The Public Address System

Interview with the W's

Q: Identify yourself: which of the W’s are you and what do you play?

A: I'm the Rodd W. I play the bass and yell in a mic.

Q: When was the band’s first ever practice? Why did you start?

A: First practice was in 1996. Andrew, Val, Zak Shultz and I all liked punk and ska, so we got together and tried to play it, but it swung a little.

Q: How did you land that gig opening at the Five Iron Frenzy CD release party that eventually led to you getting signed?

A: Aaron from 5MW, who once lived in Eugene, OR, was talking with Mindy, mentioned that the opening band for the cd release canceled, and thats how we got the show.

Q: How has all this sudden attention effected the W’s as friends, room-mates, and as a band? Are you happy with all the success?

A: Friends and room mates are cool with it. Yes, of course we are happy with the success. Some of us feel that we haven't quited earn it. There are other bands that are better and been around longer who have paid dues, who I think deserve the success. I AM happy to be here.

Q: At Creationfest Northwest you guys were giving away Tooth and Nail stuff during your set. What is the relationship between the 5 Minute Walk crew and the boyz from Tooth and Nail?

A: We have a coupe for friends who work for T&N. (Zak Shultz, Chad Pearson, Howli #2, etc) So we like to do stuff with em. Like through away thier key chain to crowds.

Q: How has 5 Minute Walk been to you guys? Are you happy on that label?

A: Very happy. Without the 5MW crew and Frank Tate (a guy who works for the label) we would not be doing so well.

Q: On “Fourth from the Last”, there is a song entitled “Frank.” Are you referring to Frank Tate, President of 5 Minute Walk?

A: NOPE. Frank is about a grumpy nieghbor I had when I live in Portland. He always come over and knock on the door, or call the police saying I had my music too loud. Of course it wasn't.

Q: What would you say to those who say that the W’s are just jumping on the ska and swing bandwagon? Does that bother you?

A: Whats new? We get that some times. Here is what I think: we are kinda ska, kinda swing, kinda rockabilly, kinda crazy, kinda punky. We just play the kind of music we do, and it gets labeled the way it does. We don't realy have any control over that. It dosen't bother me.

Q: Is there a ministry aspect to the W’s, or are you guys “just a band?”

A: We christians in a band. All christian are obligated to share about Jesus. I don't use the band for that. I'm involved with other minitries. I hand out with people at the shows. We talk about all sorts of stuff, skating, girls, music, and sometime God.

Q: What else does the future hold for the W’s?

A: We have a west coast tour booked in October with FIF and the Madcadies (Fat Wreck Chords). All general market venues.

Q: What CD’s are currently receiving heavy rotation in your stereo?

A: Personally, I'm litening to NoFx, Face to Face, Primus and Jimmy Eat World. Oh, and the Dingees.

Q: If you could have ANY superpower, what would it be? A: Hmmm, we get asked that a lot. I'd want Super Sonic Hearing.

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