Pod Qui

(Hormuz Strait)


(Estrecho de Hormuz)

Page visited by Peace Lovers !

  * q. V.83: NAMES of AIRCRAFT CARRIERS deployed in 1998 in PERSIAN GULF *  
    ( A quatrain discovered by my Friend Interpreter Devis DAZZANI ! )     

       Q.q583-d   Enterprise-Invincible .  4 Marzo 1998
   V.83  -Ceux qui auront entreprins subvertir,
         Nompareil regne,puissant et invincible:
         Feront par fraude,nuicts trois advertir,
         Quant le plus grand a table lira Bible.
   583    Those that will have the (task or) ENTERPRISE of subversion,
  (ENG)  Kingdom with no equal,powerful and INVINCIBLE:
         Will cause by fraud,(in) three nights warning,
         When the greatest will read the BIBLE at table.

   583    Aquellos que tendran el encargo (empresa) de subvertir,
  (CAS)  Reino si igual,potente e invencible:
         Haran por fraude,(en) tres noches avisar, 
         Cuando el mas grande en la mesa leera' la BIBLIA.

   583    Coloro che avranno l'impresa di sovvertire,
  (ITA)  Regno senza paragone,possente ed invicibile:
         Faranno per frode,(in) tre notti avvertire,  
         Quando il piu grande leggera a tavola la BIBBIA.

--------( q. V.83 Kab-1555 extraction-> decryption -> translation )-------
  NOTES:  I = Isowave for the Italian New Government: D'Alema.
          õ = Moon Water isowave.

      KAB-1555 DEVELOPMENT, and...                  ENGLISH
       ITALIAN DECRYPTION                         TRANSLATION:
  1) C Q U E P E R N R R E P A T N E O         ( an inFERNal ClaSH ... 
   ChoQUE inPhERNale R R E PATerNE NErO        ( FoLLoWing a PATh that... )
   ChecQUE   PiERo RiNcoRREre "PATh" NErO      ( brings to a BLAck hOUR ! )
       -                                       ( In the EUfRatEs, NoRth to  
  2) E U R E N R S R T O E E G U N I C : N     ( the deSERT is ExpLOdEd an
    EUfRatE NoRd deSeRTO E E GUN coNICal: Non  ( atoMICal cONIcal GUN !  )
    hEURE  N@ERo   deTOnarE   atoMICa              ^
       -                          ^          ( VIOleNT LAST cLASHES between
  3) U I O N T I U T I M I G N I T I N I F T   ( the UnION of the uNiTEd  )
     U IncONTrI  UlTIMI dIGNITarIo INF@IniTo   ( staTEs, and the dIGNITaIr
     UnION staTI UniTI     IGNIs               ( of INFIniTe paTieNce *  )
     VIOleNTI  cONTInUi                [* Maybe is talking of Kofi ANNAN ?]
     ^                                         ( an X-clASH: the ThuNdeR of
  4) X N T R N B I R P L N E S N V B E         ( of Bill aIRPLaNES makes ...
   X scoNTRo N BIll aIRPLaNES   NUBE           ( ... an oRRIBLE CLOUD !!! )
          TRoNo  oRr@IPiLaNtE     ^            [ SURA = Koranic Verses ]
       -                                 ( dIsAsTER in the SURA's * coUNTRY
  5) A T R E S V R A E S E V I L R P     ( (*SaUdi aRAbia ?) to the EVIL
  dEsAsTRE  SURA RAh?-pAESE VILe seRPe        ( seRPent , ... that is now 
             ^     SEVILLa "EVIL" RiPa        ( in SEVILle river-SiDe )
  6) Q U E P E N R R P A T I N E O A          ( WHAT a PAINful PENetRation
     QUE   PENa  R R PATrIa lATINE A          ( in the HOMeland of the
           PENetRaRe  PlATINE  cOAUtoRE       ( ... lATINE cOAUthOR  ???  )
  7) U R E P R S R N O E E P U N N C :N R     ( GOLDEn PReSage is ...
 AUREo PReSagio ScheRNO fEdE PUNiCa:sCoNtRo   ( SneeRED by the TUNiS ...
               RomaNO     PUNirNe   iN RION   ( FAITH ...a ClaSH in ROME ! )
  8) I O N R I U T O M I G U I T I C I F T    ( Will tRIUMPh the fLUTE of 
   tRIONfaRe lIUTO aTOMI  GUerra mITICI       ( frIENDS of aTOMS for WAr  )
        RIfiUTO aUTOMatIco  GUITtI iNconTrI   ( An aUThOMatical REfUSE... 
       -                                 ( to MEeT those peACEFIst CLOWnS ! )
  9)  N T I N B I M P L N I S N I B E F       ( The TRies of BIll-BOY with
 TeNtaTIvi BIMbo aeroPLaNI derISioNI e BEFfA  ( his TIN-airPLaNEs over the
 coNtenTINo  scoNTrI PLaNISfero     FAreTRa   ( WorLd-map are make object
 mITICI FeToNTI                               ( ...for laUGH and SCOrN ! )

