YOUR ANSWERING MACHINE

        It   doesn't have to just sit there on your desktop,  apologizing
        to  personal  or business callers for your being unable  to  take
        their  calls yourself.  But, that's all  an answering machine  is
        supposed to do.  Right?  Wrong!  This electronic device is  capa-
        ble of much more, as you'll discover in this extended play audio-
        cassette presentation.

        In the last 20 years, much of the reluctance of callers to  leave
        messages  on telephone answering machines has evaporated.   Voice
        mail  and other types of sound robots are now the norm.   They've
        already  replaced  the live operator and receptionist in  a  vast
        majority  of business situations.  Conditions are now  ideal  for
        answering machines and voice mail to take a far more active role.

        Interactive  answering  systems are now  computerized  electronic
        operators  capable  of answering  questions,  solving   problems,
        resolving complaints, faxing outgoing information in response  to
        callers  queries,  making sales and taking  orders,  all  without
        human  intervention.  Sophisticated systems that are  capable  of
        all this and more are remarkably affordable, as little as  $10.00
        per month in many markets.  By using this technology effectively,
        you can add to your income dramatically with little investment or

        Even  the  most simple answering machine  the kind with  a  short
        outgoing  message followed by the familiar beep  has amazing  and
        largely unexplored potential.  Using one relatively simple  tech-
        nique, The Recording Enhancement Procedure, you can increase  the
        sound  quality  of  your outgoing answering  machine  message  by
        nearly 10 times.

        Sound recording studios charge as much as $100.00 each time  they
        perform  this simple service for customers.  But, once  you  know
        how it's done, you can do it at home, for yourself or clients, as
        often as you wish. This simple trick will transform your inexpen-
        sive, dual-tape home answering machine into a professional-sound-
        ing  business  system  in minutes. This is just the  first  in  a
        series  of simple, yet powerful modification steps that  you  can
        take  to  turn your answering machine into a  money  machine.  By
        using  all these methods together, other people, very  much  like
        you,  have found it possible to generate thousands of dollars  of
        additional monthly income from a single consumer-style  answering
        machine connected to a single telephone line.

        What  you  do with these ideas and approaches is up  to  you,  of
        course.   Results may vary depending on your particular  applica-
        tions. But, everyone who has heard this presentation agrees  that
        the  potential for this simple device is breathtaking.   Discover
        these  potentials for yourself and start making money  with  your
        answering machine, now!


        To order your copy of HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR ANSWER MACHINE,
        by  Dr.  Dan  Lee Dimke, on extended  play  audio-cassette,  send
        US$19.95  (plus  US$2.00  postage and handling  for  FIRST  CLASS
        delivery)  to:

                                 R. Bruce Milne
                             2319 N. 45th. St. #148
                                Seattle, WA 98103

Catalog of Money Making Audio Cassettes