Welcome to Waste
Greetings. Waste is a unofficial site and is in no way affiliated with either Moist, Nettwerk, Emi or Arista. All content on this site remains the property of the original owner(s). All original content including graphics and text are the property of Waste and cannot be used without written permission.
Please do not take from this site without asking first as a lot of time and work has been put in to make it somewhat worthwhile. I hope you understand.
Waste is not maintained right now. Questions, comments and complaints may be addressed by e-mailing me.

This site is best viewed with a computer. Netscape Communicator and a resolution of 800 x 600 would be nice also.

Artists Against Racism

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Waste was created late in 1997, the small one page current news update soon grew to accommodate over 200 pages and underwent a few major facelifts along the way. Most recently many pages have been moved around, the following information is presented in order to allow you to move more freely between sections.

  • NEWS: most recent updates in chronological order, also includes main headlines and an appearances schedule.
  • THE BAND: a quick history of the band and individual members biography's can be found on this page.
  • NEW ALBUM: general information on Mercedes Five and Dime, tracklist and quirky tid-bits conclude this section.
  • LYRICS: a complete set of Moist lyrics including album songs, b-sides and unreleased tracks.
  • TOUR DATES: accurate date calendar of Moist shows plus ticket information, and other such information.
  • DISCOGRAPHY: complete Moist discography including albums, special releases, compilations and soundtracks, singles, promos, vinyl and tracklists in all.
  • MULTIMEDIA AND IMAGES: downloadable/streamable sounds and video files, images of the band and individual members, a discription of Moist videos and a videography.
  • TICKET TRADE: a section which enables fans to trade, sell or buy tickets, get rides and offer them to fellow concert goers and trade Moist merchandise and collectibles.
  • ARTICLES: a place where you can relax with your latte and read articles about Moist or as the case may be written by a member of Moist.
  • CHAT: you can meet people here.
  • MERCHANDISE: the Nettwerk Moist catalogue is posted here, along with Fan Club information and other such things.
  • GUESTBOOK: you may write a message there if you wish. I'd like it if you did.
  • LINKS: a great collection of other Moist sites official and unofficial.
  • UPDATES: when new sections, or updates to section which previously existed, are added to the site (Waste) they should be noted here, but be warned this is not an accurate section usually.
  • NEWS ARCHIVE: past news updates are stored here.
  • MOIST NEWSLETTERS: the Moist newsletters that Kevin writes are typed and posted here
  • FAQ: the Official Moist Page Frequently Asked Questions is located here
  • PEOPLE: this will be a future section to replace the pathetic fan corner.
  • MAILING LIST: join the Waste mailing list to be notified of important Moist news.
  • THANK YOU: read my list of people to thank.
  • SITE INFORMATION: you are here right now.