the former priminister of Israel. I would like to know if this is correct ?.

Any information about my father would be greatly appreciated.

Thank-you Linda Clarke. (nee Coward)

Linda Clarke

We thought this site was very interesting and we had no idea of how many people actually died during the holocaust

Amber and Jane

thanx u saved my life

Patrick Koester

thanx u saved my life

Patrick Koester

thanx u saved my life

Patrick Koester

I'm really interested in the holocaust, and it's a nice site


This is a magnificent site. I came across it while searching for any information concerning a hate rag that occasionally shows up in my mail authored by a Rev.Gordon Winrod. I can't think of the name of the sheet, but it reads like Der Stuermer. Once again, a stunning site, and a truly moving one.


I am a German Polish person who is writing a thesis on the unforgotten victims of Adolph Hitler. Many only remember the Hews, and by no means should we lessen their plight. But my mother grew up in Germany at that time, and Germans, Poles, and many others feared execution.

Brenda Keane

This is awesome! Your web site was the only one with the non-jew information. I intend to go back when its time for us to pick out our holocaust topics for our speech. Thank you!


Whitney Grespin

Ogromnie wzroszajace jest to wszystko.
Jaka szkoda ze nie moge przeczytac tego co jest umieszczone w ksiedze gosci ,wiem jedno ze nie jeden Swiadek Jehowy opisal swoja sytuacje meczenstwa w imie prawdziwego Boga Jehowy. Jesli ktos bedzie czytal to , prosilbym azeby napisal do mnie kilka slow o przezyciach Swiadkow Jehowy w obozie .Peter

Peter K.

Ogromnie wzroszajace jest to wszystko.
Jaka szkoda ze nie moge przeczytac tego co jest umieszczone w ksiedze gosci ,wiem jedno ze nie jeden Swiadek Jehowy opisal swoja sytuacje meczenstwa w imie prawdziwego Boga Jehowy. Jesli ktos bedzie czytal to , prosilbym azeby napisal do mnie kilka slow o przezyciach Swiadkow Jehowy w obozie .Peter

Peter K.

I'm sixteen years old, and am colombian, I am not a Jew, or have any family that went through that nightnare, but I really feel the pain. I hope that God had bring love to all this people in heaven, and I know that all this people that were so cruel to their own brother and sisters have already pay for their terrible actions. I just hope that this will never again happen in the future, because no body has the right to die or suffer for the unjustice of other people.

Ledy Ochoa

I need to write a report of female victims of the holocaust and I can't find anything specific about it. There should be some specific information for people who have to write reports like me. Also i haven't found any of the so called graphic pictures from the Holocaust. There should be easier access.

Lindsey Hicks


Sam Shady

I am interested in the holocaust and have done some reading on it. I am in college and majoring in elementary education. I was wondering if anyone has ideas of how I could create a unit on the holocaust. The material could be for grades 1-8. Any information would be appreciated. I would like to teach students about this historical event so that nothing so horrible will ever happen again because of hatred.

Judy Mills

One gruop of victims that often seems to be forgotten is the many left-wing activists, those with such symphaties and many others. Socialists and nazis are, as you know, each others sworn enemies.
Very good site!


sup i am doin a report on the holocaust and the pictures are really helpful...thanks..


Hello everyone... i was curious to know about the history of the human race and was captured by the terible treatment that was put forth on another race... it is very interesting to see that even after all the bad turns of the past... a being should be able to respond to that and evolve.... but it seems that lessons does'nt seem to instill the proper information in our advanced minds... these type of actions have been commited numerous times since then and still there seems to be no changes to take affect... this ofcourse will be the doom of the human race... and it seems to be comming pretty near at the rate that we are headed....

Vik Chohan

A wealth of information, a wealth of truth, a wealth of sorrow for those who could not fulfil their dreams. Let us always remember and never permit what happend during that time.
If any one out there know what happend to Arnold Naftaniel, his wife and daughters please let us know. You can let them know that Otto on his death bed was looking for his friend and I his grandson have run into brick wall after brick wall.

Thank You for those that are searching still.

The Grossmann Family

We have only our hearts and soals as our contributions. As such, we write to thank you for your efforts to honor ALL VICTIMS by establishing the whole truth about ALL PERSONS who were the victims of Hitler's mass murder, degradation, and enslavement of large classes of humans beings, not just the class of Jews. Wesley served in WWII in the Pacific theater. DEAR LORD, MAY WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND WITH ALL THE TRUTH MAY WE ALL BE SET FREE OF PRJUDICE AND DEDICATE OURSELVES TO WORK ALL OUR LIVES TO HONOR ALL LIFE AS GOD'S MOST PRESCIOUS GIFT. MAY THE LORD BLESS AND GUIDE TO RIGHTEOUSNESS ALL THE VICTIMS AND THEIR PERPETRATORS AS WELL AS THEIR FAMILIES,DESCENDANTS AND RELATIVES. AMEN. Sincerly, Jimmie and Wesley Mercer; 12450 Charlotte Drive; Alpharetta, GA; 30004-1408; (770)-442-0569

Jimmie and Wesley Mercer

Thank you for such a wonderful and touching site! Being of Polish descent, and having lost family there during the war, I found myself in tears as I read the pages. Keep the memory alive. This kind of atrocity should never be allowed to happen again!

Janet Birkner

Thank you for such a wonderful and touching site! Being of Polish descent, and having lost family there during the war, I found myself in tears as I read the pages. Keep the memory alive. This kind of atrocity should never be allowed to happen again!

Janet Birkner

Ralph P. Stein

I am a 57 year old grandmother and have been interested in
in reading and studying about the Holocaust since learning about it in 1956. Since that time the people that perished and the survivors have held a very special place in my heart. It is our responsibility to see that a tragedy such as this must never happen again. This must be taught in our schools in order that all future generations be aware of the Holocaust.May God comfort the survivors.

Joyce E. Byrum

A member of my Masonic Lodge is a survivor of the camps. I listen with intensity as to his personal experiences during those politically blind years. I have never met an individual with such a zest for caring and loving as this "Brother" of mine. I value and learn from his experiences.


Mike Moonblatt

My family came out of Poland in 1921 and I am one of the lucky Jews born in the USA in 1938. I believe that there was still family there during the holocaust but on the Russian border. I have met people in my lifetime with tatood numbers on them and have heard many stories. I Thank God for being born here and I morn those who didnt have a chance.
Roberta Cardelli

Roberta White Cardelli

For many years, when viewing a movie or reading about the holocaust, I was deeply affected. I wondered why this felt so personal. I am not Jewish, yet, I got the eerie feeling that this happened to me, my people, relatives that I never met. Now I know why. I am Polish. I didn't know that the Germans were determined to rid the world of all Poles. Thank you for the enlightenment.


My mother fled her country of Bulgaria in 1944. She was captured and put in camp for displaced prisoners. She doesn't talk about the past and I'd like to learn more about what happened to survivors. I recently started searching for relatives in bulgaria and haven't had much luck, I've been "chatting" to folks in bulgaria over the internet. My mother hasn't had any contact with anyone from bulgaria since she left and I don't have much information to go on. Does anyone have any suggestions in how I can get help to try and find out about my bulgarian roots?

Betty Rupard

Excellent web site. I am trying to find out more information
about my grandparents, ETTA and Israel Geschwind who I believed were exterminated in 1942. They were in the Polish town of Mielec. My grandfather was an American citizen at the time he was killed. I have in my possession two eyewitness accounts that I don't fully understand. Is it possible that I can fax them to you and you can then explain what it says?

Howard Geschwind

erika wolff-guittar

erika wolff-guittar

i would like to find out more on this my father was a jew and polish. his parents and siblings were shoot in front of him in poland i would like to know what happened to all their land and business.

erika wolff-guittar

your site was an educating experience, as well as a
valuable research source. thank you.

misty snider

Your site here is so well presented. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I especially appreciated your words regarding this 'forgotten' group.

Paula Sykora

I think that what happened during the Holocoust is a terrible thing. In fact, most of my mother's family was killed during the Holocaust. Web pages like this help to educate people so that terrible things such as this will never happen again, to anyone. Thanks for having such a wonderful Holocaust recource on the internet.

Jessica Krasnick

daughter of non-jewish holocaust victim.
May we pray history never repeats itself.

deborah weiland

For some reason the Holocaust has always been a great interest, or rather a mystery, to me. My sister believes that maybe I was a Holocaust victim in another life. That is alittle far fetched for me. Your story was interesting and easy to visualize. I was in Germany a few years ago and tried to visit Dachau Camp but it was closed the month of October when I was there.

Carol Flannigan

The deaths of the Polish at the hands of the Nazis is another area I intend on researching. Thank you for the information you have supplied.

Mark E. Otto

Hello-I am very interested in the Holocaust because I am a blond hair, blue eyed, american with full German blood ancestry. It sickens me to think I came from such people and I must say I am embarresed to be who I am genetically. However the most awful thing is to wonder how would I have reacted had I been alive and well in Germany during Hitlers reign. Would I have helped or simply turned away being secretly happy I was German, blue eyed and blond? I am sorry every day that I have to even wonder.

Becca Moehring

i really loved this website! i thought that it was great and very educational. although it is sad i think that it was a great thing to read about. thanx soo much for making this web site because with out u i would have to be reading some boring book about the holocaust. thanx soo much!!!!!!!
and it really touched my heart, thanx again!

Jessica a.k.a


I am of strict german desent and I do belive in keeping it pure but not like hittler did it

I am of strict german desent and I do belive in keeping it pure but not like hittler did it

I am of strict german desent and I do belive in keeping it pure but not like hittler did it


i am doing a asignment at school on the invasion of poland..
interesting site!
must go now....
see ya..

sunny field

by Jacob Gurewich
American Jews and Gentiles may be shocked and dismayed at the disturbing data
brought to the surface by Chronicles of the State of Israel. Many American Jews, as well as some U.S. government officials, considered David Ben-Gurion, the heads of the Jewish Agency, and the leftist parties–who worked hand in hand with the British overseers of Eretz-Israel–as fitting leaders during the 1940s and after Israeli independence.
CHRONICLES OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL documents the true story of the creation and survival of Israel.
Jacob Gurewich quotes historian Professor Joseph Klausner, speaking in 1947:
“The State of Israel was established on the broken necks of the twelve who were sent to the gallows by the British hangman.” He goes on to show how the progenies of Ben-Gurion have placed Israel’s existence in jeopardy.
“Today, in the final analysis,” Gurewich writes, “looking at the horrendous Holocaust of European Jews, when an entire generation was wiped out by the German murderers and their collaborators, and the corrupt British Empire blockaded Israel’s shores to Jews who escaped certain death in Europe and were not able to save themselves by reaching Israel, one can declare with certainty that the British and their criminal policies extended the impact of the Holocaust. There is not the shadow of a doubt that their policies were interconnected with the massive genocide and the death camps…”
In the book’s prologue, “For Israel’s 50th Anniversary,” Gurewich writes: “I see leaders and people in the State of Israel establishing a powerful organization that would form a stable government with the objective of preventing any more Holocausts …a government that encompasses members from all the irrational numerous parties, interfacing with the parties/factions of the Left, Right, Religious, Secular and others…a government that would not cave in to pressures from the outside world …a government that would not keep Saddam Hussein’s henchmen

Jacob Gurewich

I am in the 11th grade and am doing a research paper on the Holocaust. I am not Jewish but am very interested in learning more about the Holocaust. If anyone has any info. that might help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Sent it to

Malissa Fansler

This is very informational. It helps me see where my ancestors are and what happened to them. Thank you for this site. As disgusting and real as it is.

Christina Smentkowski


crap site!!!


I am curious to know if you will be listing surnames of some
of those who were not Jewish. I hope so. What you have
here is truly very interesting. Thanks.
Amber Bernstein

Amber Bernstein

I have no real contribution to make. I only know that both my greatgrandmother and grandfather Solvinski and Jablonski or Jablonsky were in poland durning this time. I have heard that my greatgrandfather escaped and make it to the U.S. No one left in the family will talk. I don't even know the correct spelling of Jablonski I or Y I grew up useing I but latter found a photo of my grandfather signing his name with a Y. I do know that there are lots of secrets or hurt feeling within my Ploish background.

Vivian Jablonski Baron

hi! my name is priscilla and i'm doing a report for my school on the holocaust because i think people need to know what really happened. if you have any more information that could help me please e-mail at or at


priscilla white



my interest concerning the topic "Holocaust" was sparked by the comments of Falwell concerning the purple triangle of a popular childrens TV character as being a gay symbol... Of course he was wrong because the gays adopted the pink triangle which was given by the nazis as a form of "humiliation" and the gays turned it into a symbol of pride...While searching through the net and visiting the Holocaust Museum>> I found out the Purple Triangle was given to the Jehovah Witnesses...and according to Groliers Student Handbook on the Holocaust it states that yellow triangles and stars were given to the Jews... Purple triangles to the Jehovah Witnesses... Red Triangles to political prisoners.. black triangles to the Gypsies and Pink Triangles to Homosexuals... It would have been nice if Mr Falwell did some research and even the news media about the triangles and nip this "Tinky Winky" fiasco in the bud....Well it did force me to find the truth about the Purple Triangle and in the process learn more about the HOLOCAUST.


Thank you very much for creating this web pag. We are learning about WWII in school and had to write a reprt and this helped greatly. Thank you again. :)

Molly O.

I don't have a comment but a question why did God let this happen?


This was a very cool website

Jon Silzer

Your stories are horrifying. I am saddened and angry that it is possible for people to act like devils. How can this be stopped forever? Is there a non-violent way?

Richard Mazel

MY family were prisoners of war through Russia. I would like to find out more about their history in Poland, including birth records.


This is a great web site, being Spanish Catholic. I had a great grandfather that died in a concentration camp. My grandfather would tell me stories about him. He also liberated one of the camps that his father was in and learned more about what happened to him. We must never forget the tragedy of what happened. Hitler didn't like anyone that was German and who wasn't perfect in his eyes. Millions of people lost their lives because of it. I will never forget the stories my grandfather told me about my great-grandfather. It stays with me always. My prayers are with all the survivors and future generations.


This is a great web site, being Spanish Catholic. I had a great grandfather that died in a concentration camp. My grandfather would tell me stories about him. He also liberated one of the camps that his father was in and learned more about what happened to him. We must never forget the tragedy of what happened. Hitler didn't like anyone that wasn't German and who wasn't perfect in his eyes. Millions of people lost their lives because of it. I will never forget the stories my grandfather told me about my great-grandfather. It stays with me always. My prayers are with all the survivors and future generations.


What an eye opening page. I'm Austrian/Jewish on my mother's side and Polish/Russian Catholic on my father's side of the family. I thank God for having brave courageous grandparents who survived and made a long trip to America. Surely, not to my knowing, I have lost relatives in the Holocaust. This page is great.

Lin Roman

We are learning about the Holocaust at school and I just wanted to find out more information for a report we have to give. tis has helped me out alot. Thank You!

christie turner

word up playerz


It's so scary to see all the people who died and the people who suffered through it all.

