Sociology: The Science of Society


1.  What is the sociological imagination?

2.  What are the three levels of social reality?

3.  what are the three theoretical paradigms used in sociology?

4.  What is the process used by sociologists to conduct research?

5.  What types of research methods do sociologists use?

6.  What techniques are used to conduct surveys and analyze the data
    gathered in surveys?

7.  What are some of the ethical problems of social research?

Internet Links:

Sociology Department, Princeton University:
The Dead Sociologists' Society:
American Sociological Association:
Society for Applied Sociology:

Practice Exam Questions:

1.  Which of the following is a characteristic of sociology?
          a. It is the study of human societies.
          b.  It focuses on human behavior in  groups.
          c.  It uses scientific research methods.
          d.  all of the above.

2.  A study of how people interact in telephone conversations would be an
    example of sociological research at the
          a.  micro level.
          b.  middle level.
          c.  macro level.
          d.  none of the above.
3.  Karl marx believed that the societies of his day would be transformed by
          a.  natural selection.
          b.  changing cultural values.
          c.  violent revolutions.
          d.  technological innovations.

4.  In the United States, the reform movements of the late nineteenth and early
    twentieth centuries gave rise to a demand for
          a.  empirical research.
          b.  macro-level analysis.
          c.  socialism.
          d.  sociology departments.

5.  The first Black sociologist to gain worldwide recognition was
          a.  Jacob Riis.
          b.  Jane Addams.
          c.  Ernest Burgess.
          d.  W.E.B. DuBois.

6.  The sociological perspective that focuses on interpersonal behavior is
          a.  functionlism.
          b.  socialism.
          c.  interactionism.
          d.  none of the above.

7.  The study of how people learn to play certain roles and how those roles are used
    in the social construction of groups and organizations is termed
          a.  human ecology.
          b.  symbolic interactionism.
          c.  functionalism.
          d.  conflict theory.

8.  The functionalist perspective is concerned primarily with
          a.  the large-scale structures of society.
          b.  the role of conflict in social change.
          c.  the micro level of interaction.
          d.  the distribution of populations in space and time.

9.  The events of the world wars, the Depression, and the Holocaust gave
    impetus to the sociological perspective known as
          a.  exchange theory.
          b.  symbolic interactionsim.
          c.  functionalism.
          d.  conflict theory.

10.  The first step in the sociological research process is
          a.  reviewing the literature.
          b.  selecting a research method.
          c.  formulating research questions.
          d.  analyzing the data.

11.  A relationship between two variables may be stated in the form of a
          a.  survey.
          b.  hypothesis.
          c.  perspective.
          d.  stereotype.

12.  Before undertaking new research, the sociologist conducts a (an)
          a.  sample survey.
          b.  review of the literature. 
          c.  controlled experiment.
          d.  opinion poll.

13.  A research ethod in which the sociologist becomes a member of the social 
     group he or she is observing is
          a.  visual sociology.
          b.  unobtrusive measurement.
          c.  random sampling.
          d.  participant observation.

14.  In a controlled experiment, the group that will experience a change in the
     independent variable is the 
          a.  control group.
          b.  sample group.
          c.  experimental group.
          d.  random group.

15.  The first step in selecting a sample is to
          a.  define the population to be sampled.
          b.  establish rules for random selection of respondents.
          c.  correct for sample bias.
          d.  design the questionnaire.

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