Over the past few weeks [yes, this page is quite new] I've gotten a lot of help from many people and I would like to publicly thank them for being such kind spirits and emotional driven people. Thank you good citizens of this earth, for making it a little more tolerable. And only mentioning my need for a strait jacket at few occasions.

First of all, I have to thank Shotgun [a.k.a. Laura] for being so helpful and patient with my ever pestering e-mails about HTML. I could never thank you enough. [thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...] There is a link, on the link page [where else?] for Shotgun's moist page.

And of course, there's Silva, sweet silva, who can't stop saying she's stupid. You are not stupid, stop saying that. One day you'll believe yourself what you're saying and you'll stop searching for answers. Thank you so much for all your feedback and support. Silva has a page also and you can view here: click me

And I have to thank everyone on the web from whom I have "borrowed" pictures and sound files. Thank you very much, and since I haven't been keeping track if you want to be credited please tell me who and what. Thanks. [a big thanks to Andrea at the Official Moist Page, SuperJon at the Moist Files and Moistville, and Ophelia: a moist page]

The Moist guys, especially Jeff, for being good citizens and not polluting. And of course for feeding me...

And my very dear friends, for putting up with my obsessive compulsive behavior. And for still being there after the psychologist said I need psychiatric help and that I wasn't connected to my body... Thanks for listening to my ever incoherent ramblings on everything and my analyze till it makes absolutely no sense thoughts. And also for letting me jump out of this mold. I love you all.

And of course, thom, [I know this is not the page for him but... he did help] for being thom and invading my continual thoughts, for becoming a voice in my head. For hunting me, and for putting out such beautiful poetry. And Radiohead, with whom ironically I could not have done this. For making me dazzled, amazed, bewildered, overwhelmed, and inspired by the intense light that is Radiohead. A spectacular display of talent and awakening to ...

Also, webmistress of the Official Moist Page, Andrea thank you very much for putting david usher little songs in the promo section, it's gotten many visitors.
Thank you also, for being very kind and letting me "borrow" the merchandise section among many other thinks..