Potomac Stray Cat Rescue, Inc.

Sanctuary News - Spring, 1999
To Our Friends Of The Felines,
Spring has brought many changes here at the sanctuary. Our first aniversary is just a month away and in the past year we have accomplished so much, because people just like you were there to make a difference. Join us now and in the coming year, so we can continue making a difference. There is an alternative.
We met our winter goal, to spay another 100 cats and now we must concentrate on making new space here at the sanctuary. Each day, we receive many calls from all over the country to take a new stray. Our space is limited, even though we have 10 acres of woods. Presently we have two new houses slated to built before the summer months. Vasco, Inc. in Maugansville, MD and Dargan Construction Services have donated materials to help make these buildings a reality.

The need for space at No Kill sanctuaries is always greater than the support. We have many wonderful supporters around Washington County Maryland and all across the country, but we still need your help. Businesses around the area are donating prizes for a semi - monthly drawing. Prizes range from cash to dinner for two and other miscellaneous items. Show you care and you might be a lucky winner.
PSCR's cats can now be viewed at Pet Finder's web page. This new addition allows pets available through our area groups and those at the sanctuary to be quickly uploaded for quick exposure. Besides our regular traffic, there are thousands of people browsing Pet Finder each day. You can view some the kitties ready to go to a good home at Pet Finder.

Thinking of a get away over the summer? Make plans to visit our secluded sanctuary here in the Maryland hills, closeby to Harpers Ferry, WV. We have a limited amount of space for overnight guest, so don't delay in making a reservation.
Of coarse day visitors are always welcome. Either way just drop an email to the sanctuary

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." Hellen Keller
We can always use a little help from our friends. If you can send along a gift for the cats, print the donation form and mail it to the address above.
Let us thank you in advance for your compassion.
If you have a cat in need of help or would like to visit us, email the sanctuary, with your name, address and phone number. Our Hagerstown Group can answer questions on managing stray or feral cats in and around town or email the sanctuary, with any questions you have. In the last few months friends of the felines have visited Potomac Stray Cat Rescue's web page. Thank you for helping us grow.
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Page designed and maintained by Potomac Stray Cat Rescue, Inc., potomacstraycats@prodigy.net
Copyright(c) 1998 Potomac Stray Cat Rescue, Inc. All trademarks or product names
mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
Feel free to reproduce, with disretion, any portion of this page to help us in our efforts.
Updated: 10/16/98