Dear Readers,              
  this is a extract from the Images in the VATICINIA CODEX of NOSTRADAMUS:
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		    this images are kindly offered by:
		   * THE     UNKNOWN      NOSTRADAMUS  *
		   * ( published by Inner Traditions ) *
		   *      by  Ottavio  Cesare  Ramotti *
       An ancient and unpublished codex of Nostradamus, found in a Public 
    Library in Rome, is an illustrated manuscript of the famous prophecies 
    of Michel Nostradamus. Dedicated to his son Cesar,it contains 80 water
    colour painted images ( But 70 have no caption ! ),in which are repre-
    sented, with some temporal mess ( easily reassembled ),  32 Catholic
    Church Popes,from the epoch of Pope Urbano VIII ( Maffeo Barberini )
    (1623-1644) .
       This images had symbolic conexions with historical events of past 
    Vatican history that we can esily understand, of the present and of 
    nearby future; that, in a not very difficult way, can be conected with 
    prophetical quatrains related to Popes following keys of temporal
    rearrangement established by Nostradamus himself, that  C. Ramotti 
    describes in this and precendent books.

       Catholic Church will be renewed with PETRUS SECUNDUS, the New Saint 
    Peter, the Good Pastor that converses to all of us with simplicity and 
    leads us to a NEW AGE of Happiness and Peace .       
			     ( Translation made by Giancarlo Rossi ) 
	*  BRIEF DESCRIPTION of some images of the XVII C. CODEX :   *
	*  POSSIBLE interpretation made by Cesar RAMOTTI (and Mine)  *

     ( The FIRST 8 images had brief comments in Latin , over facts 
	 already happened in XVII century , that could have been 
	 writen by a later reader (a Pope ?) after Maffeo BARBERINI).  
 Nø)  Page    | in thin: Simple description | I: HIPOTHESIS  OF | (Years) 
    of codex: | writing  of IMAGE's DETAILS |    INTERPRETATION |(of rule)
		    _____                      MCXCI
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3ø)(1st pictured page): A MONK gives TWO BOOKS (his rule) ? to 4 FRIARS 
   In his tunic we could see,with magnifying lens: M.N....hiden message !  
   (Ramotti observed this only after publishing ! Looks alike very much 
   to a painting about this theme,that is present in the Saint-Louis-en 
   l'Ile Church, PARIS, ( Churc were are hiden many Crusader's relics ) 
   ( Is the 1st image.  because the initial  two pages are the right 
    and  inverse original library registration card of Carthusiane F. )
   (1623-1644)(Latin comment:" tunc veniet Urbanus VIII Barberinus"
   translation: "...and then came (Pope) Urbanus VIII BARBERINI ")

   ( Reproductions from white book "Scienza Temporale e Papi del Futuro") 
 4ø) (2ø Pope) feeds LITTLE BEARS (I: ORSINI = Innocenzio X (1644-1655) ) 
     ( C. in Latin: " ... Columba pacifica - Inn. X Pamphilius Romanus )
 5ø) (3ø Pope) KILLS AN EAGLE (I: France ?   ALEXANDER VII (1655-1667))
     ( C. in Latin: " ... lupa rapacior- Alex VII ...Chigianus senensis )
 6ø) (4) Popular Insurrection  against the Pope (I: against Inocencio X ?)
     I: POPE CLEMENTE IX Rospiglioso.(1667-1669) Luis XI,Clementine Peace)
     ( C. in Latin: " ... Bufo et Rhombus - Clemens IX Rospigliosus )
 7ø)(5) Pope biten by a Drake with in the hand a chalice and  St. Mary's .
    I: Pope CLEMENT X = Emilio ALTIERI (1670-1676). 
       He Fought against France for rights .         
       ( C. in Latin:"...Clemens X - Alterius Romanus -semen superbiae )
 8ø)(6) Blessed Pope, with dog .( I: Inocenzo XI = Benedetto ODESCALCHI )  
     Took Avignon .  Disputy with the marquois Lavardin in plaza Farnese )                         
     (C. in Latin: "...Callidissimus serpens sub specie leonis et aquila )
     666 flagellus Dei Alterius Romanus . B. Innocentius XI Odescalcus " ) 
 9ø)(7) Pope with a monk defeats the Eagle. (I: ALEXANDER VIII Ottobonus )
     (1689-1691. Obtained from Louis XIV devolution of Venassino county .)
