Jet Force Gemini Update

New Information on Rare's Jet Force Gemini
Story Line
When an intergalactic tyrant by the name of Mizar threatens the safety of the universe, the Jet Force Gemini team is called in to stop him.
Main Characters
Juno, Vela and Lupus the dog are at your control throughout the entire game. They each of (of course) individual strengths and weaknesses.
A classic shooter combined with immersive, smooth, colorful polygonal graphics. Your characters can move anywhere in the 3-D environment while attacking the enemies in abundance. Also, the game has real-time cut-scenes like Starfox.
Jet Force features both "deathmatch" and "co-op" multiplayer modes. Although this is the only official information on multi-player, expect 4-players with big guns and different "games".
Quote From Rare on the Game
(..."heroes, guns, power-ups, bombs, erratic terrain, swarming enemies, towering bosses, a power-crazed arch villain, and most importantly, it's got devastation on a massive scale...")
New Screen Shots
Being updated
Old Screen Shots
Being updated


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