Nora Kubach

This page has been very informative for our research paper. Thank you for the details and the info!
-Nora, Karen, Erika

I cryed through the entire article. I founded it to be very
moving and enlightening.
I have passed this article on to family and friends.
Now my mission is to find my extended family in Poland.
This is how came across your website.

Thank you again for sharing your information.


Carol (Slusarczyk) Masturzo

this site is very educating fir research i ng student like me

Lyndee Amyx

I am in eigth grade and right now my English teacher is teaching us about the Holocaust. I find it so interesting. Reading about some of the things people had to go threw in Europe has moved me to tears becuase I thought what if that were me? i am not Jewish but I know I could just as easily being one of those people that went through this horific struggle to survive thank you for creating this homepage it has also touched me heart!!


Sharilyn Hansen

eric reger

I hope adolf hitler is burning in hell


i am a black girl. My interest in the Holocaust is great because i feel that any time people are persecuted because of race, creed, or religion, it is a sick thing. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. I feel that, Had he not been stopped, we would have been next.


I am not a jew. I have no relations that were involved in the holocaust or even the war. But as a human being, I found reading about the holocaust unbelieveley disturbing.I knew before entering this site that there were non-jews who were killed, however, I did not realize that there were 5 million of them. This site should be read by everyone, so that the 'forgotten five million' are not forgotten.


My grandmother, who is first generation Polish-Catholic, lived in the U.S. during WWII. I remember asking her and my grandfather how much they new of the Holocaust during this time. My grandmother always said that the Holocaust was a Jewish thing, and nothing more. I recently visited the U.S. Holocaust Museum in D.C. and I learned that a majority of the people exterimated in the camps weren't Jewish, but were Polish-Catholic or just Polish. I returned with this information and talked to my grandmother again, she didn't believe it. I finally found this page and printed it out and showed her. Now she believes me. Now she knows that she could have been one of the 'forgotten victims' very easily, had she lived in Poland instead of the U.S. Thank you for helping me learn more about the millions of others who perished in the Holocaust, but were never really talked about.



i think this is great. i am polish also. my grandparents lived through the war and some of my great-grandparents died in consentration camps. i am glad that you mentioned all the other people that died in the war. i have not thing against jewish people. all i think that people should know that there were non-Jewish people that died in the war.


Hello, people. Gonna ask U a question. How much does currency cost in Your country. I mean where I can get on that topic. Curency, backs, dollars, $, rubles, ...Just leave the URL in that guestbook..
Thank you greatly!!!


The holocaust hurt millions, terrorized thousands, and killed hundreds of thousands. I think there should be a rememberance day, everyone needs to learn about it, it is our history, and the dreaded past of our nation.

Shasta Wells

this is a great web site, but it's so sad to think about all the inocent people dieing because of their religion.I hope one day everyone will like everyone for everything inculding religion. --kept up the good reserch-- GOD BLESS ---------Jennifer

NoelJenn @ AOL

Dziekuje za wasza strone!!! Zawsze uwazalam ze to niesprawiedliwe ze wszyscy mowia o zydach zabitych w holocauscie, nikt o polakach. Jestem w osmej klasie i te wszystkie opowiadania przyniose do szkoly, zeby pokazac moim kolegom, a takze nauczycielom, jak to naprawde bylo.


i am of polish heritage. i found this article while doing research for my 13 yr old, who is studying the holocoust in school. kids today don't realize how lucky they are. to them everything is a joke. even hitler. thank you.

nancy (sysko) casey

I thought this was a cool site. Im not really into the holocaust i had to do a report on it so thats why im here. But learning about it was pretty fun. I thought it was really sad what happend to the jews.


I think that this is a wonderful page. It is important to make sure people get the whole story about the holocaust so that an accurate account of history is given. Hitler and the Nazi regime were the ones who twisted the truth through propoganda and misinformation and I hope we as a people have learned the dangers of this practice.

there are no words to merit the tragedy that is called

the holocaust.

cheney bert

I've always been interested in the holocaust b/c i'm from polish decent and my great grandmother escaped a concentration camp w/ her children and husbandand i admire her and this guy's courage sooo much. I'm just so glad that people can finally tell their stories.


I am doing some research on the Holocaust for my reading class and this information is incredible. Thank you for sharing your story.
Jennifer Taylor
Redwood Falls, MN56283

Jennifer Taylor

terrific site! very informative. i just wish there was a little more info on jehovahs witnesses


I just found recently that i had a great uncle that helped liberate a concentration camp. Unfortunately my mother cannot give me much information on this.But I have always , even as a young girl,gravitated towards the Holocaust. I am in college now, and i am attempting to write a paper about the forgotten ones. If you can send any information ( such as books, articles, etc.) I would be very much in your debt. I promise never to forget, and I hope the new deeless deaths (Kosovo :( ) will end soon also. Thanks, L.


Yizkor: Memorial Prayer for the Departed of the

May God remember the souls of all the communities of Israel
in the European Diaspora who were sacrificed on the altar
during the years of the Holocaust (1939-1945): six million
men and women, boys and girls, young men and women,
infants and the elderly, who were cruelly slain and butchered,
and mass murdered in their dwellings places and cities, and in
the forests and villages.

Those surviving were brought like sheep to the slaughter to the
concentration camps where they died unnatural deaths, and
were burned to ashes in the furnaces of the terrible camps of
destruction in Germany and Poland, and in the rest of the
occupied countries, at the hands of the murderous German
people and their Allies, all of whom were of one counsel to
annihilate, kill, and utterly destroy the Jewish people, to wipe
out the memory of Judaism, and to erase any association with
the name Israel.

God of vengeance, Judge of the Earth, remember the streams
of blood that were spilled like water, the blood of fathers and
sons, mothers and sucklings, rabbis and their students, and
repay the oppressors of your people seventy times over.

Do not silence the scream of "Shema Yisrael!" uttered by
those who were taken to their death, and let the groan of the
afflicted ascend before the throne of your glory. Avenge,
speedily in our days, before our eyes, the blood of your pure
and sanctified sons and daughters who were never had the
privilege to be buried as Jews… As it

Cynthia Sycip

F...K HITLER and those who deny the holocaust !

Cynthia Sycip

Dear Terese:
I wish all Americans would read your article. I also grew up in Poland. My family was no different than the rest of polish families, we also lost some of our loved ones to the WW II. Reading our local Northern Californian newspaper, San Jose Mercury, one thinks that only Jewish people suffered and were killed during the WW II.
I hope that with this article you will be able to reach communities all over United States. If you would give me permission, I would love to send copy of your "Five Million Forgotten" to local newspapers. Please let me know via e-mail. Thank you, Nina Barycza - in the United States of America since 1973.

Janina Barycza

I had non-Jewish relatives die in Dachau. Their last name was Landgraf. I have been trying to find out why they were in the camps. They were catholic and lived in the area of Austria/Hungary. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Cathryne Hunter

I had non-Jewish relatives die in the camps. Thier name was Landgraf. I have been trying to find out why they were in the camps and if there are any survivors. They lived in the area of Austria/Hungary. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Cathryne Hunter

We are studting the Holocaust in school, and I have learned so much about it! It is so depressing to learn about that so many people died and got scared for life by this terible disaster!


This page has been very informational for our school project. Thank you so much! We didn't know about the millions of other victims and now we do- it was a terrible tragety. And what's happening now in Kosovo is breaking our hearts- its scary to see that nobody there has learned a lesson about World War II.

Nora and Erika

I like learning about the holocaust this is a very good site

lexi chapman

Kathy Corsentino

Kathy Corsentino

I have Italian relatives that were in Italy during the
Holocaust and had numerous encounters with Nazi Germans
and witnessed killings.

Kathy Corsentino

this is a very touching story...and it's very thoughtful of you to write about it on-line. I had a Grandpa in WWII, I never met him. He died before I was born...I know I would've heard a lot of interesting stories from him. I wish I would've known him... Anyways... i really enjoy listening to the great tragity that occured during that time. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your story.

Kay, Kollman

My grampa left Germany with his brothers in 1913 for many reasons. They left behind family who may have been exterminated as "sympathizers". We may never find out. The family names involved are Flechsig and Hera. May it never happen again as long as this world exists!

Kathy Butler



I remember the Pope who is Polish drawing attention to the fact that a lot of other people were kiled in the war....this is the first that outlines the history of same. This is something so horrible that many people cannot comprehend what really happened due to the fact that it is difficult to believe that a man such as Adolph Hitler could pull off such a monstrous plan....England and Germany were always at each other's throats; but, genocide is genocide; and if God is an Englishman, as some claim, it makes one wonder why this was permitted to happen.
Thank you for considerable thought.

Colleen Jones

I think this is a relly cool page and i am going to use some of this information in my report i have to do on the victims of world war 2!

Brandy Okerblom

I loved it!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ghetto Girl !

I was wordering how many were killed in the holocaust.

Rebecca Pittman

I'm very sorry for what happend to all the jewish people

big suff

I have visited most every website in the net. And jsut as this one, all the stories, Pictures and memories just move me to tears. I thin that is is grea that anyone can get on the wed and find information about this horrible incident in history, and find a place in their hearts for all the victims. Thank you


Terese, this is a wonderful site! I am a girl of Polish catholic descent (nee Dolske) who married a German/Polish Jew, and although I have always held a deep interest in the history surrounding the holocaust, it wasn't until I got to know my in-laws that I was provided with a more personal view.
My husband and I recently spent some time with his paternal grandfather on a trip to Florida, the first real opportunity for me to get to know him and his wife. He told me many stories of the "old days", including the fact that he was in 3 different concentration camps (1 in Siberia and 2 in Poland- not Auschwitz, however), and told me that out of 20 brothers, sisters, and cousins, only he and his sister survived the horrors of the holocaust. I will never forget looking into his eyes and seeing the grief there as he showed me the photos of his lost family, lovingly encased in special frames which grace the walls and perch on the table of his room. As he recounted his tales, it became clear to me that no matter how much time passes between his days in those concentration camps and the present day, the memories of his experiences will forever remain painfully crystal-clear to him. It saddens me terribly to think of just how wonderfully large my husband's family would be today had there been no holocaust, and how close my husband came to not being here at all. I thank God everyday for my wonderful family, and hope that the world never forgets what happened during the holocaust- so it will never be repeated.

Dana Farbman

This is a very good site. It explains in depth what really went on in Poland.




Lies and more lies.

This web page sux there is no Holocaust pictures.


I came upon your website by accident and was suprised to see the statistics. Keep up the good work!

Joe Zebrowski

I really enjoy studing thing like this because it is interesting to think that these things really happened to real people. It is sad to think those things really happened! I am glad that those people are out of misery.

Teleshia Wilson

Teleshia Wilson

This is a great site!!! I'm studying this topic (Holocaust and Holocaust Heroes) for school and this helped a lot


wuz up


Hi I'm a sophomore and our World History teacher Connie Brand is famous for making us do a world war II scrapbook. I thought I would dread it but after reading the stories and reading articles I find this very interesting how many people like myself only thought of the Jews being the only ones tourtured in this period of time now your site has opened my eyes. I would love to be able to talk to a survivor via email to hear stories if you were in a camp or your sister brother mom dad relative were. thanx Ginger


my grandfather and his wife came to new york from poland
his name was frank and his wife was victoria
my dads name was larwence william borowski
dont much more than that would realy like to know where i could find out more
all i know their marrige was arainged
debra borowski


nice homepage


I always enjoy learning more about the history of the holocaust. It is so important we remember all that suffersd and died. thanks

DeEtta Oceguera


Brittany Downs and Ammie Hatfield

To all the family members and survivors of the Holocaust:
I send my comfort to all.
Also, if, either a Gerda Blachmann, or family member from the Holocaust is still alive, put a message at this address.


As i learn more about the holocaust, it hurts more and more. i wish that the world could have found another way of dealing with their problems. i am a sophmore at ventura high school and i will always remember the information that i was taught about the holocaust. because of learning about the holocaust, it makes me want to teach about the world's history and i enjoy learning about the world. that is my message


My grandfather, Stanislaw Skrzypiec, was from a wealthy catholic family which resided in Nowy Sacz, Poland. His family sent him to live in America in 1915.Here he was mar- ried and had two sons.My father remembers him making huge bundles of goods to send back to his family in Poland during World War 2. He remembers when the letters would come from the relatives and how concerned his father was. Then, the letters stopped coming, and my grandfather never heard from his family again. It breaks my heart to imagine the pain and utter helplessness he must have felt.

jennifer porfidio


erica lien

I was in Aushcwitch 1997 and this is very important place for nazi criminal crime.. and my tear was fallin in the house of dead.,I have a friend is jewish. my best friend.
god save the all the people

ove bergman
look at my site and you will understand it all

uri nachimson

I thought the fact from the books in school were all I needed to know, but it turns out there is a hole other side of things details left out and stories left un told. It's almost like the world is hiding the children of society as did Hitler to the victims of the past.

Tiffany Moman

I really didnt have any idea about the holocast be for this web page intell now I really do feel sorry


It's all really sad and I am glad that the people who did this had to pay. I don't think that any one deservied to die because they were different. I really like to hear about these things because I have a scrap book about eveything that has happened like this. I like to remind people what has went on in this world even if they wern't around for it.I always tell them it should never have happened and it better not happen again. Thank you for putting this page here I really enjoy it.

trista bickel

Thank you so much for remembering the non-jews. My father and his family started out being deported to Siberia. He and my grandfather escaped. My grandfather was an officer in the Tzar's army. You can image how tenuous his life was. My mother was Catholic and sent to a farm when she was 16. I too was born in as DP in Germany. I often wonder what my life would have been if there had been no WWII or Hitler. Of course, I wouldn't be here because my mother and father would have never met. But what a simple pastorial life.
Thanks again,
Irene Mechail

Irene Mechqail

Your site has been very interesting and helpful for my Yr 11 Holocaust assignment. Thanks!


Kade Garner

You would not beleve how much this site helped me on the this huge report on poland.
thank you and make shure you keep this site open.

Anthony Iennarella

I am an 8th grade stadent at E.J.H in Nova Scotia and would just like to thank you for all of this wonderful information, it has helped me a great deal with my project. I never knew about all of the other non-Jewish victims of the holocaust, I never even knew thy existed. I found it very interesting.I think that people should be more educated about them because they are also very important people and often forgotten. EVERYONE from the holocaust should be remembered and honored! Thanks a lot, Nancy


I like your web page a lot. It has very useful information on it that I can use for my History project.
Well done

Julia Johnson

I am looking for information on anything about Oskar Schlinder. If you have any information for me, e-mail me at,, or Thanxx for all of your time and/or participation.

Theresa Gulley

I am looking for information on anything about Oskar Schlinder. If you have any information for me, e-mail me at,, or Thanxx for all of your time and/or participation. By the way, I love your site, it's highly info. packed and it helped me a lot to learn about the holocaust. I am 14 and in the 8th grade. Please, if you are equipped with any info. on Schlinder, send it to me.

