Deus Ex Machina:
Page Updates and News

June 11, 2004

Maintenance update - posted new links, moved some E-mail addresses, and updated the status of Deus Ex Machina: The Interactive Fanfiction.

June 6, 2001

Posted Fanfiction by Chad Harger.

September 2, 2000

Posted Artwork, Stories, and DeM Archives.

August 31, 2000

Posted three stories: see "Fan" page.

June 3, 2000

Uploaded Archives 41 & 42, posted Persona Adin, Alex, and Tairn.

June 3, 2000

Two more Shitan fictions, two Dominia fictions, a Fei/Elly poem, about three new links, and a bit more sorting and reorganizing of fanfiction. May 14, 2000
I'm currently going through the extremely labourious task of moving everything around to make the Fanfiction Index a little more organized.

However, in the process, most of the links on the Fanfiction Navigation Bars have been broken. So, if you're reading a fanfic and you realise that the links at the top of the page are broken: I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT IT! I'm going to try to fix it, but it's not an easy task and it may take a while. I thought I'd sooner get newer fics up than to fix links on the old fics.

And YES! There are some new fictions on the page! Look through them and have fun!! The "Fan Stuff" link has a short listing of the new stuff on the fiction page.

May 1, 2000

Minor reworking of the page layout! I'm working on editing the base of the page to make it easier to navigate and easier to update. The fictions are going to receive a large emphasis... the archive is disorganized and crowded and needs to be sorted out!

May 1, 2000

This isn't a real update, unfortunately.

Since I've effectively driven off about 90% of my user base by not updating this page almost ever, I figure that I should START trying to update a little more. There has been a severe lack of submissions (who can blame them, though?) and other sites have SO many more and so much better fanfictions that Deus Ex Machina as a "fanfiction archive" was getting sort of pointless. So there were two options I had:

  1. Try harder to get fanfics from other sites
  2. Stop collecting fanfics

Well, right now, I'm going on a fanfic hunt. I'm surfing sites in hopes that I'll actually make an archive that's worthy of notice once again. I'm considering dividing the now-messy fanfiction page into different "theme categories" (such as "Thoughts of Deus - Eldridge Crash", "Miang: Weapon by Birth, Soul by Creation", "Eternal Love: Fei and Elly", "Hyuga: The Man Before Uzuki") about the common story topics I've seen in Xenogears. I might locate a CGI script somewhere in Tripod's system to allow for a page search as well, so you can hunt down your favourite story titles or authors easily.

Right now, I'm in the middle of exam period, so I don't have any time. However, I'm done on the 28th and I have 7 days before I start work, so I'm hoping to get fanfics up during that time.

Hopefully, someone will choose to E-mail me a story or two, too.


Lots of nothingness.... lots of nothingness....

November 20, 1999

Crunch time. A little while after September 16, I started to feel the crunch. Mid-term exams, labs, homeworks. Even now I can't afford to do too much, but there are two fictions on the page just to let you know that I actually still do updates and read my E-mail.

September 16, 1999

This page always seems to be the LAST to be updated when I load new stories. I have two fictions for you to enjoy... one by Nutz, posted "During Xenogears", called "I can Feel You" and one by me called "Dinner with Shitan".

October 10, 1999

A bunch of fiction I don't remember anymore, since I never think of updating the NEWS page anymore!

September 5, 1999

Two new stories and one update; check the "FAN SECTION" for details! Also, there have been massive changes to the roster of the DeM persona, and the DeM affiliations. If you are involved in DeM be sure to check this out.

August 18, 1999

Even after almost three weeks, the update is small. I have two new fanartists, two pictures from our regular Kamitra, and two fictions titled "Xenogears: Remembrance" (during) and "Xenogears: Return to Genesis" (after). I've also updated the Deus Ex Machina Guidelines section and added a Miscellaneous Link.

July 31, 1999

New Gospel Chapter 6 by Rune, Inertia by Amara, Legendary Power by Jeff Herrold, The Day the World Fell by Focalpoint X, Masks, by Rune, I Want you Near by me (Irwin), some extra notes in the world section, art by Calis, art by Kamitra, and updated links.

July 14, 1999

Updates: "Separate Lives", "Secrets", "Emeralda", "Rebuilding", all in the fanfic section. Kamitra's Orphanage picture and Jo's two pieces in the fanart section.

July 8, 1999

I updated a little bit of the page starting from about July 2, but since I can't remember everything I did, I'm just going to group them all in one big blob under July 8.

-Fanfictions updated, we have work by Chad Harger, Deona Lindholm, Elizabeth Berndt, Alma, Yen, and myself; there are probably more that I've forgotten.... *sigh*
-Art updated, we have work by Kamitra, Catwarrior, and Amber Michelle.
-Archives of DeM are up to date.
-New persona for DeM.
-The Deus Ex Machina Newsletters are available for viewing in the Gun Room.

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Page design by Arcana, with much appreciated help from Hobbes.
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