Randy Baldwin is an Intellectual Property lawyer, vegetarian ,
and lifelong Washingtonian,
although not necessarily in that order.
I'm a son, brother, husband, & father
[Cob]web disclaimer: As is the case with all sites, this page is under perpetual, if not infrequent, construction (as my schedule permits)
A friend's site (for lack of my own content)
Coffee Mug Heaven : SFC Dyer's page
For more info on me, you can try 'my' Linked in page (again, for lack of my own content)
my Linked in profile
Links to DC-related sites (the morning paper/weather/talk radio)
Washington Post: Today's newz in DC,
CityPaper: The 'Free Weakly' in DC, Weather: Today's weather 4cast,DC's NBC affiliate (aka Ch 4): Today's 'must see TV,' WPFW 89.3: Pacifica newz/jazz/talk radio, WAMU 88.5: American Univ's NPR/talk radio stn,
and the Howard Stern-show: as heard on Sirius Satellite radio.
Where I went to school ('88-'06)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ.: (a/k/a VA Tech/VPI/'hokies') undergrad in Computer Science/Math '84-'88, The George Washington University : (a/k/a G.W.U.) grad school for an MBA '90-'94, & American Univ/Washington College of Law : (a/k/a AU/WCL) law school for a JD '03-'06, with a concentration in
Intellectual Property (IP) and Technology law
Where I got married in (August, '94 - under the blazing sun in the courtyard =)
All Soul's Unitarian in DC: Est. 1823
Places I've worked
Booz-Allen & Hamilton: 1st job outta undergrad/telecomm work '88-'90, Potomac Elec Power Co.: DC's Electric Company (I'm no Homer Simpson, but was a PEPCo programmer/DBA '90-'96), Price WaterhouseCoopers (aka PWC): My 'Big-5' daze doing an automated workflow mgmt sys (AWMS) for a NJ elec util (PSEG) '96-'97,
Northrop Grumman IT: Oracle/SQL Server data architect and database development '97-'07, Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox PLLC: IP Associate/Patent Attorney in the Electrical Group, '07-'11, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC: Associate/Patent Attorney, '11-'12, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP: Associate/Patent Attorney in the Electrical/Software Group, '12-now, and lastly - I'm a volunteer driver for a mobile soup kitchen, Martha's Table: McKenna's Wagon '91-now
Places I've lived ('67-present)
Washington (aka DC): tourist info on the place that's been home since '69,
more topical DC info.
I've lived in 7 DC neighborhoods in NW/SE from '88-now incl. Capitol Hill,
Kalorama, & Adams Morgan.
I'm currently ensconced in AU Park: home 4/98-present.
Check out my previous barrio, Columbia Hgts:home from '93 'til '98 - & nearby Mt.Pleasant
Due to work &/or outstanding warrants, I've lived other places from time to time, most recently,
Cambridge (Central Square): '96-7 & Sudbury, MA (near Boston) in '99. If yer planning a trip to the Boston area, be sure to check out Cambridge
Other places I've been exiled to: New Orleans (a/k/a tha 'big easy'/crescent city - '98-'99),
Mississippi ('97-'99), Tx (I spent '92-'93 in Houston - 'too close to N.O.' - J. Garcia,
Austin - '66-'69: born there, done that & rhymes w/ Boston, & hustlin' Hereford way up in the Tejas panhandle),
NJ/NY ('96 isle of Manhattan, Newark!,Jersey City, & Edison),
Va (Va. Beach '84, Alexandria '88, Arlington '87, & Blacksburg '84-'88),
and Md
(Temple Hills '69-'84, Bethesda '89, K-town '90)...
As of 2012, our rowhouse in Columbia Hgts was *sold*, but it's picture lives on because I don't have any decent pix of our current house...
send your questions/comments/gripes to me, RTM

This site has been visited
times since May/Mayo/Mai 2012 (impressive, eh?)