messages from worldwide psychodramatists


Monica Zuretti


Dear Peter,

Once upon a time you asked me about my activities in Psychodrama, thinking
that maybe some people may want to know about me.

At the moment, I am working with Psychodrama as always, trying to teach what I
have learned during all these years. I have also asked myself many
questions since 1995. Was it all right to work so hard to bring all of
you to this so far away south? It was not an easy task. At the same time
we are so distant that maybe once in a while somebody has to have the
dream. It is not so easy to start talking about myself and what it is
that I am doing now without thinking and talking a little bit about this

I do not know how many people know that in the Buenos Aires Congress (12th
International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, 1995), in the
"open-to-the-community" section, there were more than 5000 participants.
Maybe it was not profitable, but so many people for the first time got
in contact with so many professionals of the Group Work, especially from
abroad, because we had already made the experience among ourselves in
1985 and in 1990.

Also I have heard some comments about the fact that the psychodramatists
were many more than other. The truth is that the whole scientific
community was very careful about not allowing any group to have more
space. In the statistic research that was done, there was equal number for
the different theories and even more analytically oriented therapists.

I do not know why am I talking about this in this space and to you.
Maybe because I feel at home and among friends inside this space. There
was also many comments because our balance was not positive. It may be
interesting for some people to know that we paid the part of the loss
that belonged to the organizing Argentinean group from our personal or
organizational money. It is not my role to clarify this much more in
this instance, but it was necessary for me, at least to mention it if I
want to come back into a network for which I have work so hard and for
so many years.

I always thought that for me JL and Zerka created a network, a family in
which the persons were more important than anything else. The first time
I went to New York in 1969, I was very young, very afraid. I was going to be
studying with the two more important people in the world; the creator
of Psychodrama! and his wife. I was going to study with them far away
from home, leaving behind family and children, in order to follow a dream.
I am coming down from an airplane in New York thinking how am I going to
reach Beacon and just there in front of me they were! Zerka and Doctor
smiling and welcoming! That was my first lesson in psychodrama.
Persons are the important issue. From them you learn love and theories.

So if I tell you what it is that I am doing now? I am trying to live up
to this goal and I will never know if it is reachable. But the other
day when you called, my granddaughter was just born, and I could share the
happines about it, with a close friend with whom I share the dream and
the network.

All my love to you, your family and the Psychodramatists of the world.

Monica (Zuretti)

PS. I plan to participate in the Jerusalem congress next year and will like
perhaps to present a Sociodrama on the importance of group methods on
healing the social matrix.

Maybe you will also like to announce that we are organising a workshop on
Beach on the first week of February 2000, directed by Zerka in English and
Spanish. It is a proposal for bringing together a group from different
places. Last year we were few, but from Italy, Korea, Brasil, Argentina and