 10) A T R N S V R P A E S S E V B L R P R    ( A ThuNdeR to the SOUTH of
     A TReNo  SVR PAESE SEleVco eBLa RiPaRa   ( the SEleUco's COUNTRY,...
       TRueNo          oSSErVare RiPRodUrrE   ( near eBLa (Iraq) FIXES IT !)
 11)   U E S E A R R S A T I L E O A A     ( The PoRTuGUESE in the ART is
   PoRtogUESE  ARS veRSATILE LEOne AmA     ( skiLLFUL, and the LIOn lOvEs ?)
       VEStE    ARReST@A  uTILE trOvAtA 
       ^                                      ( AiRpLanE Carriers ? ...
 12)   R E P S R N R E E P A N N E: N R U     ( WilL be thREE DAMAGED :
   AeREei P SaRaNno tRE En  PANNE : NimRUd ?  ( ... NimRUd ? )
   irRES@Ponsabile fRaNaRE        RUde RUmON?
       -                                      ( a HARsh  cLAsH, the...
 13)   O N R S U T O E I G U N T I C : F T D  ( SitUaTiOn (or SUrrounded) 
      ONeRe SitUaTO E I GUN atlaNTICa: F T D  ( aTOmIcAl GUN atlaNTIC :
    scONtRO      aTOmI@chE    aNTICa   STeaDY ( STeaDY  launched )
       -                               ^
 14)  N T I U B I M I L N I T N I F E F E     ( to a CiTY in the atlaNTIc 
   atlaNTIca UrBIs MILiti N ITaliaNI FEde     ( the ITalIaN MILitary have
    aNTIca   UBIdieNza  MILioNarIo  PErSE     ( to pay FAith and OBBEyance,
                   ^                ^  ^      ( that slowly was LOST ...  )
 15)  T R N B V R P L E S E V B E R P R     ( ... so the peoPLE's SPeaKer:
  SETtoRe N B V R  PLEaSE   V B sERPe R   ( BERtinotti :(as ancient LAWYER  
  ^  TRiB@uNo VRbis PLEbe SEVero BERtinotti   ( of the ROmAn peoPLE), will 
       -                                      ( let fall Prodi's Government 
 16) E S V E A R S E T I L R O A A N          ( and BEGAn WAkING UP from
  PRESe  SVElARSE  ETILico ROAmiNg A N        ( this ALCohoLIC ROAming of
   SVEgLiARSi ARS gEnTILe ROmAN@A giAnN@A     (...the AtlANtic ArmAda  !!! )
       Q.q583-r   Enterprise-Invincible   4 Marzo 1998
 17)    A A N U S E R Q L U A E E       ( To the AmericAN-USa, of this
    AmericANa USa cERChio aVvisArE      ( tRAP are adVicEd, ,made by the
      A A NUClEaRe SERPe LUnArE E       (  NaUSEating  MOOn  SERPent   )
                      ^                                      ^
 18)  R U U I T R T U L U S N T L B       ( this TReaT of RUIN, your...  
       RUIN TReaT   U L U ScoNTri         ( LIGHT, ClaSHes with LyBians ?)
     RUde ^ bUITRe TUa  LUX N T L B 
                          ^               ( GOSsIP for the demoCRATIc
 19)   D I C R A T I A E S D A L I I      ( and IIø (second) ScanDAL )
  DICeRiA demoCRATIcA E ScanDALI II       (õ- There is a DIsPuTE by a
 õ- DIsCoRdiA malATtIA ESca oSpeDALI      (õ- a disease in hoSpiTALS )
 20)  F E C T O D I R N G B I R B         ( InFECTEd LEADer is a really
      F elECTrODI   R@ING B I R B         ( a Great FOXY person )
    InFECTO ODIo DIRaN Gran BIRBante  
 21)  R T S I V R T P G R A L R A L          ( the ReTaliation for this
  RiTorSIone VRTo PeGgioRA La ReALta'isRAeLe ( CLaSh WoRSENS The ReALity
      R T S I V R T PiGRA G@ALeRA LiRA       ( of situation for isRAeL )