Theresa Gulley

Typowo amerykanski luz i brak poszanowania dla najelementarniejszych zasad pisania atykulow historycznych. To cos co zamieszczacie na Waszej stronie wola o pomste do Nieba o litosc i oswiecemnie dla chronologii, rzeczowosci i logiki. Powiem w skrocie: tak napisany artykul nie przeszedlby nawet w polskiej szkole podstawowej, nie wspominajac o wyzszych szczeblach nauki. Jestem historykiem z zawodu i dobrze wiem co zrobilby moj Profesor i Nauczyciel widzac taki tekst - bez slowa zmialby kartke i wrzucil efektownie do najblizszego kosza...
Z powazaniem Marcin Owsinski

Marcin Owsinski

I am a friend of a non-Jewish survivor. He is searching for anything about his family or friends lost in the Holocaust[family name Budzynski, mother's maiden name was Karpinski] ...can you help?
Many thanks.

lauri neal

Searching for a name index of non-jewish victims


As a Catholic, I have long been inspired by the stories of such Holocaust victims as Maximillian Kolbe and Edith Stein. Thank you for the service you give to the memories of these and *all* the other victims of the most horrific specimen of evil this century has ever seen. May they all rest peacefully and eternally in the hand of a loving God.


This site is very helpfull in my research into the horrors of the holocaust.


How can I find out if any of my ancestors are among the
5 million? I never thought this was a possibility! Thank you
for sharing.
Carol Jagnecki Raab

Carolyn Raab

I found this website very informative and important. I am a Jew of Polish and Ukrainian descent and was brought up knowing all about the horrors of the darkest period of this century. I was taught that Jews were not the only victims (just the most in numbers). Future generations need to be told of this horrible era in human history and that's why it's important for websites (such as this one and many others documenting the tragedy) to be available to everyone.
I have read the guestbook and noticed quite a few people requesting information about personal experiences and family stories about survivors and victims of the Holocaust. I am willing to share the information I have about my families story. If you are doing a school project or an independent research project, you may contact me via my e-mail. My e-mail address is:

Sherri Goldberg

antoinette carter

Having growin up in a neighboourhood with a large Polish community, I knnow what you portray on this website is true. Thanks for making these truths more widely available. The historical lie that the Poles were either passive bystanders or even colluders in the Nazi holocaust continues to be propagated by films such as Schindler's List, and other Hollywood versions of history. Thanks once again.

Daniel Carroll

jack urbanski

Thank you for presenting this much needed information regarding thr non-Jewish victims! I only hope more people take time to read it! I visited Poland in 1988 and have often wondered if any of my relatives were in the concentration camps. Unfortunately, many of the records were destroyed.
Keep up the good work!!

Daniel Nowotarski

Mon pиre a vivait en France pendant la guerre te il a йtй cachй chez des paysans dans la Sarthe avec mon frиre et sa premiиre femme.
Je suis йtudiante а la Sorbonne et je fais une thиse sur les Justes en France. C'est un hommage au persoones qui ont sauvй mon pиre.

Valйrie GERMON

I find the holocaust a very interesting piece of information. To actually hear the stories of one who could survive such a horrible catastrafy. The people who survived are one in a million, fortunatly it shall never happen again. (sorry about the spelling, i suck)


I am also a survivor of the holocaust. I would also like to share my stories but there are to many to put down. The one truely thing that I do remember is I was forced to put my mother into a creamotory.

Darrius Zablazs

Thank you for letting me know about the 5 million non-Jewish victims in the holocaust.

Chris Drake

Ms. Pencak Schwartz,
Thank you for doing such a great work in educating people about all victims of the WWII. Similar to you, only after I moved to the USA, I realized how many people were not aware that milions of victims of the Holocaust were not Jewish. Moreover, talking to my frinds who had children in different schools I also found out that even teachers were confused about when the WWII began - most of the time the year 1941 was indicated as the beginning. For me, being born and educated in Poland it was a shock. I decided to purchas Lucas' book "The Forgotten Holocaust", so I went to the Borders. The first time I was told they run out of this book,but they were waiting for a new shipment. When I went second time, in April, I was told again they didn't have any. I asked to order two for me. Several days later I received their post card with information:"The publisher reports that this book is now OUT OF PRINT". I wonder who was the publisher, and why such a needed book (the salesperson from the bookstore told me she had several people asking for this book) would be out of print?
I was happy to find your list of Holocaust-related books because you listed a book that I couldn't find for years : "I am Affraid of My Dreams". Is this book available also in English? I'd like to pass it to my English-speaking friends. Sincerely, Halina Biel

Halina Biel

Eliz. Skalski

I was just l3, when WWII began and could'nt quite comprehend what was going on, your documentary is very informative and I read it with much compassion, I do hipe hope your works will prevent it from happening again....

Elizabeth Skalski

I found this site very interesting & informative, and would like to thank those who seek to factualy represent the often under stated role that Poles played in saving Jewish lives. Keep up the good work.

Peter Niemotko

Is there a list with the non-jewish victims. I would love to know if any of my family was apart of this awful event. I think they should be honored. Thank you for your time. And keep up all your hard work with the research. It is nice to know there are still people out there that care.

Heather Evans

I congratulate you! How sad that the verdicts of Nuremberg are being invalidated by the Clinton-NATO bombing of Serbia for the same "moral" reasons Hilter invaded Poland. I hope you will join with those taking NATO and Clinton before the World Court at the Hague; a former Nuremburg prosecutor is amon the petitioners. Currently, the grandchildren of the Albanian Nazis who killed so many Serbs in Kosovo are wiping out the remaining Serbs with the help of NATO. The Holocaust is not only forgotten, it continues to this day.


I congratulate you! How sad that the verdicts of Nuremberg are being invalidated by the Clinton-NATO bombing of Serbia for the same "moral" reasons Hilter invaded Poland. I hope you will join with those taking NATO and Clinton before the World Court at the Hague; a former Nuremburg prosecutor is amon the petitioners. Currently, the grandchildren of the Albanian Nazis who killed so many Serbs in Kosovo are wiping out the remaining Serbs with the help of NATO. The Holocaust is not only forgotten, it continues to this day.


I visited Poland last summer and was able to see what horrors our people suffered. I am a 3rd generation Pole living in the US who agrees that it is a disgrace that so many people of our country have been ignored because of the overly loud voices of the Jews. I mean no disrespect to them but it is obvious that they give no thought to the others who died.

Marja Chojnacki

To your five million forgotten victims, I think you should add the millions of Russian prisoners of war who died in German prisoner of war camps. The POW camps for Russians were little better than concentration camps. I remember reading one story of a Russian POW who was made to stand outside in a barrel of cold water in the depths of winter. As the water turned to ice, he froze to death.

john nygate

Moj dziadek i babcia (Jozef i Zofia Karasiewicz)rowniez naleza do tych milionow zapomnianych. Nigdy nie dowiedzielismy sie gdzie jest ich grob.Dobrze, ze w dzlszym ciagu powstaja takie publikacje jak ta.

Grzegorz Cebulski

My father's parents were in Auschwitz. My father was in a German Labor Camp. My father was born in Boston but went to Poland at 9 months of age. I am terribly in the dark about
how this came to pass. He is 82 now and will not talk about the war. He never did. I am amazed at the amount of information I was able to locate in the Internet in just an hour tonight. This all came about because I began reading I Have Lived a Thousand Years this morning on the insistance of my 12 year old.


United we stand.
We should never forget.
Hilton Israel, from Brasil

Hilton Israel

Dziekuje za te strone.Jej czytanie boli, ale uswiadamia jednoczesnie, ze nigdy wiecej nie mozemy dopuscic do wybuchu nastepnej wojny swiatowej. Szkoda tylko, ze zwlaszcza niektorzy politycy nie zdaja sobie z tego sprawy...


I am Warsaw ghetto survivor and I know the need for teaching
the atrocities that there perpetrated on innocent people of
all religions and all origins during WW II in all European
countries by all and diverse vicious malefactors.

Dr.J R Nowik,md

I am a Warsaw ghetto survivor and I know the need for teaching about
the atrocities that there perpetrated on innocent people of
all religions and all origins during WW II in all European
countries by all and diverse vicious malefactors.

Dr.J R Nowik,md

My mother was taken by hitler's troops from Russia. Now i am looking for her sister . Sisters name was Mary Obozowa(that is maiden name).Help me find her so that I could tell her sister that she lived . My mother never told us anything about home . She was afraid of the communist killing her family. My mother died and I have to find this aunt. Her mothers name was Katarzyna (maiden name Sobalew) her father was Wladyslaw Obozowa.Please can you help in any way.I have search for so long

Anna Emery

My Grandfather passed away recently. Our family has been trying to track his history in WWII. He was a simple farmer from Southern Illinois, who received honors in the war. He never spoke much of the war, and it wasn't until his death that we learned he was decorated for his efforts. We feel that learning about his history would honor our grandmother. I have such a respect for all that was lost in this war.

Tracey J. Greenwood

If we forget about our tragic past we are doomed to repeat it.

Karen L. Lakes

i need any info om black holocaust victims. pls help


if itґs posible, i need information about the pages testimonies in spanish.
thank you

gabriel feld

Im from Slovenia!My grand father fight for adolf hitler.My
mother,father,and me we are a nationalsocialist activists.
Many people in Slovenia want to live in fourth reich.
HOLOCAUST doesnt exist.Thats a jews lie.WE gonna win this racial war,and smash your fucking jews head



Im from Slovenia!My grand father fight for adolf hitler.My
mother,father,and me we are a nationalsocialist activists.
Many people in Slovenia want to live in fourth reich.
HOLOCAUST doesnt exist.Thats a jews lie.WE gonna win this racial war,and smash your fucking jews head





I am 18 years old and Irish. For my Leaving Cert History I must write a detailed essay on a subject, which I have chosen and researched. I choose to take an area to do with the Holocaust because I have close freinds who are Jewish and also last term at school, we produced "The Diary of Anne Frank" we had to research this subject in great detail and all of us in the group discovered things we never knew about the Holocaust like the "Five million forgotten". It should be made more widly know about these people because they have as much right as any other to be remembered.

Ruth connolly

i am a student of history especially wwII and it makes my polish blood boil when i hear only polish jewish died in the camps but did they realize the first people to die in auschwitz were not jews but polish christians. note to sarah griswold there is a book called the "forgotten holocaust" i do not have the author's name but read it and discovered what hitler really thought of all the people of poland.

eileen golisz

Hi! Can I file a complain about the nextdoor neiboughts that they alway park their cars in front my front yard all the time to the city ?


I read some of the stories on this website, I have also read a few books dealing with the Holocaust such as "Night" and "The Diary of Anne Frank", I was very moved by all, I don't think the Jews, and any of the other non-Jewish Holocaust victims and survivers should have gone through such a terrible time, I don't understand why this had to happen, maybe it was just for political reasons, maybe just a test of faith, i guess we'll never know.



Good info, but need more stuff on Oskar Schindler, and his factory and Jewish slaves etc

Kimberly Stuart

I need desperatley pictures from Guffy from Disney

Estela Rivera

I'm doing my undergraduate honors thesis on the conditions, make-up, and "victims" in "prison" camps during WW II. This site has helped me greatly in my research to discover ALL victims of the ENTIRE Holocaust in WW II and not just Hitler's acts concerning the Jews and not just Hitler's acts period.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich moechte eine Arbeit von Holocaust schreiben, und eine der Bedingungen ist, das ehemalige KZ in Oswetim zu besuchen. Waeren Sie bitte so freundlich sein, und wuerden Sie mir eine Internet-Adresse von diesem Museum schicken ?
Ich waere Ihnen sehr dankbar dafuer.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Kamila Nevludova aus Tschechien, Studentin von Deutsch und Sport an der PdFMU in Brno

Kamila Nevludova

My interest in the Holocaust is a peculiar one. I came to the study of the Holocaust while debunking the claims of Holocaust deniers. Since they are almost all open Jew-haters, the question of the Polish Holocaust hardly ever comes up. It is such a large subject, too, that it is difficult to find the time for the neglected parts of the Holocaust. This web page is a tremendous start towards remedying that neglect, and I am extremely grateful for it.

John Morris

I would like to say, Where was our Government and why didn't our Government try and stop Hitler?I have no family members that were In the Holocost but I can't believe Hitler got away with Killing all those people that were Inocent. Every time I see a Documentary on The Holocost I break down and cry like a baby.Having to die Is bad enough, but having to Starve and be skin and bones Is even worse.But we all know where Hitler Is now.

Cathy Thomas

Africans suffered from the Holocaust just as the Jews and the Pols did. Where can I find some info?

c k b

Ithink you are doing a good job keep it up


I happened on your site doing research for a "Heroes" speach for my college speach class. The reason for doing this speach on heroes of the Holocaust was a comment my professor made during one of his lectures in which he said "If this actually happend"! It was all I could do for not walking out of his class I was so angry! I want to thank you for all the wonderful stories I have read and plan to give the best speach of my life on these people that I have read about!! God bless you for this!! My prayers to you all! Much love and respect, Tracy Terrill Dexter Missouri

Tracy Terrill

What can I say. The hurt goes so deep!There is hope that a loving god Jehovah who will resurect all those who were slain by those satanic individuls. Shalom

Diane Snow-Ramirez

Hi! We just read a cook about the Holocaust in English and I am doing a research paper on the concentration camps. The information you have is really useful and I would appreciate it if you could e-mail and tell me where to get more info. Thanks!


Reading the stories of the survivors has brought back memories of my mother's stories of her family in Poland during World War II. So sad.


Good site alot of helpful info. thanks e-mail me


Hi... I am like many doing a paper on the Holocaust.. I have always been interested in it and need to find more information about the non-jews that were killed ... any info will be helpful.. thank you


Hi my name is Jessica and I'm going to Ovelake hospital everyday, I was wondering if you can come over to Overlake hospital so we can met each other. By

Jessica Pino

Is there a list of names, partial or otherwise of victims?

Jim Penkala (Pekala)

I am in the 10th grade and our english class was assinged to do a report on a survivor of the Holocaust.I wasn't very interested at first, but when I read this web page chills ran up my back. You are right we should remember the 5 million non-jews. I decided to do a polish catholic man. I read his story and almost started crying.It is terrible those people had to go through such sick and inhumane terror.

Jamie Carroll

Crystal Metcalf

Crystal Metcalf

Crystal Metcalf

i thought that this was a very good page but i really couldn't find anything on the polish during the holocaust i would appriate it if you would add more graphics about polish

Crystal Metcalf

Your website has helped me alot in my english research since we are on the holocaust chapter right now, some of the imformation shocked me alot but I'm glad that nothing like that would ever happened again.


I have really enjoyed reading this section.


