Explorer Post 99 Huntsville, Texas

  • Backpacking tips
  • Local Trails and Campgrounds
  • Calender and Roster
  • Post 99 News
  • SHAC News
  • Tales and Storys

  • We are a general intrest post in the George Strake district of the Sam Houston Area Council in East Texas.

    The Explorer Code

    As an Explorer...
    I believe that Americas strength lies in our trust in God and in the courage, strength, and traditions of our prople.
    I will, therefore, be faithful im my religious duties and will maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life.
    I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to preserve and enrich it.
    I will recognize the dignity and worth of all humanity and will use fair play and goodwill in my daily life.
    I will acquire the Exploring attitude that seeks truth in all things and adventure on the frontiers of our changing world.

    Links to other Posts, Troops, and Dens in the Council:

  • Sea Explorer Ship 5000
  • SHAC Colonneh Lodge 137
  • BSA Troop 301 Houston,TX
  • BSA Unit 567 Katy, TX
  • BSA Troop 869 Clear Lake City, TX

  • To add your URL to the list or for more information E-mail us at:post99@geopages.com or at stdsll13@shsu.edu