 22)   A N S S E Q L R A E A E            ( In the (Palestinese ?) SLuMS
  fALANSteri SEQueLa iRA @REAzionE        ( there will be a SEQueL of 
        ANSioSE  CoLleRA isRAEliAnE       ( wRAth and AngEr as REActiOn )
 23)  U U T R Q U L U A N T B             ( and a T@URKIsh EUnUc of 
    EUnUco TURQU  LeVANTino ANTico        ( the EaSTERN MOON ...)
            ^^          ^                 ( as a DIcTatoR ACTS...
 24)  D I T R A T U A E S N D A L B I     ( and aBUSES with his
  meDITeRrANea DITtatuRA ScaNDAL LiBIchE  ( LiBIAn SaNDAL, ...
  nITRATi ATtUArE  SaNDALo BIbbia ALBI    ( the cross of ALBI BIblE
 eDIToRe DIsTRAzione TUA E ScaNDALo LibrI ( (Catholic White Fathers)
       -                                  ( He being BAD HATES...
 25) E C R O D I A N D B I I B            ( CROss AND BIBLe . )
     E CROce ODIA AND   BIbB@Ia           ( ...bLACK eND for the HATEd
  BIECo nECROsi ODIAto eND BI@BI morTO ?  ( BIBI (Netanyahu) fount deAD ?)
 26) T O I V R N T P G A L R B L      I->[[ In WINteR Italian Currency:
  T O InVeRNo coNTo PaGAre LiRa RuBLo    [[ LiRa will have to PaY the...
   aBorTO I V R N T P GALeRa  BLeNd      [[ Account to European BLeNd ]]
 27)   N S I S E T L R A E A L E          ( The SEcTs are aNXIoUS,
     aNSIoSE SETte ToLleRArE d'ALEma      ( inToLleRANt , and isRAEl
      iNSIStEre T L isRAEle @REALE        ( iNSIStEs to provoke them )
       -                                  ( S. hUSsein from iRaQ is...
 28)      U S R Q L U A T E               ( hoWLIng TO yOUr ART ! )
    hUSsein iRaQ  uLUla tUA ArTE      I->[[ In Italy Anxious FAcTions are...     
 I->       USuRpan LUnAre ATEI ITALIa I->[[ ToLeRAtEd by @KING d'ALEma:...
 õ-> USa: RiCCa acQua LUnA sATEllITe  I->[[ parties and ATHEIst have usurped
            ^^                        I->[[ Goverment, and now are changing 
 29)   I T A T U L E S N T A L B      I->[[ the sTATUte of Laws, this...]]
   ITAlia sTATUaLE ESeNTA ALBa LiBica     
                                õ-> [ USa: RiCH of waTer is MOOn sATEllITe
 õ->Al ThULE (N. Pole) prESeNTA ALBo CRAter ! [ by the ThULE (North Pole) ]  
                                              [..there is a WHIte CRAter !]
 30)    C R A D I A E D A B I I           ( a RADIActivE CRAter in... 
   CRAter RADIoAttivo mEDiA bABIlonIa     ( the  mIDlE  bABYLon    !!!  )
       GraVE   DIA  EDAd  BIbI morTO ?                    ^^
       ^                                  ( VIcTOry over ALL (enemies) 
 31)  T O D V R N P G B L R B             ( ^  is now PaID by the
  VITtOria VRaNio tURNo PaGaBiLe aRaBiS   (  URaNium in the aRaBiS 
  ^   TODa  VRNa PaGare BiLe RaBin        ( "OR" EasT gulf !!!  )
 32) S I V E T P L R A L E A L            ( that is a another one...
    SIVE* EsT = PLuRALE  pEArL (Harbor)   ( (a PLuRALity ) of an
    SIlVEsTre PhLoRA isRAeLE              (  unLOYAL pEArL Harbor ! )
       -          slEALE LEALe rEALe      ( ...during the season of
                                  ( the SYlVEsTer FLoRa = SPRING !!!)