Hi! I am in the 9th grade and I am writing a report on Holocaust survivors. My main idea is on what a survivor(Any one who is a surivor of the Holocaust)is doing today. Here is what I'm looking for: Who are you, what you are doing with your life today, what your religion status is, (ex. How has the Holocaust influenced your religious ways? Hasidic or not) Where you lived in Germany, Poland ect. what Consentration Camp you went to and where you currently live. When were you put in a camp ect. and when were you liberated or ect.(including ages) Why do you belive you made it through the Holocaust. Any other info like that would be helpful but I do need what I typed down. I need at least six people to respond to my request. If you do respond I will do a story on you in my report with your name. I will e-mail you a copy of your story, when I compleat it. This will be read in my English class if you don't want your name in this please state that in your reply. Thank you very much for helping me with my project! You are a big help to me!



It's good to see a site involving non-jews who died in the
death camps. You should also include the Soviets who also had the same policy against Poles,Jews,and even Ukraines. My
Great-Uncle was killed by the murderous N.K.V.D. in the Kaytn woods for being merely Polish!

Todd A. Szymankiewicz

Dear Sir,
I am Elisabet and I am from spain. I am making a project about nazism and I would like some information about people murdered during this period.
I want to know the truth.
Yours sincerely,
P.S My mailing adress to send some information:


My wife is Polish and Ukranian. I cant imagine Germanic people behaving like barbarions. How sad.

Walter Watson

My Father was twice in a KZ camp and my Mother and I ,we visited him there, I can remember the fear and the feeling of awe and intimidation that I saw and felt , even only 7 or 8 years old, I will never forget how my mother and I trembled at the sounds of those nazi boots and there tone of voices.

Christa Bodzinski

Dear Terese,
I did not see your site but I red the letters directed to you,I would like you to see my site about my story:


uri nachimson

I am having a problem with my friend. She insists that only a few christians died in the holocaust. She concideres herself an expert and the I am stupid for think that more the a few died other the Jews. can I get you to send me things that state this fact. Thank you


very good site. i am from poland and I know that many peopeles in the world think -holocaust was only jews history. this history is history many peopeles from east europe and they must know it.

Sebastian Swiderski

I am Austrain/German descent all my grandparents were able to leave before the war started. Growing up i was told and re-told stories of how they managed to escape Nazi persecutation.
We should never forget the millions of Jews and non-jews who died for no reason, just before somebody believed they were different.
After reading through the comments, one stuck to mind by a guy called Tony who has written about how Hitler was right and the Holocust did not exsist. How we we STILL allow people to write such things on these pages which are here to remember the dead. People who died for only being Jewish, black, gypies or disabled
I will never forget the Holocaust and the millions who died

Lisa N

I need information on Schindler for a term paper. I have
watched Schindler's List, but I need more info on this

R. Stephen Merker

My father's family was from the Ukraine, the name is Mychajlonka, I know that they were apart of the horrors that happened there, I just don't know where they are now? I have many family members who still live there. I want all of you to know that I care, and even though it wasn't my fault, I'm sorry that no one stopped the horror all of you went through... There aren't enough words for comfort.

Cheryl A. Weimann

This web page is Fantastic. I am a Junior in high school and recently studying WWII and the Holocaust. I am in a basic History class. Earlier this year I was in an AP history class. I got out into a much, much simpler class b/c I hated history and thought it was VERY stupid!BUT!!!! My views have completely changed! I have learned more in this class than in history ever. and now I love history. I have a German exchange student who is my age and probably my best friend. I love every German drop of her. Although, as we Americans are sometimes ignorant, she catches a few reminders here and there of what horrible things the Germans did. She keeps her head high though and says that she has no more to do with Hitler than any other teen giving her hell. I want to cry. It saddens me how today's youth almost doesn't care about WWII. Even when I hated History the Civil War and WWII interested me.When I see pics and documentaries about the Holocaust and such my stomach literally gets queazy! And especially when I look at all the bored faces on all of my classmates. They watch the tapes and such as if Spielberg were standing behind the camera directing. THAT IS REAL!!!! It hurts that teens just don't care when really we are the ones who should care the most. We are the future. And it scares me b/c history is in some small ways repeating itself. My grandma used to sit for an old man who lost all sense of memory b/c he had a hemorage in his brain and had operation on it. He couldn't remember who the lady was in pictures (his wife) to what he did 10 min before. But, he could remember WWII. He fought in it and that is the ONLY thing in his 70yrs he can remember. That has to have some impact.
Anyways, You are doing a terriffic job and I respect you and all others who work towards the effort at increasing interest and awareness of WWII. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!YOU ARE THE WOMAN!!!!!

Lyn-z Mayfield

I think your page is very touching and truthful. I am not Jewish or Polish but I am still very interested in what happened. I have talked to a few survivors and heard some very gruesome stories. I wish to learn more about the Holocaust because it seems as if it's worth taking the time to find out about. If I ever get the change I would like to visit a preserved concentration camp, just to get the feel of how horrible they really were. It would take a real senile and emotionless person to do things like that to another human being because of religion, color, or background, it's just wrong and I'm sure Hitler was VERY senile. In a sense I suppose you could say Hitler killed all those people himself, because he did, just not single handedly.


This is cool!


Hi, I am doing a term paper on the Holocaust, Is there anything of more details of the consentration camps. or more links to site for this information

warren tucker

It was a very good thing to read nice web site

Janita Badger
JodiPage @ msn.

i can't believed this happened. i am only 12 years old they killed children my age. some of these stories are hard to read because they are so sad.God bless the all the people who were either killed, tortured and they survived without bein caught.


I am student from Holland. I went this summer to Poland for a holiday and I loved it!

Jolmer de Vries

Those who murdered or those who survived during the Holocaust will never be forgotten. Holocaust is not part of
Jewish history. It is part of all mankind's history.

Harry Barogh


wwwcom bab

I know that I waas not alive during this time, but I do understand. Life was very hard for those who were there. I have been learnning about this in school.

Aaron Wright

i am doing a report for history class about the nazis chould you send stuff related to that thanks


Soon we are doing reports for English 2. I plan on doing mine own the Holocaust. We read the novel Night by Elie Wiesel and watched the movie Schindler's List. I am very interested about this and would like to know more. My heart goes to all who suffered during the Holocaust.I am in the 10th grade and any info you can give would be great. I am a Cristian.I never knew that there was so many Non-jewish victims. From Rachel

Rachel Propst

It was very harsh and my all that have died rest in peace!!

Ramona Mose

I'm a 5th grade teacher preparing an interdisciplinary lesson plan based on the book, "Rose Blanche" by Roberto Innocenti and internet info on the holocaust. Goal: to show my students they have the power to keep hate crimes from happening. Thanks!

Jo Prescott

I'm a 5th grade teacher preparing an interdisciplinary lesson plan based on the book, "Rose Blanche" by Roberto Innocenti and internet info on the holocaust. Goal: to show my students they have the power to keep hate crimes from happening. Thanks!

Jo Prescott

After reading an article in the Los Angeles Times re: Holocaust survivors having difficulty filling out long, tedious paperwork in order to receive money etc. from two Swiss banks, I decided to find a way in which I could help. After searching, I came across this site. My Father's family is Russian/Jewish and my Mother's is Polish/Catholic. This site is very touching. God Bless.

Wendi Linsky

Its cool


Its cool


The Holocaust has always interested me, and I thank all who help put together sites like this, so now I can learn about what really went on!! Thank you!


This is a subject that demands more study. It is highly unfortunate that many people are totally unaware of the non-Jewish victims of Hitler's violence. Movies like Schindler's List further aggravated the issue with the end dedication "To the Six Million Jews." All victims need recognition so their decendants can begin to heal their pain.

Jack Crawford

I am doing research on the Gypsy of the Holocaust. I fany one has any onformation on this please e-mail me.

Shelley Goodman


I have been helping my son with his homework on the Holocaust, for the past few days I have read and read and have cried and cried how did this ever happen.
The Holocaust was not an accident in history, It occured because of Indviduals, organisations, and governments, thate made choices that not only legalized discrimitation, but which allowed predjudism, hatred and mass murder to uccur. God I prey this will never happen again.

Wendy Roberts

i am looking for information about jews from frankfurt am mian in the holocaust

Asher Heinrich

i am jewish and .25 polish-- most of my family was "removed" from different parts of Northern Europe. I am grateful to read such a touching voice of the horror which ocurred in our earlier century...i am also pleased to hear someone give voice to the other ones who suffered.

vicki m.

My grandfather died at Gusen near Mauthausen in 1941. He was a Spanish republican resistance fighter. I was surfing the web trying to get information about spanish survivors/victims, etc. at Gusen and possibly contact a survivor from there.

Frank Gracia

hey. i read your site, well most of it. what i read is really good, sad, but good. i'm glad you decided to put it on the net. i'm studying the holocaust right now in school. i started getting in to it last year and it just keft going on from there. well i g2g but i love the site.

brigitte hawks

Being of Polish heritage, it appalls me that innocent people were made to suffer needlessly. This display of hatred and evil should never happen again. No one individual should be persucuted for religion or nationality.

Vanessa Borowiec

Being of Polish heritage, it appalls me that innocent people were made to suffer needlessly. This display of hatred and evil should never happen again. No one individual should be persecuted for religion or nationality.

Vanessa Borowiec

Very interesting. Thank you for the insite

Connie Butler

Am, well, I really think that you are a very brave person and that the members of your family who had been killed, and all the other people who died in the holocaust, should be considered as heroes and their life on Earth should not se forgotten.Thankyou for making this information available for us, so they will never be forgotten in our hearts.

Myriam B. Jimйnez

I was born 04/26/43 and adoped by u.s. parents

Joseph T. Delligatti

Jessica Johns

I believe that this is a fantastic web site. It gives information that many times we don't hear in schools. Thanx!


to me the holocast was the most repulse thing i have ever come to learn about. the number of deaths that have occured because of the hate of jews is remarkable.personaly I am discusted of how man himself could ever reach a level as to hate so much that would kill incredible ammounts of people at a time not including the thousands of babies and children. In conclusion I would
like to say thathitler bycommitig suicide but I would like
to see him get burned alive so that he could understand how much the jews suffered.

cindy salazar

When will people learn? The rulers, be it dictators, kings or the so called, Upper Classes, including hereditary knights, nobility and churches, set the people up to hate a certain group, religion or race. The Holoccaust was possible, because the people were conditioned to participate in it. It happend in 3rd Reich Germany and Stalinist empire of greater Russia, because the people were conditioned to hate and mistrust each other. Anti-semitism in particular has had a long history. Jewish ghettos were not invented by Hitler, but used extensively by the Czars, the Kaisers, and many other rulers. Poland was no exception. With a Jewish population over 3 million, anti-semitism was as strong here as in Bavaria, Austria, or Czarist Russia. The Catholic Church has traditionally held Jewish people responsible for the death of Jesus. I believe the Vatican finally made "peace" with Israel in the 1970's. The same thing is happening in the Old Jugoslavija. The flames of old hates, fanned by dictators, create the conditions for the creation of killing fields and mass graves. It is true that a lot of people perished in the Second War to End All Wars, but nothing is served by again dividing the people on the VICTIMS. i.e. "five million often forgotten-the non-Jewish victims", as presented by the Author of this page. Let us weep for all of them, let us think of all of them together, so that we can try to prevent another Bosnia from happening. Let us unite in a World free of hate and factionalism. Traditions are nice for the Holidays, but after the dancing and celebrating, let us share in the triumphs of our common heritage as Earthlings first. I have seen the European mess through a young man's eyes from 1939-45 and don't wish it on anyone. This is the voice of a "Victim", if you will. The War Years and life in DP Camps in Germany were no picknick, but I found a new world of life and understanding in Australia after the war. Let's make the rest of the world an "Australia."

Alik Serdiukov

I teach a course in the psychology of the Holocaust. The next time I teach it, I will have my students look through this site. It contains much interesting information about the Polish experience during the Holocaust years. I wish that it had had some information about other non-Jewish victim groups also (e.g., Roma & Sinti, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses). As is, it is still a very valuable resource.

Ann Saltzman

This is a great site. There is lots of very saddening but important information on this site. I just wanted to commend you on the wondurful job you did in putting together this site.

Angie H

Hi. I am in the 7th grade and watched a video on WW2 today. I never knew I culd be so interested in the Holocaust and the war. I wish that things could have been done to prevent the killings of so many innocent Jews. But I am glad that there is a website as good as this that shows the awful truth of everything that happened. Please keep on adding more information so that it may keep people coming. From Kathy


My grandfather Karl Kunow was murdered 1938 or 1939.He was
a pharmacist living in Freiburg,Germany.In the last years
he worked active in the underground against Hitler.Because
my mother got adopted as a baby by a german family we have
no information about him.He got killed in Dachau.Please tell
me if you have any further informations.Thank you
Dr Amineh Solberg


Very enlightening but please do not forget that the holocaust was preceeded by another, uch worse one, in the Ukrain and who perpetuated it that time under the rule of Kaganovich. He made Himmler look like an amateur.

Eric Weber

how do you enroll for your school and what is the site called?

amanda hunt

This sight is........whoa......

Gwen Tuttle

your site is da bomb and this is such a good resource for my holocaust project! Keep on adding things to this site!! Ill be back


This is realy amazing site. You are doing really great work. The history of Polish nation from the time of last war shall be said in the real light. People of the world need to find the true history that both nation Polish and Jewish were exterminated during the last war. That both of the nation have to figth for their survival.

Jozef A. Wawrzak

I think that this information from Microsft Encyclopedia Encarta shall appear on your page.
Entrance Gate to Auschwitz
The entrance gate to Auschwitz reads “Work makes one free.” The labor camps at Auschwitz used the slave labor of Jews, political prisoners, Roma (Gypsies), and homosexuals. More than 1.5 million people were killed through gassing, starvation, sickness, and torture in Auschwitz, Nazi Germany’s largest concentration camp.

Andy Hernandez/Gamma Liaison
Auschwitz (Polish OЯwiйcim) town in southern Poland, situated on the Wisla (Vistula) River about 32 miles southwest of Krakуw, and site of the largest concentration camp and death camp run by Nazi Germany during World War II (1939-1945). The name Auschwitz is commonly applied to the complex of death and concentration camps near the Polish town of Уswiйcim.
The Holocaust
The Auschwitz complex was the site of scientifically planned and efficiently executed genocide during World War II. Accurate statistics were not kept, but the estimates of deaths at the camp complex range from 1.5 million to as many as 4 million. Camp Commandant Rudolf Hцss admitted to a minimum figure of 2.5 million deaths at Auschwitz. Jews comprised the largest number of victims, and Auschwitz has become the prime symbol of what became known as the Holocaust of European Jewry; at least one-third of the estimated 5 million to 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis during World War II died there. Large numbers of Poles, Soviet prisoners of war, Roma (Gypsies), and homosexuals also died at Auschwitz.
History of the Camp
The Nazis established Auschwitz in April 1940 under the direction of Heinrich Himmler, chief of two Nazi organizations—the Nazi guards known as the Schutzstaffel (SS), and the secret police known as the Gestapo. The camp at Auschwitz originally housed political prisoners from occupied Poland and from concentration camps within Germany. Construction of nearby Birkenau (Brzenzinka), also known as Auschwitz II, began in October 1941 and included a women's section

Jozef A. Wawrzak

I am sure that the figures for Poland are missing more than a few. How many were caught and murdered by the Nazi's for their efforts? And there are the 1000 who were shot for smuggling food into the Warsaw ghetto.

