degree from World Harvest, with your seed of $100 or more.

	Pastors & ministers recieve your degree today from 
World Harvest School of Theology. If its been hard taking 
years to complete your degreeded studies, then consider
a World Harvest Doctors Degree..
	At this time WHST holds no local, state or federal 
accreditation. Neather is WHST working with any other 
school or College in degree granting. but before you 
send your hard earned ministry dollor$ off to some
degree mill, only to believe your degree is accredited.
Be a blessing too World Harvest as it uses these
funds to support other ministries.

	This degree is a Honorary Doctorate, and therefore 
World Harvest has no transcripts on file. Once
you gift is recieved WHST will rush your degree
to you at once.

Mail To:
World Harvest School of Theology
11020 Audiela Suite #C108
Dallas, TX 75243
email address: 


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