   "SIVE" = In Latin means "OR", frequently used in Ancient Maps, where

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       Q.V644-d   Nuict par Nantes L'Yris . 26 Febbraio 1998
  VI.44  -De nuict par Nantes L' yris apparoistra,
         Des Arts marins susciteront la pluye:
         Vrabiq Goulfre,grand classe parfondra,
         Vn monstre en Saxe naistra d' ours et truye.

   644    By night by (in) Nantes the rainbow (peace) will appear,
  (ENG)  The Marine Arts will cause the rain (war):
         (In the) Arabic Gulf,a great fleet will sink,
         A monster in Saxony will born from Bear and Sow.

   644    De noche por Nantes el Arco Iris (paz) aparecera,
  (CAS)  Las Artes Marinas provocaran la lluvia (guerra):
         (En el) Arabigo Golfo,una gran flota hundira,
         Un monstruo en Saxonia nacera de Oso y Cerda.

   644    Di notte per Nantes l'arcobaleno (pace) apparira,
  (ITA)  Le Arti Marine susciteranno la pioggia (guerra):
         (Nel) Arabico Golfo,grande flotta affondera,
         Un mostro in Sassonia nascera da Orso e Troia.
 HISTORICAL : There is NOT recorded any major NAVAL BATTLE in or near
 ANALYSIS     any ARABIC SEA (exception: ABUKIR, but it was not a GULF )
 Q.644-> " Third Style " Transformation :  
        DE oNU vICToire PAR aNnAN TESis L' YRIS (paix) APPAROISTRA,

    DESANT: In Soviet Military Terminology means: a SURPRISE ATTACK 
    against an objective that should not be hold for a long time, as
    an enemy Airport or Heliport (to land asault forces on it,use it, 
    then destroy it), a Bridge (in order to keep it open to advancing 
    ground forces), an attack against enemy artillery or missiles,
    or a diversive operation. Should be performed with Helicopters
    (like HIND) covered with Attack Planes, AWACS, and Paratroopers.

-----( DIRECT READING INTERPRETATION )-------------------------------
    AMERICAN MARINES could launch an Helicopter RAID or BLITZ, or
    DESANT in BAGHDAD --> in order to capture or kill Saddam HUSSEIM.
    ( This mission will NOT succeed, so Saddam, in retaliation will 
    launch his missiles (with chemical war-heads) against ISRAEL .)

    ISRAEL could respond with TWO Nuclear (250 Kt ?) Warheads against
    Saddam's probable DEN: maybe in THARTHAR LAKE in western IRAQ ?

     This will led to the abbandoning by SAUDI ARABIA of alliance with
    AMERICA, they will launch (joining IRAN) a SURPRISE ATTACK against  
    the USA's NAVY Aircraft Carriers in the PERSIAN (now Arabic) GULF.
    ( They could even CLOSE the HORMUZ STRAIT with OIL-TANKERS SHIPS,
    cover the SEA with BURNING OIL, place or sink OLD SHIPS plenty of 
    weapons in the channels, put mines, mines, mines, and automatic 
    TORPEDOES that target themselves to any moving ship, they could
    launch SUICIDAL ATTACKS with airplanes ( SAUDI's F-15 and IRAN's 
    F-14, disguised as American ) with SMOKE, RADIO & RADAR-jamming, 
    IRANIANS could use the KILO SUBMARINES undetectable by SONAR. And
    CONFUSION, FEAR, DESPAIR because of TRAITION, could result in ...