I'd also like to know if the efforts to save 7000 Roman Jews was ever recognised. Arthur Kent reported on this on the A&E network.

David M. Dunaj

I am not a Jew, a Pole, or anyone related to those oppressed and murdered in the years that were the Holocaust. Actually, I am mostly German. I am, however, a human being who is truly shocked and sickened by what happened to the millions who became Hitler's victims. Thank you for bringing this to the attention of others. God bless you.

Michelle Klose



Hi, I like your page. I am currently enrolled in a Holocaust Lit class and have to write a research paper of 2000 words. If anyone has any ideas on a specific topic or any information, please email me. Thanks.


Hello, i want to tell You about the meeting in Stockholm regarding the Holocoust of the Jewish people. Its going to take place 15-31 of january. I am very dissipointed. My grandparents both died in Russian camps. My mother younger sister has to "work " as whore for the russian guards during three year. She was later killed when she was 18 years of age. I do feel sorry for all the victims for the German camps , and the polish but what (really sorry) during the second word var not ony Jewish people died. But when we look on tv, read the newspaper et seems that only Jewish people feel sorry for them selfs their relatives and no more. If you ar Polish, Russian, Estonian. german what so ever. If Your relatives vhere cilled by russian ore germans , my oppinion is they all have the right to live. I have sent e-mail to Simon Wisenthal center ther i argued that all human beings are equal. ?? But so far no ansver. I am really dissipointed. For me all human beings has the right to live, even if you are not Jewish. I have been intervjuing moore than 200 person in former Russia regarding what had happend to their relative. And many of the stories are much worse that i heard before.

Best regards from Stockholm

Hans Sergo

Hans Sergo

I have been interested in the holocaust for many years, but have been left in the dark somehow about how greatly non-Jewish citizens suffered during WWII. It is a great thing to educate young people about the many people who suffered during this period of time.

Jacqueline Pritchett

My mother and I just finished watching "Devils Arithmetic". It was a shocking moive. You know, We take advantage of life. We don't stop to think about all those people who were tortured,murdered, and abused. All those people have to live with the thought of the Nazis and the thought of being killed. Our heart goes out to those who were in camps and who lost people they loved. May God bless your souls.


Chelsea Brewer

Thanks your site was a big help. If you have anything else of german resistance during the holocaust please email it to me. Thanks again. Korie


I am very interested in the Holocaust and have decided to write my term paper on how it influenced the lives of the children and the survivors. I am needing some information on some of the survivors and their stories. If you have anything that would be of interest to me, or could help me with my paper, would you please e-mail. Thanks so much


I read it. I am Polish. I remember my grandmother stries.
I have one ask why houl word remembar holocaust of jewish but don't remamber about thausen of Polakes killed during war.

Przemek Piskorz

I read it. I am Polish. I remember my grandmother stries.
I have one ask why houl word remembar holocaust of jewish but don't remamber about thausen of Polakes killed during war.
Why in press I can read that We were responsible for deth milions Jewes?

Przemek Piskorz

I'm doing imfo. on persecuted non-Jews and finally just now found it. I'm in 7th grade. And 13 years old. Thank you so much!! Tricia


I'm doing imfo. on persecuted non-Jews and finally just now found it. I'm in 7th grade. And 13 years old. Thank you so much!!


I think your site is great I have been using it for reseaching for my Holocaust paper in school.



I am a Jewish person who had no idea of the 5 million losses and the atrocities, especially to the Polish people from the Holocaust. I wish I knew about this earlier, even last year when I visited Poland. I am going to pass this website on to other people so that they can learn, too.

michael F.

my name is Jake, and I am doing a report on the persecutions of Gypsies, Homosexuals, and Jehovas's Witnesses in the Holocost. This is a major term paper so please send me info. on this topic. It would be greatly appricated.


True stories

just found your web and find it interesting that Poles were killed in the second world war as so many times it states they were only Jews. My ancestors come from Warsaw and Krakhow so this was of interest to me as I am trying to do some family history searching. Will continue to read your web with much interest.

dolores roberts

I think that this site will really be able to help me with my thesis paper on the Holocaust. I am doing a paper on "Jews were not the only people persecuted"

Shaun Benna

im a scamp gypie and proud

sacky lee

i loved your website keep it up!

danny lyons

good for education

chad charlson

this page sucks ass


Zbigniew W

I am doing a speech on Holocaust because i want to learn about it.Your information was very helpfull,thank you

Tania Noronha

I shall share this site with my Holocaust students.

Shirley E. Bennett

To bardzo dobrze opracowany tekst. Mam na ten temat teї duїo ciekawych materiaіуw. Pozdrawiam
dr Andrzej Toczewski
Zielona Gуra

Toczewski Andrzej

i need some info on kinder. something interesting.


Mrs.S. Poppalardo

i need infomation about hittler and the Jews that were sent to the consentration camps or any infomation about it .pleese get back befor febuary the 18th thank you very much

phebe 301

it was very useful to my project on the Holocaust. i, also, had no idea that there were so many non-jews killed.


it was very useful to my project on the Holocaust. i, also, had no idea that there were so many non-jews killed.


it was very useful to my project on the Holocaust. i, also, had no idea that there were so many non-jews killed.


I was very thrilled to find this website by accident. My parents and family are among those who are forgotten. My mother is still alive. I was originally looking for info on compensation for those who were imprisoned. Any help?

Mary Pierzynski-Heffernan

I enjoyed this site very much. I learned more than I thought I would. I will tell other people also to visit it. Thank You,
Sara Bench

Sara Bench

Thank you for your work from Auswitz survivor.

John Woolf

A wonderful site. It should be made more readily available to teachers and others.

Success and happiness!


I am doing a research paper on the American responce to the Consentration Camps during WW2. So if any one has some imformation on that subject please send it to me. My address is:
I went to the play Dear Esther it talked about the holocaust.

Brandon Pilguy

I am Jewish and am studing the Holocaust for my Report. This site made me think differently, but still kept my so-called disrespectful opion. The Jews were one of the few who felt true genocide and still came back as a powerful force

Scott Miller

f u

michael the pixi

f u

michael the pixi

michael the pixi

michael the pixi

greetings from the philippines

jose s.matilac jr.







I have recently been studying the Holocaust, and have obviously found it to be quite disturbing. I think it's great that there are still so many people around, keeping the memories of those who were lost, and those who survived, alive- thanks.


I have recently been studying the Holocaust, and have obviously found it to be quite disturbing. I think it's great that there are still so many people around, keeping the memories of those who were lost, and those who survived, alive- thanks.


Looking for the origin of the name Wiancko???

Thank you

Mavis Palmer

Will be going to Washington D. C. and would like information in regards to the Holocust Museum in D. C.



I am doing a research paper on prejudice of the gypsies in the holocaust.Are there any good books you would suggest.Thanks.Cathy

Cathy Nimerichter

Hi i am very interested in reading about the Holocaust, and especially about what the "non-comformist" religions suffered. I am especially interested in Jehovas Witnesses in Nazi Germany and am looking for stories of survivors if anybody could tell me where to find them.


hi, are you feeling ok. ok I love you by

Jo Momma

This site makes me cry. It is very moving. I've been to Auschwitz and you can still feel and smell the death. No one should ever forget!

Monika Smith

I am a Polish-American child of Holocaust survivors. I would like to find organizations or support groups for survivors. If you know of any such organizations, could you please let me know.

Bernadette Budniakiewicz

God bless everyone who was either a victim, a hero, or a family member of the holocaust. May we never forget this atrocity and that it can and DID happen in our world.


Hi, this is a great site. We're 7th graders who are doing a report on the Holucast. If anyone has any info. or survivor stories please e-mail them to

Remissa & Danielle

I am searching for anyone who was helped by the Binkowski family during WWII. Theodore and his daughter Luciana Edeltrada Binkowski helped many Jewish people escape via a railroad. They lived in what is now Germany, but at that time was Poland. Luciana's daughter was born in Tarnowski-Gory Poland. Luciana is very secretive about her life, and I would like to meet those she helped save. Or relatives of those she saved. Please email me with any info. Thank-You.

Bradley Marchant

As a fourth Generation Polish-American I am always intersted in anything about Poland. I am really glad that you have put up a site about the non-Jews who were also killed alongside them. It is truly the forgotten Halocaust.

Anthony Fenton

It's a damn shame more jews were not killed in the holocaust. I hope the ones who died are burning in hell.

Hilary Ostrov

Hilary Ostrov


Richard Skotnicki

I respect and think that everyone shouold respect the victims of the holocaust and there should be a cool karma around the world from now on Peace for all on earth, all religions and every race of people alive today


For some time I have been trying to find out what and when was the First Riech and the Second Riech. Could anyone out there enlighten me, please.

Sheila Pender-Wedge

i found this site while looking for information about YAD VASHEM and IRENE GUT OPDYKE. i just read her story in reader's digest. so many brave people. and yet, heroes are made of every day people. so many helped the jews in that time, not because they cared about religon or politics, but humans, their next door neighbor,the grocer down the street. this tragedy should never be allowed to be forgotten or rearranged to suit any one! my brother-in-law was there when some of these camps were freed. it was a sight he could never forget!! thank you for this site and i am sorry about some of the awful comments i saw while reading example of the haterd that will not die .

mary jo

I am look for names of any books that are about the concentration camps in africa.


Your site will be tremendously helpful to my students who are working on research papers. Some of them decided just today to explore non-Jews who were either victims of the Holocaust or who helped Jews hide and survive.

Pam Selman

Your site will be tremendously helpful to my students who are working on research papers. Some of them decided just today to explore non-Jews who were either victims of the Holocaust or who helped Jews hide and survive.

Pam Selman

Do you find men in Nazi Uniforms Sexy?

Jack Mehoff

Do you find men in Nazi Uniforms Sexy?

Jack Mehoff

Do you find men in Nazi Uniforms Sexy?

Jack Mehoff

Do you find men in Nazi Uniforms Sexy?

Jack Mehoff

I DO!!!

Jack Mehoff

Terese congratulations for this great page.
I like it very much, and is very interesting and full of valuable information about the holocaust.

Daniela Laprida

Your site is a usefull and insightful look into the forgotten victims of nazi foreign policy. However, as a young adult suffering from cerebral palsy I would apreciate more infomation on the extermination of the disabled, biegining in 1938 in the (all to forgotten) T-4 "euthanasia"

James Dudley

There are some sick people out there who have the gall to express racist and down right WRONG oppintions- yet are such cowards that they hide behind false names and e-mails. These sick individuals make me ashamed to be human.... especialy as I believe I know one of them. They are criminals.

James Dudley

Oh yeah... read Maus by Art Spegialmann

James Dudley

James Dudley is the gayest mother fucker in the world

Jack Mehoff

Jerad you loser




Hi! I'm really intrested in holocust study, not only from the Jewish point of view. That's why when I had to write a report on the holocust, I chose to write it on "the hiding of jews during the holocust". If you can send me any info on that topic I'll really appritiate it! Thanx Alot!

Liz Rubin

hi I think your website is realy good Iam going to visit it more often to do more often todo my projects

johnny johnstonj

Both my grandparents are survivors of the concentration camps. I dont know where they were because they just dont talk about it, and probably never will. I just wanted to tell you thank you for your website. This subject is very intriguing to me because it hits home. If you have any info as to how I can find out anything about my grandparents please e-mail me.

Stephanie Thomas

can you give me info on consentration camps durg warold war 2


This was a great web site! The Holocaust was a very depressing time in History but it is something everyone needs to know about. I went to the Holocaust Musuem in Washington,D.C. and cried through the whole musuem but I was so interested I had to come home and find some more information. I learned everything from this website. Thanks a lot! E-mail me with some more information please. If anyone wants to e-mail me please write soon. My e-mail address is Thanks!

Virginia Doud

nazis suck!!!!!!!!!!!


Good Web Site to Find Stuff

Jerome Elliott

I am a 15 year old girl from Norway, and I'm writing an article about Holocaust and Jehowahs Witnesses. I am a J.W. myself and I am impressed by the fact that you actually wrote about J.W.'s most people don't know that they were killed too!
Soo Thanks!
From maren

Maren Pettersen

I just want to thanks you for making this site. I'm doing a class project and I found the exact information that I needed right no this site. It was great! I alson learned new interesting facts about the Holocaust. Thanks again!


I'm worknig on a report on the Holocaust for school and this web site has helped me very much and I'am so deeply sad for the people that lost family,and friends. I'm in 6hth grade at Field Middle school and if any one out there has a story or info that they think I should put in my report I would be ever so thankful if you would E-mail me at the address at the bottom of this message.

Amanda Krzmarzick:(

Amanda Krzmarzick:(

Hello my name is amanda, I'm in 6th grade at Field Elmentry and I'm doing a report on the Holocaust. If anyone has any Info or storys that they think might be helpfl to me I would really appreceat it if you could just E-mail it to me. I would also just like to say that I'am deeply sorry for the people that lost family, friends and loved ones.
(:Thank You so much:)

Amanda Krzmarzick:(

Hello my name is amanda, I'm in 6th grade at Field Elmentry and I'm doing a report on the Holocaust. If anyone has any Info or storys that they think might be helpfl to me I would really appreceat it if you could just E-mail it to me. I would also just like to say that I'am deeply sorry for the people that lost family, friends and loved ones.
(:Thank You so much:)

Amanda Krzmarzick:(

I have a trip planned to France for March 2000. My father-in-law was a Jewish holocaust survivor. I have information on his date and place of birth as well as his parents name (they were killed).

I would like to find any additional information available on his ancestry.

Marty Smothers

I am the norwegian daughter of a Sachsenhausen and Heinkel
prisoner of 1942 to 1945. I was born in 1940 and my parents were both in the resistance. My mother became 100% invalid during the war (now dead) by being hit in the head at a prision camp by a german gestapo soldier. My father was first in a prison kamp in Norway (he was an engineer in radar)since May 1940 till he was sent to Germany Sachsenhausen. They pulled all his teeth out as well as his nails on his hands when they tortured him. I met him when he came back to Norway in 1945 in the summer, but he was ill for many years with tuberculosis. He later got a job with the Norwegian Government (military) but did not like to talk about the war at all. He would just cry. I remember the food lines and the frozen raw potatoes we got to eat. I had a metal plack around my neck., and I had no relatives in the capital, so I roamed for a while. I was too young to know that there was a different kind iof life. I was 16 when I came alone to America on a scolarship to go to college, and I have been here ever since. Everyone thinks I am Jewish because of my ways and my name.
I can tell you many stories of air raids and horrible things
that has marked my life. Now I can talk about it, but before no one in my family mentioned anything. I remember polish dutch and russians coming to Norway to visit us after the war to thank and be with my father. They brought me gifts like bracelets and candy.
My fathers name was Bjarne Lindemann, and he was born 1-5-1910. I used to remember what his engraved number was, but I have tried to forget so often, now I did. Do you know where I can find it?
Thank you for listening.
Tove Lindemann

Tove Lindemann

Heil Hitler!

