This is an extrapolation of public access logs from a popular zoophile live chat forum, we logged in approximately every hour for about 16 hours over each of two days. We saved the who-is-loggged-in list each time we logged in. Naturally this list does not include those who logged in and out between ours, nor does it include the 8 hours each night we didn't log in.
This list should offer some information as to estimating the extent of zoophiles who access these live bestiality chats, as well as including the amount of time they spend each day accessing this material.
An important thing to note, is that most all of these users have multiple connects and disconnects thus, the total times shown cover only the largest time slot they were continuously logged in when we checked. We omitted scores of these multiple log-ins and post here the single largest continuous connection for each user. You will also note two new users logged in that we captured.
Ahroun is going on a trip! 5 mins - 00m 05s Akeakami is working on Habit 1. 453 mins - 00m 29s Anonymous - a newbie 2 mins - 00m 25s Aslan I'm not sick but I'm not well 2 mins - 00m 24s Bagheera still misses corfu :-/ 63 mins - 00m 01s Balto -- Canine and Song 14 mins - 03m 39s Barmaid is a Horse on the way 12 mins - 04m 17s Barnside is just Barnside 7 mins - 01m 22s Blayze is dead 3 mins - 00m 05s Blitz Woof. 74 mins - 00m 04s Brianb Still a prevert 75 mins - 02m 33s Charger a palomino Morgan from Texas. 22 mins - 00m 57s Charlyy has moved out 1 mins - 00m 44s Depony "Support your local DJ" 22 mins - 18m 05s Diogenes -newbie :P 9 mins - 00m 13s Diogenes needs a good desc 43 mins - 05m 06s Dobbin the paraphile of animals 32 mins - 00m 34s Doberboy is reading something brb. 2 mins - 00m 27s Draconis owns and loves Alysa 43 mins - 00m 28s Dreamdancer - A playfully dolphin. 2 mins - 01m 02s Dutchess - A mare with attitude! 78 mins - 04m 42s Flower is unwatered 12 mins - 05m 33s Foxtrot is reading something brb. 5 mins - 00m 18s Furlips - part drool all magic. 10 mins - 00m 00s Furtail is greencoloured BovineCanine. 109 mins - 00m 20s Fuzzy is a Fuzzy Little Wolf 76 mins - 01m 09s Gere - Mjk's wolfmate :) 76 mins - 00m 09s Gunslinger A Dark Hero who beat the USAF 97 mins - 00m 16s Hobbes issa Warhammerin' Kitty! 5 mins - 00m 04s Horse is his own imagination.. 9 mins - 02m 15s Horseman is madly in love with horses! 121 mins - 00m 09s Hossi - Hugs horses not llamas :) 8 mins - 00m 20s Hunter is juss a po widdle kitty :) 117 mins - 12m 25s Hyper Wahhhhhhhhh93 users, logged once per hour +- over 2 days (32 hours)145 mins - 00m 10s Inorog - "The Lost Unicorn". 543 mins - 01m 10s Inorog is AFK. 508 mins - 10m 09s Kamerynn is Horny for Horses 26 mins - 01m 29s Kelli has a hurt paw:( 74 mins - 00m 13s Kodiak grumbles at bad luck 199 mins - 13m 03s Kurt is a psychedelic goat-beast 104 mins - 00m 09s Lalena a rough tough 2-fisted stinker 14 mins - 00m 22s Lifeseeker burns his candle at both ends 6 mins - 05m 01s Littlepony issa naughty lil pony stud 101 mins - 00m 18s Longmane -a shapeshifting lion 50 mins - 00m 27s Lpen Little Penguin. 27 mins - 00m 17s Maneskweez Has"NaughtyBarbieBondagePony" 32 mins - 00m 12s Matthias laughs! 43 mins - 01m 25s Minimare is in heat 97 mins - 12m 51s Miranda the something else. 4 mins - 00m 55s Mjk - Gere's panthermate :) 24 mins Monstersfriend who's into knots! 1 mins - 00m 48s Mooie don't know what to do... 71 mins - 00m 59s Mustang firekitty *meow* 352 mins - 23m 23s Nubis a (forest) furry no more 29 mins - 16m 29s Pony will work for money. 29 mins - 13m 20s Ponytrot's got smegma under his nails. 2 mins - 00m 18s Quinellaking - QuandoOmniFlunkusMoritati 61 mins - 01m 54s Raczoon's pages R MODPlugin enabled!! 13 mins - 01m 09s Rakshasa Nobility earned through Ordeal 200 mins - 00m 21s Redwolfy is no RAD fan... 109 mins - 00m 42s Reflexis finds a darker calm 5 mins - 00m 11s Reindeer is Wasting his time 49 mins - 28m 56s Ren Tin Tin :) 73 mins - 05m 40s Sahara the Gargoyle warrior 31 mins - 00m 11s Sahot is a Tursiops Amicus 2 mins - 01m 00s Salia is neither small nor furry. 97 mins - 01m 09s Siggi loves his pony mares 43 mins - 11m 26s Simba waits for the summer to end 9 mins - 02m 34s Snowpup is confused. 173 mins - 00m 24s Spirit is on the Job 50 mins - 02m 25s Svadilfari is now in Farm school :-) 8 mins - 00m 10s Tabatha **** Kocho **** 13 mins - 00m 50s Tache is a Linux driven coyotelope 66 mins - 02m 56s Telur a Black Unicorn Stallion 124 mins - 00m 19s Thephoenix the iridescent Oz Man 386 mins - 00m 12s Thewerewolf - a werewolf NOT a Furry. 26 mins - 00m 31s Tigercat tiger w/ sharp claws 10 mins - 01m 29s Tina a white mare 2 mins - 00m 10s Waub **Bad Fishing** 66 mins - 00m 34s Werewolf is under arrest. 26 mins - 25m 55s Whisper is AFK. 70 mins - 02m 15s Whitebear -Theres Majic in this ole bear 8 mins - 01m 06s Wolfheart Zoo-exclusive 4 mins - 00m 37s Wolfhound - Silver colored animal 64 mins - 00m 01s Wolfkin lives with Pokey now 60 mins - 13m 09s Wrangler is reading something brb. 1 mins - 00m 00s Xereniax is AFK. 52 mins - 02m 23s Ysimba the BunnyLion 41 mins - 10m 31s Zara ~Opal Wolf~ 77 mins - 00m 32s Zedtra is a small red Fox. 98 mins - 01m 00s Zimwolf the white wolf... 94 mins - 00m 04s Zooshaman is working...will idle 26 mins - 05m 24s