              !!!  A NEW PEARL HARBOR IN ARABIC GULF  !!!


      There could be a PEACE agreement thanks to RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT
    intervention,( anew a SUPERPOWER ) this is indicated in S. XI-46 
    POPE JOHN PAUL II could try to act as a peace-maker between all
    fighting nations, then hearthbreaked, will suffer a faint (or even 
    have a life after death experience ) because of all this tragedy.

         The SEXTINE XI-46 indicates a date: MARCH 28 , 1998 !

    President William CLINTON will be IMPEACHED due to his mismanagement.

 ( After this ARABS will do ALL THEY COULD DO to GET the A-BOMB !)
----( Q. VI.44 KAB-1555 development, decryption, translation )-----
                                            (   ENGLISH  TRANSLATION:      )  
 1)  D I A N T S A R R S S N S R O A Y A    ( the DAY BEFore will opPOSE   ) 
 DIA coNTraStARe ZAR RuSSo NaStRO SROtolA   ( RuSSian ZAR, the TAPE *1 ... )
  DIANa DIAmANTe ^ SARa RoSSo MoStRO GIA'   ( he ALreaDy UNROlled !  )                      
       -                      ^      ^^
 2)  E C R T E R O A M S C O N E B        ( What a unREASONablE ROAMing... )
  E sCRiTERiatO ROAMing MaSChiONE EBeTE   ( of this MACHO IDiOT (xxxxxxx?) )
   dECRitTarE ROM@A dAMaSCO NEBula    ( ROMAn dECRypTion of dAMaSCO NEBula )
 3) T E S Y A O I A M A I N T P : I     ( THESIS AlreAdY HEArd, LOVES to...)
    TESIs YA OIdAs AMA INTerPrete: I    ( decrypt this INTerPreter : gIaN  )
        rAmOttI? chIAMA                   
 4) N N S R P I S D R A R S T T L V Q     ( IvaN NoT SuRPrISed,has to STOP )
  NoN SuRPrISe DRAstico ARreSTare LOCO    (... in a DRAStic way this MAD ! )
                 ResTiTuito LUQUes ^^^
 5)  U P A L I P S T E T R I U E L U R    ( A PApAL proPOSE to conduct ... )
  QU  paPALI PropoSTE TRIbUnaL@E URbIs    ( S. Husseim to a COURT in ROME ?)
 6) I A N L S A T R S S I N S R L A Y A G    ( As a kiLLeR SATRape (Tyran) )
  I A N L SATRapo aSSasIN I@SRaeLY@An A G    ( ... he will ATtack ISRaeLIs )
 7)  C R T R R A N S C O A E B O        ( In an underGROUND CRaTer will... )
  CRaTeRe sotTeRRANeo SCOvArE El BOia   (... be diSCOvErEd thE EXEcutioner )
    CRiTica mediTeRRANeo
       -                                 ( An AtOmicAl BOTTLE (in spanish) )
 8) T E Y A O A A M S I N P : I U        ( launched  by  NICE  FRiENds ! : )  
  BOTEYA AtOMicA AMiCI SIMPatIci:IN      ( : IN ...
 (spanish)          ^    ^        ^      (    ^ ...   NaSiRYah  ???  !!!   )
 9)  N S Y R P I D R A S T T P L V Q L    ( seRPent-HYDRA-RAS is Nuked by  )
  NaSiR@Yah P IDRA-RAS STaTes PLVs Q L    ( The STaTes , ... MORe LUCKy  ? )
          IRaQ  IDRogenA                 ( LV or V =55 or 5 QuiLo(tonnes) ?)
          ^  ^
 10) P A R I P S D E T R S U E L U R F        ( BEHind PARIS PeaCe there...)
     PARI@S  PaX DiETRo  SUELo    LUcRoSo     ( is a LUcRaTive SOIL !      )
              ^          SVEgLia fURFANte     ( But ... WAKe UP thIEVE !   )   
                          ^                        ( ... DESIres of United )
 11) A N L I S A T E S S I U S R L U Y A G R       ( StATES THESIS will    )
