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Catherine De Roet Swynfort

Born: 1350 In Hainault, Belgium

Death: 10-May-1403 In Lincolnshire, England

Burial: May-1403

Marriage: 13-Jan-1395 In Lincolnshire, England

Father: Payne Roet 1858

Mother: Guienne "King-At-Arms" 1859

Spouse: John Plantagenet "Of Ghaunt/Ghent, Duke Of Aquitaine, Earl Of Richmond, Duke Of Lancaster"

Born: 2-Mar-1339 At St. Bavon's Abbey, Ghent Flanders, England

Death: 3-Feb-1399 At Leicester Castle, In London, England

Burial: Feb-1399

Father: Edward Plantagenet III "King Of England"

Mother: Philippa De Avesnes "Of Hainault"


* Joan De Beaufort Plantagenet

John De Beaufort Plantagenet "Earl Of Somerset" 1667