Hello, and welcome to my RC10 page!

This page is dedicated to my RC10s, I own 2 of them: An RC10 T3, and an RC10 Championship Edition! Well, enough Introduction, Let's talk about the RC10!


RC10 T3

This is my RC pride and joy! The RC10 T3

(I did not get around to clocking its speed yet, but I know, on a road with a 25 mph speed limit, the T3 can keep up with unsuspecting cars! I estimate the speed to be about 20 mph. Now for a little math, The T3 can go 20 mph, and it is a 1/10 scale truck, 20 x 10 = 200, That means it has a scale speed of 200 MPH! No offense to Radioshack (It's one of my favorite stores) But let's see some little Radioshack car keep up with this thing on the track! (I'm not trying to make fun of Radioshack cars, they're actually pretty good little cars.) (I am not responsible for any mathmatical errors on this page, well, not fully, I always blame it on my school! lol) )

Since I wrote the section above, the RC10's speed has changed, I will re-figure the speed and post it here soon!

This T3 is equiped with full Ball Bearings, a Novak Duster 2 Electronic Speed Control, MIP Shiny CVDs, Titanium turnbuckels, a Reedy Firehawk motor, Carbon Fiber parts, and a Proline 1997 F150 racing body. The thing's up to full racing potential, yet it's never been raced!

Visit the RWR page to see pictures of the new track!

I'll have more Info on the T3 later! So keep checking back!




RC10 Championship Edition

My First RC10, The RC10 C.E.

This is my RC10 C.E. (modified for On-Road use) It's as basic as they come, it is equiped with Bushings, Duratrax Blast electronic speed control, and an Associated D.S. stock motor. This was a Quick, Agile little buggy, the best I'd ever driven! Then I got the T3! Now the C.E. is sitting on a shelf, with all of it's vital components removed, collecting dust! This story could end here, but I won't let it! Soon, I am Going to bring it back! I am preparing to buy Ball Bearings and a bunch of other stuff in order to give the T3 some competition!

More to come later!

Check the Photo section for more pictures of my RC10's!

Please Visit Team Associated , Makers of the RC10 (Cool Site)!

Red Wolves Racing!

Tower Hobbies Home Page


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