Some fans are obsessed with learning every single detail they can about the plot to Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones. Some believe that the plot for Episode 1 may be derived from Akira Kurosawa's film, the Seven Samurai (1954-Japanese film) because George Lucas has acknowledged that one of Kurosawa's other films, the Hidden Fortress (1958-Japanese film), was the primary inspiration for the story line to Star Wars: A New Hope.

The Seven Samurai is the story of a village that is overrun by an evil gang and the village is saved by the heroics of seven samurai warriors who come to the rescue. Some fans are betting that George is going to go to the Kurosawa well again and fashion Episode 1 into a story where the young Queen's (Natalie Portman) home world is overrun by evil warriors and she convinces the Old Republic to send the Jedi Knights (Liam Neeson, Ewan MacGregor and many other Jedi) to rescue her world from subjugation. A simple enough plot . . .

For those of you brave enough to risk spoiling the Prequel Trilogy for yourselves by reading plot lines to the new Star Wars films, you can visit the following website: for story lines to Episode 2 and 3.