     (C. in Latin: "...Ferrea planta - Alexander VIII Ottobonus ")  
 10ø)(8) Pope that quiets a Quimoera. An eagle surges. (I: INNOCENZO XII = 
     Antonio PIGNATELLI. Very long Conclave (means election process),end
     of Gallican agreementes with Louis XII . (C. in Latin: "...Lumen
     ad orientem terribili aspectu. Draco Corona* (* means long waiting)")
NOTE: from here the Latin caption disappears, with no explanation given.
 11ø)(9) A traveling Pope (chased away from the countries)(I: CLEMENT XI =
     Gian Francesco ALBANI, from Urbino, Italy. Succession War in Spain, 
     the Vatican States are ravaged ).
 12ø)(10) Pope with a sword hurts a Lamb an a Serpent-Pope (I: MAYBE the
     Michelangelo DEI CONTI, from Rome. Condemned several Giansenist 
     (7 french Bishop) and Jesuits ). Gave absoltion to Alberoni .
13ø)(11) Pope blessed by the Holy Spirit ( BENEDICT XIII =Pietro FRANCESCO 
    (1724-1730) from Rome. Vincenzo Maria Orsini ).   
14ø)(12) Pope biten by a serpent, with a Cock and dead Lamb ( The serpent 
    of the Simoniacs ?) (I: CLEMENTE XII = Lorenzo CORSINI, from Florence.
    (1730-1740) He punished the priests that speculate with ecclesiastical
    benefits. Comdenned Cardinal Coscia. Comdenned Francmassonry. Built
    "fontana di Trevi" in Rome and other monuments.
15ø)(13) Pope with wolf and sword. (I: BENEDICT XIV = Prospero LAMBERTINI.
    An enlightened Pope contrary to religous fantism and giansenism ).
NOTE: here Ramotti connected Img. with latin "mottos" of Prophet MALACHIAS 
16ø)(14) Pope with an Angel and Pavo (I: CLEMENTE XIII = Carlo REZZONICO, 
    from Venice.Very rigid and intransigent: he was opposed from expulsion 
    of Jesuits from many countries.) "Rosa Umbriae" - governor of Rieti -
    (1758-1769) Emblem of Rieti has a rose.
			_|_              _(  *       *  __)_) This hand is
   _O_                /--|--\           (__   *     *  __))  (in original)
   |_|               /       |            (___   *  ___)_ _ __  in another
_ (___)             \=\=|=|=/=/             (__\   /::::||_(_( \ position: 
\\_|:|              \=\=|=|=/=/                (___)----\|    \/ \ clearly
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   |_|              \=\=|=|=/=/                   \\_/|""" \   \| ||| back
  (___)             |/  /  \ |                     \ \|""""" \  |_/_|sword
  _|_|_             ()  o |o |                     | \ \"""""|   \" /
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   | |    |     |                  |     |||       /  \/_  \/_     |  | |   
   | |    |     |                  |     |||      |   | |  | |      | | |    
   | |    |     |                  |     |||      |  _| |_ | |   _  | | |     
   |:|    |     |                  |     |||      | / | | || || | | | | |           
   |||    |     |                  ||\___|||___/| /_| | | || ||_| |_| | |
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17ø)(15) Pope attacked by a soldier,stoped by a divine hand ( Archangel        
     MICHAEL ?) (I: CLEMENTE XIV = G. Vincenzo  "Lorenzo" GANGANELLI, 
     (1769-1774) from St. Arcangelo (near Rimini,Italy), he abolished 
     the Company of Jesus worldwidly, except Russia & Prussia.
	(_  \___                              _ ---_
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   ((( ((((((     ((( ((( ((( (((  ((( ((( ((( (((__)         (/oo\)_) 
    ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))           (|||) 
   ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((           |||
    )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))      O==(_)==O     
   ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((        U
18ø) DRAKE with CROWNED HUMAN HEAD (A portrait of King LOUIS XVI ?) and 
     DONKEY-EARS with FRIGIUM HAT, tail with a Serpent swallowing a sword 
     encircles 9 stars. The monster is bathing in a sea of flames, it has  
     3 star in the back, in background a MOON surrounding a 5 star-cross.
     (I: FRENCH REVOLUTION (1789-1792), PIOUS VI had 3 stars in emblem, 
     (1774-1799) Gianangelo BRASCHI,(from Cesena,Italy),condemned french's
     Constitution Civile du Clerge',soon was made prisoner when NAPOLEON I 
     conquered the Pontifical States, died during exile in Valence,France )
   MALACHIAS MOTTO for PIOUS VI is "Aquila Rapax" =  raptored by Napoleon
   Eagle, symbol of the armies that occupied Rome and sent him to Paris .