Jaime Sanchez

it was nice

Thank you for maintaining this website. As a lesbian, I feel it is important that all of Nazi Germany's victims be remembered.

Carol Anne Sundahl

I think it is wonderful how you remembered those people. I'm glad someone finally did! My grandparents were part of those 3 million Polish Catholics and it makes me proud someone finally tsaid what needed to be said.
Thank you!

E. Wysocki

My grandparents were sent to Siberia- narrowly missing the Nazis. My aunt(their sister) actually had contacted Hitler's right-hand man to find out where they were. Hitler issued the command to kill my great-great grandmother (she was 96) by an injection. I am not Jewish, but a very strict Roman Catholic. I'm so glad someone like you has not forgotten the cries out of some many who were forgotten . . . . . . . .

E. Wysocki

My father and mother both wore the "P" in Germany. Also my wife's grandmother. I have pictures of my father and a friend wearing the "P". Not to many people know that poles wore the "P". I am afraid that history will be re-written that Poles were resposible for the extermination of Jews in Poland.

Stanislaw A. Jablonski

Lisa Henerson

It was very infomative and I needed a lot of pictures, and you came through for me with both of these!!! Thank you

Lisa Henderson



I realy loved your site. The way it was all aranged was easy to find what you wanted to know. The survivor storys touched my heart.
I was doing a school project to recognize all the people who died and your site helped me. Thank You!!
Shannon M. Georgens

Shannon Georgens

Thank you for this amazing site! It helped me on my report!


I am a Freshman in high school, writing a research paper on world war two. I have been so disgusted at the inhumane things these people have been put through. My teacher asked me to find the upside to this war. Everyone has been saying "... well at least the allies won..." But I... I find nothing interesting or up-beat about a war for the "perfect race..." Excuse mr for being blunt, but I think the whole thing sucked!!!! You're not supposed to kill innocent people, its just wrong. I am a Christian and firmly believe that war, greed, and malice are sin, Killing goes in the same catagory. Sorry to all those who had to lose an ancestor to stupid racist people. You have my blessings, and my heart...
-Tasha McMillan-
St. Louis, Mo

Tasha McMillan

I am doing a report for History class that has the subject of the holocaust. Now I've read Anne Frank's book, and personally found it redundant. An exact repeat of all the information I had already reaserched before. I also looked up the nazi website @ th find out how they operate today, and again recycled news. I need something fresh. I don't want to be the 1,283,495,576 th copied info paper that my teacher will grudgingly grade. I want to stand out of the mass, me the paper above my peers, so can anyone post some stuff, fresh expeirences, lost families, diaries, anything.
Much abliged,
-Tah Green

Tah Green


Lyla Mlane

I am learning about Anne Frank in English. I am very interested in it. Your site is amazing!






Ivey Barker

our club:


I found this page very interesting thax for having it

C.J. Aleshire

I am heart felt to see some thoughtfulness being applied to the people of the war years who were the over looked victims.
In the past, I have felt a degree of shame for my ancestors being German. It is because people keep referring to the "Germans" as the nationality of terror. It is more appropriate to say the Nazis inflicted the terror on Europe.
Actually, my grandfather being German, in Lodz during WWII, was able to comfort the families who lived on his property. He was able to protect the Polish children from the torment of the Hitler yungen. The Polish families cried when my father and his brothers were drafted to the Nazi army. If Hitler did not come to Poland, perhaps, my ancestors and me, would still be living there in Lodz, in harmony, with peoples of Polish background, of German background and of Jewish background too. My grandfather tried to keep righteousness on his property as best he could, but his edge, or luck of being German, ended, when the Allies rescued Poland from the Nazis, and my grandfather's life ended with a bullet to his head, and my grandmother's sanity ended in the torture room of the local police station. German and Nazi having no distinction to the Allies. But their bakery, which was needed to make bread for the Russian army, was the priority of that day. Fortunately, the Polish families are still there in Lodz, and were able to share with me the sadness and the pride I can now know and share with others. The forgotten victims are thankful for the voice you have given them.

Anna Muller

no comment.


I am doing a report and I need to do a report on the impact the holocast had on the gypsies and Jehovah's if anyone has and information I would be glad to have it, thank you.

Jackie Gomez

God bless and keep you for this extraordinary and wonderful web site. My family lost contact with our Polish relatives during WWII and I have been trying to find information about them in my genealogy. It is very discouraging for decendants of Polish Catholics or Russians or Gypsies or Greeks to search Holocaust archives and find mention only of Jewish victims. A person's life is sacred regardless of their race or their creed or their faith.

Stephanie A. Richer

Great site! May we merit the coming of Moshiach (Messiah) speedily in our days, who will bring true peace to all the nations of the world, bring the people of Israel back to the Holy Land of Israel, and build the third Holy Temple (Beit Hamikdash) in Jerusalem!

Zelig Krymko

Great site! May we merit the coming of Moshiach (Messiah) speedily in our days, who will bring true peace to all the nations of the world, bring the people of Israel back to the Holy Land of Israel, and build the third Holy Temple (Beit Hamikdash) in Jerusalem!

Zelig Krymko


chris olson

you suk! and i say it again. you suk! faget ass Mu'fuka's

angry student

I think that this web site has done a good job of educating people of one of the most horrible racist acounts in the history of the world.

Eric Lander

Im sorry to know that that many people died in such a horrible thing. My best friend is jewish and her mother tells me stuff about it. i hope the Germans relieze that they are selfish for doing what they did.


Hi I am 16 years old and my best friend is jewish. Her parents are always telling me about the Holucast. I think every person should take it seriously. That was not something to be taken lightly. Im in the middle of reading the play "The Diary of Anne Frank". Its a shame that such a wonerful girl ends up dieing.
I think it is wonderful that you have actually made up a site with this information. it just goes to show that this was serious. I am not laughing when i say the germans should all DIE!!!!! Well not all of them. Only the ones that believe that Hitlers' doings were correct.


I'm glad you have this article on the internet for people to see. I have found it very useful because I used it to get information about the "forgotten others" for a report in class. Your page was one of the few that I could find that talked about the people who died in the Holocaust that weren't Jewish people. Thank You.


Dear Mrs Schwartz,
Is there any way to get proof of death for a victim, my grandfather, who was taken from his home, by the Russian military, and shot immediately? Would the Lodz bureau of births and deaths have that info? Or would the victim be disposed of as if nothing happened. It seems unlikely for the war torn government to provide monies for a grave, but it would be closure to at least know.


Hello. I am a youth worker in the UK who is researching the holocaust in order to inform and educate a group of young people about the ultimate results of racism/nationalism. I found this site very informative, revealing little-known aspects of the exterminationist policies of the Nazis. I am not Jewish, and I could have grown up relatively ignorant of the sufferings and deaths, had it not been that I had not come across the writings of Primo Levi. Sadly, it seems to me that the world is crossing the threshold into a new century without learning from the awful sufferings and manifold agonies of the past. I hope that resources like these will allow us to reflect and learn from this shameful period and advance as human/humane beings. Peace!

Julius Charrett-Dykes

Could you please put a link to your home page. I bookmarked this page and can't get back to your home page???

Where can I write to get the forms
for filing halocaust victims?

Larissa Malyj

I have learned alot from reading your article about the holocaust. I am doing a research paper for my school and we are going to remember the people that were lost. Some of us will read our papers. I hope I can explain to some that what happend was wrong and that those people were humans too.

thank you
Melissa Brown


I am doing the a project on the Holocaust story of survivers If possible please send me more story's on holocaust surfiver


Stephanie Vo

This page brings tears to my eyes. Maybe it's just my age (14) that makes it so hard for me to bear the thoughts of how people were treated during that sad and depressing time. I was directed to this page in a search for Jewish concentration camps for a report. I never realized concentration camps killed so many other people that weren't Jewish. This page beautifully describes that point. How can 5 million people be forgotton? I plan to do much of my own research on this subject because of what I learned on your page.

Stephanie Voight

I am looking for information on my great uncle Walter or Stanley Bury, (The family is unsure of his first name)who was sent to Auschwitz as a laborer. It was the last anyone ever heard of him, and I was wondering if there are any lists of victims, so that we can determine if he survived or died in the concentration camp.

Robert Ozasky

I have personally visited Yad Vashem Holocaust in Israel. I will never forget the pictures, the stories and the calling out the childrens names ...heartbreaking!

Dianna Fate

can u send me info on different kinds of experiments of the holocasut



luv the site


convincing site

gillian roberts

This is a realy touching site I realy was moved by some stories I read and some poems also. Hopefully that, that will never happen to us or anybody or any culture.

Frank Tellez

I am working on a paper in college and I am haveing a tough time finding information on my topic. If you have any information on this topic:antisemitism existed in america, and americans denied entry visas to many jews, thus being at least partially to blame for what eventually happened to them. Thank you for your heзх*#m™ФГк›&2wKїЇИIы>±.fё‹)чpн^ої!ІH[Lr®ЗТ­‹© ЕЦ…„Re$wаЅ'Ё4^-­…­¶ЪDJ[ ЬЏCоп*…ЛБаµL©ўPf\81bVЭ •’Jќ0Ъqї{\lпСЌџГjБ ЅЭзЕжМЌ'ЗжyЃ5q‚Ќ<ќ@ ¶З‚?ЂСмћ[WњДoЇСPГ№*В"K?;н PьwґNЇKт«з78$Л+{ЊvеXFZMYрЪ е|њcс;П8@O№—О,йж„Уцг*#ЈцЫґ,5<у№ЙcpNF“eС`iq>·`Ґ·хtFЦl+<ЊпЬh)ЎQ± ™ЩнзЅ efe„•u”§эыwVC‰иD."nђAFЌВЦk!Fsў…°vY©шмХГ.ењ°!йўЕы8Ъ·Ш,9©Ш«—ЕrqО Ю”Юp5Ш%q‚Ї|bШдЦVnnУ>№Ѕ«>Ђ±‰(ІЉ}“[3№щRbyлјбћ¦“¦$PяеЇеЎ±АrЄуЪ,ЫўЂ (T”Й0-?ыХўџљаЃЙLоv=^љМ~ъiдЙ±љЪ5дz¦Фз­aтA@[цйsB”ZёiWтE©«j№ 8‹иС—„4и€Х]џљЬЋђBk›яf—S,h[Ј•Lg«2°ѓе.ZйM0Ье–)г¤з4kgQ¬ЖЦ€)¤О“„УаS–ю®ЖЏКF]Є®лОе№[чSx#5¬х/WИvЦМc±L¤Ѓе№6`oX"HfC.VMАБО¬ie€8ЊґЇћЪ L‚фl{”Ђє*Г±-ЦчЯЉЕєїѓ­>Ђ†Ѕgє–¬%УцУНЏ_§_яqч·їяњљX„hе`ЈЃб§ЃЯЩ@њ¶™'dЁ›э?µ)М[сѓ?К‹¶,Ю0кuљҐЖH L„ч ^Ф“Ыёв)ЦТ+ПзХБVЙ2сЉwзіб"®ј|°ШООДИR3€NbЛ”¤2W є €,gK»PYF”UЪґdfХLЌ{jб*¦«?ЗoQћРg’*%uУтгеx'·IbБТыб-@¤ЌХ“/$_ЉNYџ9®Јf№s6П * yж МCќf3?N¤Hѓж8ЉdФЕ|},јуoG~!шю4\я.№±–эЁ ™Ы¬б№Sш6ЖФYн Gр™Y°Аб’€№d№5Жд: ґхЋЁwB!?=' ЄTУXу‹Dg©VwВ'Є€Q4СP“{XаMЌ#°еф(9!z3Ч Є+oB°™‘#ПЄ‘3”ЙsСxvЉ #Y‘ЁfiO†r!VШ55|Я‹еоѕB¦s›mЏхEuGґнДъrы]qЄМЛ^В)JRџ't8懤%К2ГsБќЙrл n цПвЗЭэь8ю¶ЬPХ(SWЪЁ+ёКЬЃЗББЯД0юi4¤.ы‚текqжіЌ{#0”д ћЄ`бцгЖЩЁ=НsLp)4Ўbhеcцј>вVРpi0dћМКћаШ5N9Ѓр¦u_ћ¦!ЅqцЈИџЌWџЋ,(ЃT+1§’"И¬›e°ГXМЪ®ѕГ?п/ЁX‘°q±H’KVз2Ќ–X”m‰¦gЙЁoм…¶9рђo^оᑤҐЉч}ЌЎ/bД|Ћ;· У‡=vшГoи…¦ЪЅп†F Ћ‹$`А’F'€%ШГ–y1lSяЈљМј1Џу€Г7§й Qэ»V“’«Р>Эк™цг±Tr‡-вyo€LРµJУ`ў'№fpш `k¬€†ёјС: ­ЗЭз`а ЊdТQЪѓ-I‘1ц‰bRЖ}d&Фз‰I«fЬ|чх|Х†ZдЛиVHQYuЛ$п?†UЬnЭCЬћІUБ t3/VчNЎІZ"оNLr1‰м_Ї&™Жп]ъ(–‰f–уяМ][sЫXr~ПЇИ эВІxо8HEЙJ–=;ЙЪіeO6•'Х№A‚yЃ %k~}є@‰ @¤Ў­ќQ%ЈыЬ»ы|эхДёїF°Bp†БTHк¦Ѕ“\‚п—Б&‚Фv`БМќ&ОцZ7#шџЅсБЈЌXд,¤ЭzJ‚пmћеЯ‹Ы&–чз_?эzцзЯ?яeЇ4ИЋф#`»VУ°Ђ9Vжnzw[¬ЉiеnГТ¬уX¤‰QEОq)ќUарr„†AT&XgКЧVеЭо}RьЕ6ИсЋ-ЌдHB*Щ1ЭwzЎ„Ъ`¦ЈЋ•©\v8жЪ’ЫZв•.‹EQ¬&а0›:Ѓ,uLO3 &™qX\>-m Юґт† < ¶ШF^KkАb#^‚а5ўлибЭq”-сК8…YNЛIJ#kХйЩag–ћ+*МfуэЎ©®зЏЕ|уjцЙэґђgсќKН/ал|}Ќчљi*dМьL¦Ь#ЇhљH/|ђ‰ЂйзY—йЪhє;ЭцхнDџЪwЗbї"µF6П89^<’щA¦“В^GКяЭ,жЕ}Пћі+|w"Р~КдЉL./влe|Хсхjз}э[‚ш.е“+ЉрЛзїHwю ЌЇrзoxГ!3о)QHгGАIJЅ4IўeОСМwVjxЏgФђ,""%&эБЦ;nп/у9!M’В­ЃЏчЦvд¶V >оЉН¬МbjЮ¬—ЪGѓП2О<8)МfъN№” ЎЅGЪГЃйEµтіЁч,К8«:%©ЈXqзd}1GzJЬщЏ‡›3і^&Y«є .Х>‘зірЦьнїШ]›Еќ™zL^_ДЛЙ$Ѓ ж ”ґeх.qBgibeW:З“v-°U­#тPЬ…MYL¶„¦c]йИѓcёҐФћ4Fk°‚АМЬVЌXБыVP©%є5BЇ?X©Ќч9љЎНvђI>ёJYfS)mЖЌeТ8ARЪ$]>еVЗvб€Ёйa"O0ЬIЬ(VиВЪ„кдaаgЋ"gр‰Јkw|ьГЂП±¤ЅZ2©C–З’‹Н3Ёqє®Ш¬Ц‘+ЛбьЄI)Я)kм8\BФ<ърЕ,MЖ3PЎ}а›идYђаnљuябЅ•|ДµЫДЛI и5;?Еoрѓш©Уq/TAXV!K™p23БшЊ НђKBІ®ИmЈj?M!Юaї3!ъЊ·Sєк‡}Ђ–mП‰u~о©i[Б’Ё±РХS,r n•_Д3B;­Ў+јЙLўt; ,Ј$c|ЮЋ~iфjќЌv3$­к8j»„ђh–Ґ¬пВ椮BкЅ24ыµН‹EqSЦ[ћи®шЮcхЙ:щ^ШэлXDШoD™аL’ љр$!µ„rљо•M29ш& V|¶«у>Л+SHR•`О_ Mw=.ЉМс]д•yє ЗЄЭ•7‹Ђ,О 9t‹HwG—^ђБ‹іпЫцБУ«ь©оOF8і>1њxi-· q¬р¶K|з=ФЋТ{Wд]ЄїXµагп¦YРЎZНЇнb®5}®§еКНЬїчСni’ь ЕыЎ`?cЙЙ;ц¤гRЋЧјГ°ТБQ9йЉµј^?3oОЎеcуУ^€o+»5&д5cшвЫ_§„RфЉ§·aУрњBD 7F(8µ !uМ —hЬkХ@шш“Ъі­Ж3~LYe7ЪHоҐ*±ЎЅ8,S јН›?«цп~tљрљИ¬W}иQGp^¬®Бфl*є№Нў†ґ=ОgЩGё3ЕbjюЗџJ q)ҐІ)саHИ¬cЖАЬК їUu¶Х,‹bЦБuыњ[89xМ=Шk:V„югIFџпЖUў!БКљХ|г{–HД-fЇґЯsEYвCВУн—©‹4{К<Х>uД&–¤Ьёґ†РЅkЛЌ¶b[=g№Чbт‰Nс8дЁ>{Јыуф[аO KЃф#KЩ‡KsД.њ):оT+‹»ў\х™]-б-‹їя¦u™Яљ°0Уlі®yгњa’ЙЊfљ§6c M’$ Vd)l3ЎлђШjчZ­Ђ!`яэощ™ЦЄ14ЏУ9!o7ф1™L¤юйЙ CђЋ%pС м-W ЮE"¶QцЪйX‘¬A{?‹"JДўE±NkaѓvцуЂ!Rѕк‘ЕмМ?,щС®‡щШHґPµ(8D/\v dиыВШжўzК—1Ё­\Жеч:Ні¦ЎX46Ч1MµrВp›N„&ОЇSMµHЦНCmg;Љо‡0DRЫЧУ ђ>їgфOAЋёµї«{«ЁцqПП"[ХаАVЅщЃuжБЭтУuiVХВls™q z#јLJжL°™“Ь1ЮE@Њ оvXQНў€Y#ўщсЪ•`ъёNЈf\ѓ O0x/и1=x¬•[зТcцчa.<ЖЖ€7!8Xт>И]—њЧ«ЏЈЕ}»Y~nvЯ«6IK‰Ю9ТЏЉ-V0†aє(\њ)Sы\¤|я¬К{0*…¦gВйЁУ4#K;Рђ21ґ0щnЫf»Нz‰«“э°ъ& зЫЌd4ЌХ™>XЁхФq\lЬг5зЌWkp­јґЃщOІw=Т_‚Є~Ц„ыёЄ‡‡¤ТZБLJ|b№I€W2sљhЛ]WPm«^ ц¤$80І“›]15КёБ6™HМY{1пҐ!ЃvДa8цПKЃs/–`=Ч‰ЊЏWX-Бёѕ:Sдdac &‹‘іфнЕТЖ<Ц‹8<NaьqEµDъЮzЌЮыЄИЦ¦ {ёж­мЦ«†GЫќ)Чl¬¶Шщф¦ MбD“)’TJеґ †{®¤%ZиLкDu9ѓЌВ­Uы¬цKїђСЙ#б<мў11–ЇAj^ д*?]Ъ@~Xі0> uRT№}фmmС­9qD"Е7ђr1µx"`рX2’
I am writing an essay for social and i would like to know how many people were incarcerated in Hitler's concentration camps


