Hey! Guess what! This is the information page for Clan Lord Clan #5...

The Laughing Academy is a society of Maniacs, Clowns, Anarchists, Jesters, Nutters, Sociopaths, Fools, Nihilists, Rebels, and Silly-Heads! Our function is to percieve and preserve all forms of Madness, Chaos, Confusion, Discord, Anarchy, and... damn, dropped my thesaurus... hang on... Crazyness!


1) Sometimes we run amok like chickens with their heads cut off...
Two: Sometimes we be all explory and seek out new adventures...
III. Sometimes we make people laugh until all they can do is cough and wheeze like a big wheezy coughing thing...
Ivy - Sometimes we kill other players for no particular reason...
00005; Sometimes we give other players gold and healing for no particular reason...
Sicks, Sometimes we bang our heads into big hard objects...
...And, sometimes we don't.

Hey! You listening? You thing rike jellyfish pretty soon now!

The Laughing Academy is headed by the Grand High Exhalted Imperial Wossname, RiffRaff! He takes care of all the administrative stuff, and makes all the rules, insofar as there are any, anyway. Maybe some day, he'll get tired of it and make somebody else leader. Hey, you never know. There's other titles and positions too, but I haven't made them up yet. Why join? Well, heck, it's as obvious as the nose on the back of your hand! Because we don't make you do anything you don't want to! You get all the benefits of belonging to a clan, without any silly rules!

Oh, and speaking of rules, here they are...

Firstly, don't ever let anyone tell you what to do. Ignore all rules! Anarchy! Yeah! Viva la revolucion!

Second, Thou Shalt be completely random in thought, word, and deed. Always take whatever actions happen to occur to you, at any time. Or else the evil clowns under your bed will murder you while you're sleeping.

Third, recruit new members! Tell all the interesting people you meet to come here and read this page!

Third Again, don't forget to perform the Daily Rituals, every day, unless you really don't want to.
The current Daily Rituals are...

  1. \thank at least one person chosen at random.
  2. \curse at least one person chosen at random.
  3. Berate the Sentinel, to its face, for not wearing any pants.

You wanna join?

I bet you do! After all, the cake that we keep for ourselves doesn't have any of the razor blades in it.


First, send your name (your Clan Lord name, I don't care what your real name is) and your e-mail address to RiffRaff. That makes you an Associating Dissasociated Associate.

Then, when you run into RiffRaff in the game, speak the secret sacred words:

"When I smile, I have a mouth full of teeth; When I frown, I'm not even here."

And congratulations - you're a full member! Hooray Hooray! Moo-Shu Pork! Now we're making gravy without the lumps!

The End

What? You want more?

You want Clan icons and a Clan meeting-place like the Sun Dragons have? Well gee-whiz, man, pick whatever icon you like. As if a clan like this one was going to have uniforms. Sheesh. If you're artistic, though, maybe you could submit some icons to Joe.

And, maybe someday we'll have a meeting place... with padded walls...

But, cheer up! At least we have a funky-groovy Clan Anthem!
Here it is:

I am the Thorax, I bleed from the knees;
My dinner is barnacles, zippers, and cheese;
With paintings of bacon, I swing in the breeze,
Cuz I am the Thorax, and does what I please!

Happy now? Good! And don't put that in your ear, you don't know where it's been!