~Cool Codes~

design a Logo that shows when your page is saved in favorites. Place this code in the opening body tag

~Status bar clock.~
Place in the head of your codeing.

~Really cool Transitions like the ones you have see durring your visit to AurA~ Place this code in between the head tags.~

~Text boxs, like the ones on this page.~

Load your pages in a flash!, put it after the first html tag.

Put a marquee above your email address
Put the code right after the top HTML tag in your signature box

~Check your Modem speed.~

~Image above address on email~
This code goes rght after the begining html tag.

Java Script Bug Alert

Sidebar for webpages

Write on a gif. You can change color of text, alignment, and size.

Browser History: Last visited URL's

24 space F-key saver

Code for a border around an image. Change height and width to fit the image size.

Scrapbook uploader

Make a dividing line. Change to whatever color you want or change the absheight, and abswidth to any number from 1-550.

Reload/Refresh button

Jump Box. You can add more links as needed, just repeat the option value part of the code.

Put a message in the status bar

Check box for your favorite URL's

~Instant messanger~
Remove the / between text/area for this to work.

~Hex Coder~

~Search engines~

~Basic table code~
Make it larger by repeating the code.

Putting an image over another image