I am an 8th grade student doing a report on children of the Holocasut. I was wondering if any one had any information on her or her family. Her name is RENATE WOLFF.Thankyou for your time.

Katie Ward

i need to get some pictures for a report, but i can't find any on the internet. i mean i have found some, but they are not what i am looking for! i need pictures of the people there, alive and well...not alive.(i prefer that over dead, they will never "die" we will always remember them, not all by name but by assosiation.) and i would appritiate it if someone could e-mail me some website addresses. thanks ion advance. carli




its all shit it sucks cock i hate the fucking shit

dave little

Jews and Poles rule.

The Squirrel

yo mom don't delete this!!!
this for extra credit for geography

aisha doherty's


i would like to see more information about how they were treated and the labor


I am an academic looking for information on Tove "Musse" Hansen, a post-WW II Danish immigrant, who lived in Hollywood, CA, and died in 1999. In 1946 she opened a restaurant named "Scandia" in Hollywood and received Israel's highest medal for her work in the Danish resistance. The Israeli Embassy has no information and was unhelpful about how to research, perhaps a reader knows of a relevent website or reference? Thanks,

Wm. P. Jones

William P. Jones


the war is not thing we should do unles we have to. we also have to know that the judie sufered a lot we need to take cere of them and help them of any nazi. they need our help. thks you

fernando herrera

In history these kinds of lessons have always intruged me. I never could understand why it happened. My background is full German but I would have never gone to the extreme they did. In fact it sicken me. I do not know why it interest me to see this but I think I do to really believe that their are really that evil of people.

Tara Baker

Last year my teacher said we are going to get a little taste of how Jews where treated. That was a very emoshinal time for our class


original ww2 film footage acording to minniapolis university. positive film,of hittler and other officers inspecting conceration camps. would like to know how to find out the value of films. ps found by metal detector in the early 70s.


Am looking for the records of Yeshaa Fialkow, an accountant and his wife machlah Grynburg Fialkow, a dentist whose families lived 8 generations in Kobrin Belarus and were murdered as well as their son Meyer.

marilyn fialkow chadnick

i'm a 10th grade student and i'm writing an essay on the holocaust. my thesis is "could the United States have prevented the holocaust?" can you help me? asap!!! thank you. from evanna, tucson AZ


hi i am doing a paper on the holocauast and i was wondering wether anyone new elie weisels i need his adress!! EMAIL OR HOME!!!! please

alex kent

I would like to get more information on the Holocaust, if there are any survivors or any on that can see me info please do so i would like to learn more for a paper i am writting. Thanks


This website is cool it has alot of imfo and pics of those who suffred.

tommy wilson

i am in 9th grade and im in speech class and i have to right a papper on the holocaust and i would like to know what the prisoners jobs were like on this one thing this guy said that he had to take sand to a pit to cover the ashes so if you could get back to me asap it would be verry much appreciated thank you meghan



I want to send my deepest sympathies to the families who's relatives were victims of the holucaust. In that time in history it was an outrage what was being done.


I knew the holocaust was bad , but until I did a study on this with pictures I never knew a human being was able to do such atroities to another human being reguardles of race or belief . God bless them and rest their soles !!!

Ron - Ft Worth , Tx
Bflokid@qwickconnect .net


Much is said about the, so-called Holocaust of Poles during the 1939 Campaign against Poland. Is it a Polish tactic to deflect serious and genuine charges of anti-Semitism ingrained in the Polish psyche? Tomasz Komierowski is used as the “poster-boy” of this Polish Holocaust. Was he a victim of the Nazi’s or a secret conspirator? According to my detailed investigations in the Sempolno Region, the reasons and method of his demise are well known by a select few family members. Is it not strange that not a single relative of Tomasz has stepped forward with the pertinent information? After all, he was laid to rest by a very close family member, who had to be protected from the local villagers by the Catholic Clergy. Tomasz Komierowski has been laid to rest. Now is the time to let some “sunshine” in and tell the whole story. Let’s see if the family does it before me.

A.L. Serdiukov

A. L. Serdiukov

can you please explain to me, How to write a term papper.

Debra Jenkins

I love evrything About my mom

Nothshor drive

I want to know about public primary school located at calgary alberta canada for my grandson who is going their on immigration visa

sharad trivedi

hey everyone!!! i'm 16 years old, i'm a Polish catholic and very proud of my culture and nationality. there are 2 many racist people out there and we need to stand up and remember that no one can hold us down. STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN!!!!i am bilingual, i was born in Poland and english is a second language 2 me, i like learnin about many peoples cultures but i always know where i came from and i know my background. i don't understand why people don't keep the language, 4 once i hate polish-americans who don't know how to speak the language or understand it, no matter if you have the Polish blood in you, you aren't a true Polish person until you know the language and culture, i don't undertstand why the adults don't talk 2 their kids in Polish and pass the language on. those people who don't know it, to me, aren't Polish they're just american. so please don't call yourself Polish unless you truly are. my grandmother is a survivor of the holocaust and she has taught me a lot about what happened. She has told me a lot of stories about the holocaust and her stories truly and literally put me in tears. she has taught me to respect people and their differences. i love her a lot. shoutout to my grandmother janina. she's been through 2 much. she told me a story of the day that she almost died, i just keep thinking "what if she had died?" then i wouldn't be here, its a sad story. every night i see her take her time and pray, she even says the rosery ever day. i know she prays for her friends, family, everyone and for this kind of thing to never happen again. My religion is my culture. My culture is my religion. sisters and brothers please pass the language, culture, and stories on. everyone needs to know what happened.

Elwira Tyra


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hi. I am in 10 grade and i am creating my own poem about my self. I know its stupid, but tough. well, I will try. This is my homework for thursday. Okay, Byeeeeeeeeeeeee.


Francine Jones

hi Terese,
I am a 11th Grade student and I have recently visisted the extermination camps Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkinau. All I can really say about it, that after having felt the terror and horror that is still left in every corner of these places, I can not ever again think of WW2 without the horrifying images of the holocausts haunting my mind. The experience of having seen such a human death factory, has made such an incredible impression on me and gives me nightmares everytime I think of it too much. Never before had I been so shocked by seeing the sickening ideas human beings can do to one another. Having seen these things several weeks ago has made me think of how blessed I actually am to live in such a peaceful country, and scared at the same time of the terrorist wave that slowly moves towards Europe, causing chaos in my original country Holland. Having seen the terror of Auschwitz, I think, everybody should be obliged to feel its atmosphere as part of our education, giving everybody a chance to realise and question where this world is going to now. My sensere respect goes to the victims of Auschwitz specifically, and anyone ever affected by violance or discrimination. Let the past be a warning for our future.


i love my people



Josef Rzeszutek

I have always been really interested in World War 2 and I know so much about it, and i was wondering if anyone knows any jewish survivors email address that I could have to email the person. I'm only 16 but i work at a retirment home and the survivors from world war 2 like to share there storys with me, and i'm hoping i can find others who will too, thanks.


Hello. I am doing an essay on wether or not a holocaust could happen here. not neccessarily the holocaust but a holocaust. If you could please email me with your thoughts about this and/or backup reasons why. Thank-You

Bob Johnson

heyy, yo, its me...Alllei Quast #14!!, what up??


POwer to those people!, lol brittany whats up??, nothing, here, God school Sucks!, Mags, ur awesome!

Allie #14


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Хорошо вымытое мясо нарезать на котлеты, слегка отбить, посолить и посыпать


Часто самые простые рещения являются наиболее удачными. Пример тому снасть, о


Бассеты это целая группа приземистых коротконогих гончих, со стаями которых




Эта ловушка является снастью более-менее сложной. С незначительными изменениями


Мясо вымыть, положить в кастрюлю, добавить пряности, соль, лук, разрезанный на 4


Задние части тушек вымыть, очистить от пленок, мясо отделить от костей, нарезать


Деревяшка — это уже не искусственная приманка, а способ ужения спиннингом. Этот


Нарезанный шпик слегка обжарить, добавить масло, измельченный лук, петрушку и


Малоподвижная, преимущественно донная озерная рыба. Обитает в бассейнах


Отрезают голову и удаляют внутренности, после чего снимают темную кожу (с глазной


Водится в тех же реках, где обитает и таймень. Населяет, по преимуществу, верховья


1 ВВЕДЕНИЕ 1. 1 Приступая к эксплуатации ружья, внимательно изучите паспорт.


Кости жареной дичи (косули, оленя, лани, кабана, фазана) при необходимости


Весенняя охота на селезней. Охота весной разрешается не каждый год. Если зима была


Поплавок не является постоянным элементом донной удочки, но в определенных случаях


Среднеазиатские борзые, или тазы, сохранились в Казахстане и в Среднеазиатских


Поплавок не является постоянным элементом донной удочки, но в определенных случаях


Очищенное от пленок, вымытое и нашпигованное шпиком мясо натереть смесью соли и


1. ОБЩИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ            ВНИМАНИЕ      Прежде чем пользоваться ружьем,


Вылежавшуюся заднюю часть тушки очистить от пленок, тщательно вымыть, нашпиговать


Переднюю часть тушки зайца тщательно вымыть и отварить в соленой воде с репчатым


Для предохранения ружья от загрязнения, сырости и механических повреждений служат


Печень очистить от пленок и разделить на две неравные части. Меньшую часть нарезать


Среднеазиатские борзые, или тазы, сохранились в Казахстане и в Среднеазиатских


Едва ли не основным видом ловли рыбы на зимнюю удочку является лов на блесну, или


Пресноводная жилая рыба. Держится на средних глубинах в заливах, старицах и в


Кумжа относится к семейству лососевых. Она оби­тает на севере в Белом и Баренцовом


Вылежавшуюся, очищенную от пленок и вымытую хребтовую часть отделить от костей,


Соболь обитает в России и в очень небольшом количестве встречается в пограничных с


Переднюю часть тушки зайца с печенью и сердцем отварить в подсоленной воде с черным


Блодгаунды, или кровяные гончие, потомки старинных гончих святого Губерта


Нахлыстовая удочка — снасть, при помощи которой рыболов, практически незаметно,


Русский спаниель сформировался в нашей стране в послевоенные годы в результате


Охота со спаниелем


Это типично летний способ рыбной ловли. Он очень кстати, когда наступает жара и


Воблер (его также называют «Орено») — как раз та самая приманка, которая — блесна,


В последние годы широко распространилась летняя ловля рыбы зимней приманкой —


Отделить мясо с грудки дикого гуся и положить на день в кислое молоко. Затем вынуть,


Мясо вымыть, нарезать котлеты, слегка отбить, натереть смесью соли, перца,


При ужении донными удочками с удилищами для их крепления на берегу нужны


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Рецепт I. Мясо дичи, яблоки, отваренный сельдерей, маринованный огурец, репчатый


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Если Отец наш любит его, он сделает все как надо для своего чада. ОДоннелл, давай, выходи! А ты когда-нибудь спала с женщиной?