     ANeLIto StATES TESI rIUSciRe LUY AGgRediRe    ( cOME Out ,... and     )
             SATElite                              ( ... HE will ATtaCk !  )
       -                                           ( ... in ReTaliaTion    )
 12)   R T S R R S N S C O A Y E B O E     ( He is LauGhiNG at oNu , will  ) 
  RiTorSion iRRiSioNe SCOvAre YpErBOlE     ( be discovered an hYpErBOliC   )
    R T S R R S fraNceSCO A Y E BOmbE      (  AtOmiCal BOmbE in a pOOL  !  )
 13)  E A O A A M S C I N E : I U         ( And has an AtOmicAl pOOL : ... )
   Ed hA A@tO@MicA  piSCINE :  IN         ( IN  NaSirYAh ! )
    ErA dOrAtA  dAM@ASCo        ^            ^
                                               ( with aNSIetY he will PAY  )
 14)  N S Y A P I A R A I T T P : V Q L G      ( for his errors and ...    )
       aNSIA  esPIARA   I T T P :  VOLGARe     ( for ObsTrucTioNs: as a ...)
     N S pY@SAPIA   RAI InToPpo :  VOLGA       ( VULGAR THIck... TramPleD !)
       -                            ^
 15)  A R P P S D R T R S T E L V R F R          ( in TeRreSTrIal, GROUnd  )
  GARraPata PiSaDo, TeRreSTrE TELlURica FRaNa    ( CRuMble,... PATETical ! )
    A R P P S DiReTto TRieSTE L'VRbe FRaNcese   
                                                  (  a SIlVER torPEDO ...  )
 16)  N L I P A T E T S I U E R L U R A G R A     (  the GRANAde will ...  )
     aNuLlI  PATETico S I U E R siLURA  AGRiA     (  ...  exPaND  !!!  ... )
                       SIlVER   LUnaRe  CRAter    ((result): MOOn CRAter ! )
                          ^             ^                         ^
----( Q.V644-r Nuict par Nantes L'Yris 26 Febbraio 1998 )----------
 17) G R A N A P N D N S E N E S D S T        ( iN MOON-SEiNE (Eufrates ?) )
   GRANAda esPaNDersi N SEleNE SuD STOrico    ( in the SouTHeaST, plenty...)
     GRANA   Pa@DaNa N SEiNE  SuDeST          ( of hiSTOry (Abraham's UR ?))
 18)  O E N D S A D R T N T R          ( hiSTOrical ENDing or ... nO END ! )
     nO END SADdam RiTorNo scoNTRo     ( SADdam ReTurNs to the cLaSH ... ! )
  õ- cOEN DoSAre DoctoR T.N.T. TeNTaRe   
       -                                      ( RUTless over laND of BlACK )
 19)  U D S R R A M R S N R O E U             ( MaRS, BREaks the heROE ... )
     RUDe Su teRRA MaRS NeRO eROE Etat Unis   (  for the United States  !  )
  õ-   sUD  SeRRA  MaRZo SoNoRO E lUG@Lio     ( ... A Black MaRCH !!! )
       -              ^
 20) L G C E F A O E S A A A O U T Y        ( There LiES as FAr-WESt SAinT )
    L G luCE FArO ESAgonAle A digibOUTY     ( ... AmericAn bOUnTY-killer ? )
  Li GiaCE FAr-OvESt AmericAnA bOUnTY-kil.  ( ... or digibOUTY  Beacon ??? )  
 21)  F R C L O V N A X I U R E            ( A FRenCh of the NAZI CLOVis - )
    FRanCese CLOVis NAXI gIURERA fUhRER ?  ( CLOWn , will make sWEAR for   )
     F R   CLOWN cloNAZIone ImpaUriRE      ( fUhRER ,... saying that: ...  )
       -      ^       ^
 22) R A L A P N V N S E X E S D R S T        ( This WING PUNishment only  )
  R ALA PuNir VeNganSE SEX ES DRaSTico        ( for  SEX  IS  DRaSTical !  )
   kERALA  PU@Njab UNSE SEX    

