Thank you for visiting with me today.
I am currently involved or interested in the following topics:
Genealogy researching, photography, camping and volunteering. If you came to this site looking for genealogy, please visit the links below. I am taking this wonderful opportunity to show off some of my photographs. (Visit page two) I will change these photographs as often as I can. I am a member of the Santa Cruz Valley Chapter of the Arizona Archaeology Society, (There is a link on this page for this site!) and those activities I will share on our chapter home page. Come and Visit Us!!! As I surf the 'net, I will add more of my favorite links. Please bookmark this site, come visit again, especially if you like rockart (or petroglyph) photograph's. I volunteer many hours at different sites throughout Arizona, and plan to share many favorite photo's with you in the future. I might even slip in a few excavation photo's, and wildflowers.
The photograph below is a rock art (or petroglyph) panel in an area near where I live. I am sorry that I cannot include the location of this site. It is a highly visited site, and public as well. However, too many visitors to a site can cause damage, therefore, when I include rockart photographs, I will not reveal the locations. The panel included here is just one example of vandalism of a site. When visiting a site of any kind, it is best to only take photographs. Never chalk, make rubbings, or enhance in any way, climb on or touch rockart. Preserving these sites today, will enable future generations to enjoy them, too.
My Guestbook
My Guestbook