
Do you forget important dates? Dates like Anniversaries, Birthday? You know dates like your tenth anniversary, your mother-in-law birthday

  What would you give if you could be reminded of these important dates? To have someone remind you of these dates before they happen, for the rest of your Life.

YES, for the rest of your life , my reminder service would do just that. For a one-time, low low price of just $40.00. How many times do you spend $40.00 on other things? Like groceries, clothes, new shoes, or whatever. Do they last you a life time?

My reminder service would send you a reminder card one week prior to each and every important date you want to remember, For the rest of your life guaranteed. Do you think this is a great price or what?

If you would like to get this service    started, just send a check or money order for the low price of only  $40.00 along with your name, address, city, state and Zip, please print clearly.


P.O. Box 434

Cave Springs, GA


When I receive this information, I will mail you the application to fill out and then you return this to the corporate office. Within four days to a week after they receive your application, your reminder service will start sending out your reminder cards.

Isn't this the greatest thing you could ever spend $40.00 on? Hope you enjoy this service as much as so many others have.

          Created by: Worldwide Creations