 23)  E N A S A D N T N E T S R        ( IN hOUSE of SADdaM will arrive ...)
     EN cASA SADdaM Tua NET TESoRo   ( Your ThrEaSoR message Through NET ! )
                  ^          @
 24) D S S R R M R N R E U                 ( They will run behind Cesare ? )
     DoSaRe  RoMa RiNcorreRE REUma         ( following him by all RoMe ... )
       ceSaRe ?      RE UGole       ( NOTE: this already happened in 1990 !)

 25) G S E F A M O E S N A A O E T Y       ( he shoULD esCAPE from FAME,   )
  fUGiSsE FAMa AMOrE S NAvAlE O ETIche   ( from LOVErS and NAuticAl ETIcs ?)
 26) R C E O N A A I U T E              ( A wIZARD-wOMAN will HElP YOU ... )
    cIRCE  dONnA AIUTarE TE             ( ... dON't reTUrN ! (to Rome ?)   )
   ReCEssO rOMA nON tOrNAre
       -     ^                           ( transALPiNes (French) will CRY  )
 27)  A L P N V N S E X I S D R T        ( for the ReVeNGE, lAW of DeseRT  )
    ALPiNe V piaNSE lEXIS Di De@SeRTo  
       -                                  (  NAPAlm DaNCe, SiTuatioN is ...)
 28)  N A P A D N S T N E S T S T R       (  developing to the EaST of  ...)
      NAPAlm DaNSe T geNESi EST diSasTRo  (   dESerTS  ...   diSasTeR !!!  )
 29)    D S A R R T R T R R U          ( a DiSAsteR the ReTReaT by the ... )
  DiSAstRosa ReTReaT ReTRoTeRRa        ( BacKGRound of ( Kuwait -> Iraq ? ))
  STRaDa  S ARResTaRe maRTiRi coRRoNo  (  this  mARine  maRTyRs  RUn  !!!  )
 30) S R F A M R E S N R A O E U Y        (  In the BlaCK SuRFAce of SEAS  )
     SuRFAce M@ARES  NeRA Ora Etat UnIs   ( a BlaCK hOur for UnIted States )
    inFAMe AMeRichE ESoNeRAre ENemY  ^    (   AMeRicA is dISchARged by ... ) 
       -                        ^         (   this trAITOR ENemY,  a ...   )
 31) C E F O O E A A A U T Y E            ( SLAP from this FOE will be ... )
   CEFfOnE FOE A AmericA UTIlE          ( USefUL to AmericA, that from now )
            OcEAnicA  nAUTIca YELlOw ( will practice only OcEAniCAl nAUTIcS)
       -                  ^              ( being YELlOw of fear for seas ! )
 32)  L O N V N E X I D R E           ( The ONU in MEETing will ask for ...)
   L' ONU reUNE EXItus Di RE     ( EXIt= leaving or EXItus= death Of KinG ?)
                              *   *    *    *
                             * * * *  * * *
                            *   *   **   *

                COMMENT TO KAB-1555-5551 DECRYPTION :
 1) Probably Russian President Boris YELTSYN, ALREADY HAD a SECRET TAPE 
   of a radio or telephonic conversation between SAUDI Foreign Minister 
   ABDULLAH EL-SAUD and some IRANIAN ALLY of him ( Ayatollah KHAMENEI ?) 
   In this TAPE there could be a SECRET AGREEMENT between SAUDI ARABIA
   SIRIA, and IRAN, with decision to retaliate to ISRAELI ATOMIC ATTACK 
   PERSIAN GULF, closing it with burning tankers, mines, robo-torpedoes.
   And even lauching suicidal attacks of F-14 and F-15 against CARRIERS.

