DIRECTIONAL SOCIETIES occur in history when urgent need arises. At this time in human history there is an urgent need to protect the biosphere; the life-support system on Earth.Everyone becomes important. Out go wasteful governments and in come ecological societies in the developing world. Schools become eco-teams. Game change. We do that at the Earthgardens. It works, we've done it. It revitalizes society.


In directional societies real accomplishments are promoted on TV, in the press, and society gets healthier every day.

In our new societies we nourish the environment, each other, and the village, using the most efficient energy source on earth: human motivation.

It costs less.

it gives purpose to life and transforms the village. It's the future. Without this EMOTIONAL involvement there WON'T BE ecology in South America, because politicians don't give it priority.

Save Nature. JOIN IN!




Yet in present societies, fear has become a permanent state-of-being allowed to pollute all through life, and the media keeps it going.

FEAR IS THE BIGGEST LOCK IN THE UNIVERSE, closing the heart to love, and more fatally, to understanding.

To cultivate fear, instead of allowing children to confront it as they instinctively want to do, is abuse and torture.

Fear is the basis of genocide and ecocide. Directional societies zap the fear-mongers!

It starts in the first year of school with hands-on confrontation of commonly feared animals. Like bugs, frogs, toads, harmless snakes, spiders, etc.. The children learn just what part of the animal is dangerous and in what conditions. A tarantula, for example is not aggressive, and as such, harmless, but can bite if continually molested. These are the simple sub-conscious issues that must be confronted early if kids are to establish the habit of confronting their fears. As students progress, they move on to confronting everything else in society they fear, like drunks, different-looking people, darkness, death, other customs, etc.


The teacher brings a box of toads into the classroom and dumps them onto the table. The kids laugh and play and shriek as they become accustomed and learn that toads are harmless. Then they've established a lifetime association of toads with laughter and fun, and their fear is eliminated. Unfortunately, in schools today in Latin America, not only do teachers omit this important step in education, but add to the fears by teaching lies and superstitions, such as "all reptiles and amphibians are poisonous".

When kids learn to habitually confront and transcend their fears, a healthy society is in the making.


"Us vs. them" ..."The good guys and the bad guys." This erroneous pre-Neanderthal mindset is what makes genocide and holocaust possible, yet we continue fostering it in the media. Today's media dumps dualism on fresh minds at a million tons a second. No wonder the planet's in such bad health

All that has to stop

In school, when kids call names, the new idea we promote is for the teacher to direct attention to the mind-frame of the name-caller, never at the victim, reminding the pupils that you see the real substance of a person by what they call others. Get pupils to laugh at name-callers and bullyers for exposing their weakness.

Dualism is imaginary, a construct of the mind, a dictatorial concept. Now we start creating images, soap operas and movies which show that it's not a case of the good and the bad, but of ordinary people under particular kinds of stress, and you confront the person's error, not the person, eliminating stress to fight crime.

Said the Prophet: "Just as the good cannot rise higher than the good that's within each one of us, so the wrong-doer cannot do wrong without the hidden will of us all."

Now, finally, society stops promoting dualism and rises to the higher level of instinctive human cooperation.

Jose learns to love harmless animals in Trinidad, Beni

Earthfit children become significant in society. Natali distributes to her neighbors educational stickers she received in her eco-team activity.

the GIRL LEADERS TODAY, more capable than politicians. : The fresh wind of Benevolence on Earth.
our email: earthgardens@outlook.com:
the philosophical pages selected by the team leaders: Establishing a basis for our new culture