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Всё! Это ошибка. Мне должны были сообщить. Какого хрена ты делаешь? Я сказал ей, что потребуется пара недель. Tри недели.

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Зак едет домой! Веселье закончено! Правда? Ты молодец! Как здорово! Он не такой, как ты думаешь.

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Видишь, мы заботимся о твоих интересах. но это очень сильное средство. Соберись, Обеликс.

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Не смотреть вниз. Пять. Прямо сейчас вы держите муху в вашей левой руке. Не так ли? В этом бизнесе только один гений: Секор Венсес!

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Знаешь, я с тобой даже разговаривать не буду. Что? Расскажи мне. Возможно ее холодные воды отрезвят тебя. Хайнц!

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Придешь один. И возможно, тебе повезет. Пятьдесят на пятьдесят. Его обязательно ставить? Удачи, мой мальчик.

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Ты опять куда-то опаздываешь. Посмотрите, есть ли там что-либо необычное. Я думаю у меня кровотечение.

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Заткни свою глотку, урод! В каком смысле? Утром спускаются в шахту, что-то взрывают, а потом вылезают обратно. Вот, пожалуй, и все.

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Ну, тогда ты должен делать, что-то еще. КЛЮЧИ ЕГО. МАШИНА МОЯ. Белый дождь - не помощник охотникам.

[URL=]Яндекс знакомства свинг-клубы москва[/URL]
[URL=]Кармелита тверь сайт знакомств[/URL]
[URL=]Чебоксары знакомства е е[/URL]
[URL=]Секс в королеве с проституткой[/URL]
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[URL=]Знакомства в г орёл мари эл[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства степан минеральные воды[/URL]
[URL=]Служба знакомств с иностранцами г калининград[/URL]
[URL=]Калуга знакомство света[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства сландо ру оренбург[/URL]
[URL=]Республика саха черкесск знакомства[/URL]
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[URL=]Красноярск знакомства без регистрции[/URL]
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Но уверен, вы же это знаете. Ни у кого не выйдет. Если никто из вас не хочет вылететь из школы, домой!

[URL=]Сайты знакомств пензы[/URL]
[URL=]Минеральные воды знакомства лашин[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства новосибирск мамба восемь[/URL]
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[URL=]Свингер знакомства реальные в биробиджан[/URL]
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[URL=]Клуб знакомств инкогнито краснодар[/URL]
[URL=]Секс-знакомства в г набережные челны[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства мужчины г оренбург 36-40лет[/URL]
[URL=]Познакомиться с трансуалами обнинска[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства владивосток[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства саха г йошкар-ола[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства в лен обл в анадырь[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства ирма хабаровск[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства ближе к дому москва[/URL]
[URL=]Гей подросток знакомства тверь[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства в гкыштыме калуга озерск[/URL]
[URL=]Бизнес леди з


они образуют... Дай нам силы, О Господи, вытерпеть. Давай их познакомим.

[URL=]Знакомства, доска обьвлений[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства в г санкт-петербург мари эл[/URL]
[URL=]Смоленск сайт серьезных знакомств[/URL]
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[URL=]Знакомства для секса кому за 40 смоленск[/URL]
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[URL=]Г брянск знакомства для сеса[/URL]
[URL=]Свинг пары знакомства ульяновск каталог[/URL]
[URL=]Коломна знакомства последний зарегистрированный[/URL]
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Агата не возвращалась, пока я не давал ей знак вернуться. Ты говорила, что я похож на твоего покойного приятеля. Ты обучила меня "ча-ча-ча". Она говорила: "Эта манера класть руки на клавиши и ждать,затаив дыхание".

[URL=]Черкесск сайт знакомств ухажер[/URL]
[URL=]Мобильные сайты знакомств в г ставрополь[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства для в г калининград и жигулевск[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства в воронеже брянск[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства с геями салехард[/URL]
[URL=]Заполнить анкету на знакомства[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомство с девушкой в питер[/URL]
[URL=]Проститутка москвы марго телефон 89653917896[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства в городе белореченске краснодарского края[/URL]
[URL=]Свингер знакомства город благовещенск[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомство для взрослых рязань[/URL]
[URL=]Внебрачные знакомства нальчик[/URL]
[URL=]Секс знакомства в северодонецке[/URL]
[URL=]Коми сайт знакомств[/URL]
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[URL=]Знакомства для анального секса ханты-мансийск[/URL]


Я не... не понимаю. Первым делом анализ мочи. На этот раз мы должны успеть к девяти.

[URL=]Инрим знакомства украина черкассы[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства с извращенцами тольятти[/URL]
[URL=]Проститутки-индивидуалки город пенза[/URL]
[URL=]Еврейский клуб знакомств шидух оренбург[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства в украине с[/URL]
[URL=]Адыгея кызыл знакомство[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства в алмате[/URL]
[URL=]Поиск омск-проститутки[/URL]
[URL=]Сэкс знакомства в городе томск[/URL]
[URL=]Школа знакомств и флирта чита[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомство с мужчиной 45-60 челябинск[/URL]
[URL=]Брачное агентство знакомств сказка санкт-петербург[/URL]
[URL=]Ростов-на дону индивидуалки поиск[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства г питер девушки от 25 до 35[/URL]
[URL=]Лесби сайты знакомств рязань[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства с номерами в городе саратов[/URL]
[URL=]Интимные знакомства анадырь на дону[/URL]
[URL=]Свинг секс порно знакомства ульяновск куйтун[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства белгород ростовская облость[/URL]
[URL=]Галактика знакомств на к


Плохая новость. Кое-что еще. Мы сделали рентген, чтобы посмотреть, что под краской. и была не в состоянии самостоятельно дышать.

[URL=]Знакомства санчо сыктывкар[/URL]
[URL=]Интимные знакомства мазо тюмень[/URL]
[URL=]Тайные встрчи знакомство в г саранск[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства в сочи семейные пары[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства ляля 25 лет город нальчик[/URL]
[URL=]Эпроститутки знакомства курск[/URL]
[URL=]Все страницы[/URL]
[URL=]Реальные знакомства по г иркутск[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомство с мужчиной за 35 ставрополь[/URL]
[URL=]Город губаха и их проститутки[/URL]
[URL=]Газета интим-знакомства самара[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомство г архангельск кузнецкий[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства танюшка ижевск 32 года[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомтсва южно-сахалинск[/URL]
[URL=]Дешевые проститутки города красноярска[/URL]
[URL=]Саит интимных знакомств сочи на дону[/URL]
[URL=]Сайт знакомств г березники[/URL]
[URL=]Кызыл брачные конторы знакомства[/URL]
[URL=]Поиск знакомства томск пен обл[/URL]
[URL=]Если ваша жена бывшая блядь[/URL]


За мной должок. и обниму младшего. Да этот раздел все равно никто не читает!

[URL=]Сайт знакомств флирт 51 г кызыл[/URL]
[URL=]Сек знакомства г москва[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства катерина чита 23 24 25[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства кызыл 16 -18 лет[/URL]
[URL=]Рзнакомства с замужними/женатыми[/URL]
[URL=]Госпожа знакомства г томск[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства по вологде[/URL]
[URL=]Интим знакомства кемерово рт[/URL]
[URL=]Усурийский чат знакомства[/URL]
[URL=]Г курган самарской обл знакомства[/URL]
[URL=]Сайты знакомств назрань адреса[/URL]
[URL=]Клуб знакомств солнце волгоград[/URL]
[URL=]Отлуп знакомства анадырь[/URL]
[URL=]Нас познакомила буря укрыла снегом велела ждать до утра[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства анальный секс тверь[/URL]
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[URL=]Alex 24 ростов-на-дону знакомства[/URL]
[URL=]Город пермь чаты знакомств[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства курск kissus[/URL]
[URL=]Эмо знакомство в молодечно[/URL]
[URL=]Для норвежцев сайт знакомств[/URL]
[URL=]Москва знакомства мужчина ча


Мое цветущее сердце... Только один звонок. Я думал помочь тебе закрыть дело, найдя Тинг Танга или что-то в этом роде..

[URL=]Красава ру знакомства томск[/URL]
[URL=]Где стоят проститутки перово[/URL]
[URL=]Оренбургская обл иркутск ру знакомства[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства элиста девственницы[/URL]
[URL=]Чат знакомств в г ростов-на-дону[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства кому за 50 лет уфа[/URL]
[URL=]Интим знакомства якутск область[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства черкесск встретиться сейчас[/URL]
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Он был так молод. Как ты. Сколько вы собираетесь еще держать Сильвию в подвале? Кроме того, ты будешь ходить в драмкружок.

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Что? Думаешь, ты идеальная мать? Я только что почувствовала, как оно шевельнулось. Но вы закончили университет в Пенсильвании.

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Я то, в особенности по истории. Хорошо, разбегаемся. Вы знаете, кто куда. Знаешь, впервые я почувствовал себя мужчиной, когда мамаша сломала ложку о мою гранитную задницу.

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Но беда в том... Время здесь ни при чем. Чует след моего тарана и слегка раздвинул берега, разгладил морщинки.

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Помоги мне


Это я. Девчонка у нас. К тому же это может навлечь несчастье. Расскажите маме, что вы чувствуете, когда ее нет.

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Надо найти его. И как можно быстрее. Он хочет быть уверенным, что ты придешь сегодня ночью в клуб. Они пришли за мной, чтобы выйти на тебя.

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Он iникогда/i не врал мне. Я знаю, вам он не нравился... Шоу начинается!

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Может, теперь пойдёшь в школу? О, он также мне сказал, что когда он нервничает, он иногда мочится в штаны. Маленькая превратность судьбы.

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Рад видеть тебя. Кейн] Перестань ныть. Никогда не оставляй меня больше.

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Твоя мама звонила. что вас нельзя у них отнимать. Это так мило, Макси.

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С днем рождения.- Проходи. используй, э... ты знаешь... Целых сорок дней.

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У меня всё отлично. Кpucmuaн, ux былo mpoe. Ага! Ты бежишь, Цезарь! Вы едете домой. Их нет на мес


Ночью она вырастала вновь,и на следующий день орлу снова было чем поживиться. Ты вернулся в старые времена, а, Луис? Есть, величайший из злодеев!

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было исполнено. может, она от меня отстанет. Это было очень давно.

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От этого волнения я чувствую, что заболеваю. Да, но раз ты ничего не приготовила, давай пойдем куда-нибудь? Папа, ты лучше всех людей знаешь, что нравиться мистеру Пфеферу.

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Команда учёных находящихся в глубоком сне погибла,когда система жизнеобеспечения была отключена компьютером Хол-9000. Я ему говорил не останавливаться, просил: "Не делайте этого". Я не знаю. Просто теперь мне кажется...

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Сколько вы за него заплатили, мисс Ривера? Хватит драться! Да ты не знаешь, кто я!

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Верно. И Вы хороший человек, док. Второй так второй. Гарри! Стой! Я понимаю. Ты вне себя.

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Почувствуй эту задницу! Она не собирается открыть нам дверь? Прости, Финчмайстер, у меня свидание с Кэйденс.

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Заткни свой рот и извинись перед моей девушкой. Гостиничные номера всегда угнетают. Ты же сказала, что ты одинокая женщина...

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Фаланга! Смир-но! С Мамой И Моим Братом? Джейк начнет искать тебя.

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защищая нашу страну, нашу отчизну. Да. Мы все уедем отсюда. Значит, мы хоть раз наедимся досыта.

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Пожалуйста, скажи мне, что делать. Заиграла песня. А это что такое?

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Я обожаю этот процесс. Это просто бальзам на душу для тех, кто помнит о доме. Руки за голову!

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Дом семьи Джаймо. Я называю наше укрытие секретным флигелем". Джорди, погоди! Не делай этого!

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Людендорфу, хорошее, удобное кресло? Мне нужно попробовать подключиться к ней извне. Это был ни больше ни меньше как министр внутренних дел.

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Да половина гостей этого домаимеет неуплаченную парковку. Анна Васильевна, я должен Вам сказать. А что если Хол выключит двигатели до того как кончится горючее?

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Обеликс, стой здесь! Он должен служить лишь тем, кто обороняется. Я кое-что придумал.

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Она вернулась из интернатаи снова взялась за старое! Может, ты назовешь его Джеймсом. Давай рассудим вместе.

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Откуда ты всё это знал? Круэлла, это и есть твоя новая меховая шубка? Я могу это сделать.

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Боги милостиво подарили мне второй. Соседи напротив не очень любопытны? Я сам решу свои проблемы.

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Если эти люди... Почитать и уважать. Давай! Давай! Давай!

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На них просто нельзя положиться. Полицейский - предатель... Мне жаль слышать, что вы так считаете…а я возлагал такие надежды на ваше мнение.

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Не двигайтесь ни на дюйм без моей команды! Если нет, выбросите их. А та не любит его,а Дойл не любит Фрэнка,а у моего отца аллергия, так что...

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Ты таксист, Фил. На этой кассете ясно видно, как Томас... Да что они делают?

[URL=]Екатеринбург знакомства кирове[/URL]
[URL=]Переписка свинг пары знакомства ташкент[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства для взрослых в г томск[/URL]
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Ты передумаешь. А теперь мы спим вместе с тобой. Пошла вон, Дженин. Иди домой.

[URL=]Девушка в ввиде парня привела к себе шлюху[/URL]
[URL=]Башкорстан туймазы знакомства[/URL]
[URL=]Знакомства краснодар секс[/URL]
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[URL=]Интимные знакомства в пензе[/URL]
[URL=]Лолита клуб знакомств челябинск[/URL]
[URL=]Чаты знакомств петербург[/URL]
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Думаете, я сумасшедшая? Отступаем. Отступаем. Как вы собираетесь убедить своих позволить американцам принять участие в полёте?

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[URL=]Воронеж гарипова люда знакомство[/URL]
[URL=]Служба православных знакомств светелок[/URL]
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И запомните:... Интересно, что он задумал? Попал в задницу.

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Я искал битвы с момента рождения... Подожди, ты меня не понял. Я плохой парень!

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Говорил, видел... Оно органическое? До этого федералы смогли вычислить телефон Майлса всего один раз.

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[URL=]Знакомство девушки город липецк[/URL]
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