   This is the REASON of WHY YELTSYN is saying that there is RISK of 
   a III WORLD WAR in Persian Gulf, but he cannot put in evidence how 
   did he got this information, in order NOT to LOSE his AGENT in IRAN !
12-13) Probably our Old Dear Saddam has an Old Soviet HYDROGEN STRATEGIC
   BOMB hiden in (or under) a Swimming Pool (In a Home ?)(Maybe in order 
   to block gamma-rays that can be detected by satellites ). Or a Water 
   Cooled Nuclear Reactor, so he will need some time to build the Bomb. 
   In both cases He does NOT relies of his nuclear stuff, never tested.

 19) It RECALLS to me the DEFEAT of Roman Emperor JULIAN in A.D. 0363 ;
   He raised an enormous Army to conquer Mesopothamia from the PARTHIAN 
   EMPIRE, this Army departed from the sources of TIGRIS river in ARMENIA
   (Actual TURKEY) then descended the river with more than 2000 ships, 
   each carried a Hundred of the Best Soldier (Century), and many horses.
   ( This equals to not less than 30 Roman Divisions ( Legion= 6600 men).

   At first Romans easily took all the small cities that they found 
   along the river, slaughtered the inhabitants, plundered treasors, etc. 

   But, when Romans arrived to the biggest: CTESIPHONT , they as usual 
   put city under SIEGE. Terrible was surprise for them, to discover that 
   the city was protected with TRIPLE ORDER OF WALLS ! ( And very thick: 
   more or less 12 feet) So they had to dismantle ships to build RAMPARTS. 
   Every time they managed to pass the first two walls, they were caught 
   in cross fire from towers. The siege continued, but summer came, they
   began to suffer from heat, hunger ( Habbasides dried water-channels ),
   so all trees died,and Romans had nothing to eat, while ancient Iraquis  
   had plenty of food and water. Finally Romans were PARCHED in THIRST.

   Romans, suffering in body and soul,had to burn the Ramparts and began a 
   walk-back North to actual Turkey, that was incredibly slow and painful 
   ( They ate all 30.000 horses, and they couldn't build again the ships,
   the current would have brought them to the South, to the City, and to 
   PERSIAN GULF (well known to Romans), access to C. was blocked by chains) 
   Finally, the HABBASIDES ARMY get out from the walls and began ambushes 
   against the Romans, giving them a deadly shower of Darts and Arrows. 
   Of a Roman Army of 200,000 soldiers, practicly NOBODY RETURNED.

   Even the Roman Emperor was killed: Flavius JULIAN ( that was called 
   " THE APOSTATE " because he renounced to Christian Faith and believed 
   in Paganism and Astrology ) JULIAN was wounded by a dart in his liver 
   and had a long agony with bleeding. In despair he touched his wound, 
   wettened his hand in blood and then launched it to the sky shouting:
   " YOU HAD REASON GALILEAN !" ( Galilean here is for JESUS CHRIST ).

   In this campaign was LOST the BEST of ROMAN ARMY, that could never 
   more recover from this DEFEAT. Spare Roman Armies amounted to not more
   than 200.000 soldiers, so Romans were outnumbered by BARBARIAN GOTHS, 
   they began to lose battles sometimes, then battle after battle, this 
   paved way to FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE !: " Sic Transit Gloriae Mundi "
   meaning: " Here Passed the Glory of the World ". 
   Well, I hope that you AMERICANS don't lose your EMPIRE, as we did !
                                                 Giancarlo Rossi
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                  ) |_____________________________________)
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 53ø) A SKULL crowned with a Half-Moon (ISLAMIC CRESCENT ?) is put over a
    CRUTCH and over a HILL. We can notice shadow of a DEER. ARMAGEDDON ?
    (I: JERUSALEM: event (Murder?) on the "Golgota" or " Ulive Hill " ?)
 NOTE: image from an ancient codex in ROME National Library: VATICINIA .


NOSTRADAMUS (by Red Turtle Webzine)





WORLD LINK (by Red Turtle Webzine)

ALL THE PROPHETS (by Devis Dazzani)