[Toni's picture]
Toni aka TickAngel

Our beloved friend Toni vanished on April 25, 1997. Foul play is suspected but no trace has been found of a body. To keep up-to-date on the latest news, you can go here [vigil candle for Toni]

Toni Bachman's Bio:

My name is Toni and I live in the state of Minnesota. I live with my husband and three step-sons.
I work at a small liberal arts university in the Technology Resource Center. It is here that I learned to love computers and the possibilities of meeting people from all over the world on them. I must admit to a certain degree of addiction in this regard though. Some days I have to force myself to stay away - for sanities sake.
Other than that, I am basically a real down to earth and humble sort of person. I am stubborn as can be - and hopefully this is not always a negative trait. We are our own worst enemies though - aren't we?
The Inner Circle has been a valuable place for me to express myself, work out ideas, and generally have a great time with all the friends here!

Anyone who would like to visit Toni, can stop by [Toni's home page]
Toni has another wonderful page at [Toni's Angel Page] for all sorts of great information dealing with difficult pregancies.

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