The only thing in common with these web sites is that they are designed or maintained by,
or contain names of, folks with the Schleis, Seigfried, Schnitzler or Willig surnames.
Barb and Dave Yoder make their home in Akron, Ohio. Their home page is a tribute to their lives and their children. Read poems to their five kids, see Dave's album collection, and visit the Maddog Memories book, even if you won't understand it! (Barb's parents are Steve and RoseAnn [Seigfried] Schleis.) | YODER |
SCHLEIS | Mike and Loretta also make their home in Akron. Their home page is actually a collection of four sites - one for mom and dad and one for children Jeffrey and Shaelyn. Each site is a fun compilation of their interests, with lots of stuff to see and do. (Mike's parents are Steve and RoseAnn [Seigfried] Schleis.) |
Akron is also home to Tom and Paula Freeman. Their extensive web site includes a book club where you can read reviews by family members and submit your own, play the music selections on Paula and Tom's personal jukeboxes, see lots and lots of family pictures, and hear what's up with everyone on the very busy family message board. (Tom's parents are Susanna [Schleis] and Jerry Freeman.) | FREEMAN |
YODER | Recently wed Steve and Andrea, another Akron couple, have a new web site. Among other things, you'll find photos of their 1998 wedding. (Steve's parents are Barbara [Schleis] and David Yoder.) |
Conrad Storad Jr. grew up in Barberton, but Arizona is home these days. That's where he serves as editor of Arizona State University's Research Magazine and the brand new children's magazine, Chain Reaction - both of which have online counterparts. In addition, Conrad is an accomplished children's book author. (Conrad's parents are Conrad and Mary Ann [Leuenberger] Storad Sr.) | STORAD JR. |
ROHRER FAMILY | Michael Rohrer, better know to us as Mick, has set up a family page that includes all kinds of information on the Rohrer side of his family. Like me, you probably haven't see these guys in ages since they moved to Hawaii, so visit their page and drop them a line! (Mick's parents are Maynard and Clara [Schleis] Rohrer.) |
Visit Susan Yoder at her personal website. And if you're clever enough to spot the personal button the bottom, you'll get to peek at that Amish guy she's married to and maybe even their baby, er, I mean their iguana. (David's parents are Barb [Schleis] and David Yoder.) | YODER |
SCHLEIS HOMEPAGE | Adrian and Helen Schleis maintain a web site for Adrian's company, Big Sky Managment. See what's going on with the company, and follow the link to an Internet mall where all kinds of products can be had for wholesale prices. (Adrian's dad is Frank Schleis.) |
For those of you descendant of Balthasar Seigfried and Rose Schnitlzer, you'll be interested in this page by Uwe Morres, a distant relative on the Zengraf side. Uwe's page is about Guttenbrun, the Romanian town where Balthasar grew up, and where Balthasar's mother (Barbara Zengraf) was born. There are plenty of Zengraf names on Uwe's special site. | and GUTTENBRUNN |
WILLIG HOMEPAGE | Michael Willig and Anne Mo of Norway maintain a genealogical database on their ancestors. While their web site is not written in English, Michael speaks English. If you see a name of interest on his site, e-mail him. |
The Schleis boys of Texas are on line. The homepage of Joe Schleis is heavy on photos. In addition to his own middle school photo, you can see his father and brother (John and John) and his 87-year-old grandfather, Elmer Schleis of Nebraska. | OF TEXAS |
WILLIG | Matthias Willig of Germany is very interested in his roots and has gotten his Willig ancestors back to Frankfurt, circa 1695. He is collecting information on his surname from all over the world. His homepage is in German, but feel free to e-mail him, as he speaks English. |
Jennifer and Jonathan Harbour have launched their own web site. Learn about their interests, keep up with what's happening in Arizona, and check back frequently for new pictures. These kids love to scan! (Jennifer's parents are Barb [Schleis] and Dave Yoder.) | HOME PAGE |
LOCAL ONE | Paula Schleis is a union officer of the Northeast Ohio Newspaper Guild, as well as the webmaster for Local One's homepage. She also maintains an extensive Labor Links site. (Paula's parents are Steve and RoseAnn [Seigfried] Schleis.) |
Of course, don't forget to check in frequently with our own extensive web site, where we are building a database on our Donauschwaben roots, as well as trying to keep up with family members all over the world.
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