Getting a house in Singapore, demands that you need to know a few housing agents (and also pay them half a months advance). Its a lucrative business, with no working hours and a requirement to build a strong customer loyalty, since contacts pay. I have been house hunting and here below are a few agents with whom I and/or my friends have interacted. I hope that the list I put up will help people start the process faster, rather than having to look up the Saturday Classifieds.

If you have any agents who can be recommended, please email me and I can add them to the list, so that others will also benefit from their services.

Word of caution : I DO NOT represent any of the agents, and I am not responsible for any outcome you may have due to interactions with these housing agents. You are on your own and at your own risk!!

Agent Name Contact
Amy 9784 6489 H/P
Clara 9494 8338
Cristina 9507 6464
Doss 9209 6156 Pgr
Gandhi 443 9489
Irene 9521 7152
Jayanthi 793 3432
Nirmala 9616 2654 H/P
Ravi Ms. 364 3147
Tony 9528 1899
Salaam 243 0074

Happy House Hunting!!

Maintained by Prakash Raman
Updated on May 04rth 1999