19ø) A SACRED BOOK being read by an OLD SAGE (a Francmasson ?) with a 
     covered sheet plenty of holes, long sheets (papyrus ?) are obtained. 
    ( Example of Applied KABBALAH or... DIDEROT's first Enciclopaedia ? )
20ø)(Pope nø16) POPE attacked by BIG SAVAGE BEARS ( Revolutionars ?)
21ø)(Pope nø17) POPE with PEN, SERPENT and DOVE ( Peace teatries ?)    
		   _    /o_\      _
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    |:|    |   |         //  |  |::|  |       |                  \   \  (
22ø)(Pope nø 18) POPE attacked by a LEGHORN ( England ?)           \  \
    (1823-1829) LEO XII = Annibale DELLA GENGA. Bishop of Tiro. Illiberal.
    ( Pope LEO XII Emblem Shield had a CROWNED EAGLE )
23ø) Three columns with 1)a  KING , 2)a MONK 3)an ARM that holds a sickle
     (I: FRANCE: the assembly of tHREE General States preceded Revolution )  
	     ////          \\
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24ø) A MONK (Pope?) holds a SICKLE in right hand,and a ROSE in left hand.
     Over the ground are posed TWO HILLS and a LEG. A road to Communism ?
     (I: Two hills are in EMBLEM of POPE PIOUS VII = Barnaba CHIARAMONTI,
     (1800-1823) was born in Cesena,Italy. In 1804 had to crown Emperor in
     Paris NAPOLEON I (but N. did all himself), PIOUS VI signed an agree-
     ment with Napoleon ,that was broken by French invasion of Rome. The 
     Pope was taken prisoner (lived as a MONK ?)to France (Fontaineubleu).
     Then Napoleon took a beating in Russia (1812), Leipzig (1813) and 
     finally Waterloo (1815). With restoration of Monarchy, P.P.PIOUS VII     
     returned to Holy See in Rome, restored Jesuits and Absolutist system.
     ( But another revolution was pending over Church: COMMUNIST SICKLE !)
25ø)(19) POPE with KING, QUEEN and a BULL ( Agreements of international 
    power balance ?) PIO VIII = Francesco Saverio CASTIGLIONI,from Cingoli. 
26ø)(20) Pope with mother bear and bear puppies. (I: GREGORIO XVI = Barto-
    lomeo Alberto - Mauro CAPELLARI. Is against personal liberties, calls 
    for help Austria and France in order to break off the revolts.
    (1831-1846) Malachias :"De Balneis Etruria".- from Balnea shrine (FI)

  26: Pope crowned by Angels = " Pastor Angelicus " of  Malaquias . 
	 ( I: Pope PIUS XII ( 1939-1968 ) ( related to q.556 )   
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28ø) (Pope nø 21) a POPE with a WOLF and a BOOK. Has only ONE PAPAL KEY. 
     ( I: PIOUS IX = Giovanni Maria MASTAI FERRETTI, from Spoleto ). 
     (1846-1878: longest rule in history ) LANCE: During his rule Rome was 
     plundered by German Lansquenets.In 1870 Lost Rome to Unionist Italian 
     Piedmont Army of King SAVOYA. Published the book "SYLLABUS", inside 
     was the Dogma of Papal Infallibility. ( Malachias: "       " )
 "The six hands over the city"->1870: The column on the right celebrates                 
		  __                  the conquering of Rome, taken by
	     ___ //-|===   o______o   King SABOY's troops from PIEDMON
	       |  ) ====   / / / /\   250 years before it was erected
	 o   ---___ ===   /_/_/_/__\                 o     |
	(_)              |=====|====| _             (_) <---    EXACT
	|"|           _  |_   _|  _/|| |       o____|=|__       POINT
       _|H|_         | |_| |_| |_| |/ /|      / \   |o|   \       of
       \ _ /         |=============|/  |_ __/__O__ \| |__ __\_ brenched  
	| |===========|            |  /||_||_||_||_|| | |_||-||  WALL 
	| |    (_)    | I   __   I |/  |============| |========|   |
	| | __ __     | 0  /  \  0 |  /|            | |       || <--
	| | qp/  \\   |   |    |   |   | II  II     | |       |/|
	| | II   ||   ====|    |====/  | II  II     | |       |/|
	| | II   ||   |   |    |   | / |            | |       |/\\
	| | II   ||   |  _|   _|   |/ /|____________|=|-------|_/|\----
	=== II===||---| //|_ //|   |  /            |===|------__|/ ----
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 ----|_______|=     //|/_ //  /      =====------              ---======
 ---------------  // |/_ // /  -----)                -    -------------         
		 ||/__- ||/                       ---------------------