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Natural Health for Dogs and CatsDr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats
by Richard H. Pitcairn, Susan Hubble Pitcairn, Michael W. Fox

A classic natural pet-care book from two celebrated veterinary specialists in chemical-free nutrition, treatment, and natural healing for pets, Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats offers valuable natural and holistic advice on a host of pet topics, including, but not limited to, diet, exercise, environment, coping with a pet's death, and how to care for a sick animal. In addition to their thorough discussion of the above, Richard Pitcairn,  D.V.M., and his wife, Susan Hubble Pitcairn, M.S., offer a comprehensive "quick reference" section on animal  illnesses, organized alphabetically and including a brief description of each illness, preventative measures that may be taken, and holistic and natural treatment options for both dogs and cats--treatments that should always be discussed with one's vet before being used. Occasional line drawings, informative graphs, and the Pitcairn's  intelligent prose make this guide a must-have for pet owners interested in a natural lifestyle for their pets.

277 Secrets your Cat Wants You to Know277 Secrets Your Cat Wants You to Know
A Cat-Alog of Unusual and Useful Information
by Paulette Cooper, Paul Noble, Jack Fleming (Illustrator)

Getting cat to stop waking you up or scratch the furniture * How to get your cat to love you more * 8 weird things cats eat or lick * Should your cat go on Prozac? *Cats who stop using the litter box-- and what to do* Secret signs your cat will attack * 15 things that stop your cat from misbehaving * Save money on cat food, litter, vet bills, flea medicine & grooming * Embarrassing Sex Behavior of your cat * Stop your cat from spraying *Ways your cat shows she likes you * Cats who bite themselves * People food your cat should never eat * Handling finicky eaters and hunger strikes * What to look for on any pet food label * What every cat allergy sufferer should know * Help coming soon for allergies * Offbeat way to stop your two cats from fighting * How to save your cat’s life * Leaving your cat alone all day *

Always Kiss with Your Whiskers Always Kiss With Your Whiskers
Love Advice from My Cat
by Liz Nickles, Tamara Asseyev, Bonnie Timmons (Illustrator)

Who is a single woman's best friend and closest advisor--the one she sleeps with at night, who shares her every secret, admires her every move, and guards everything from her newspaper to her refrigerator? Her cat, of course. In this collection of feline etiquette, one wise cat gives hilarious advice to his female owner about her relationship with a new guy. Illustrated.

Why Cats Paint Why Cats Paint
A Theory of Feline Aesthetics
by Heather Busch, Burton Silver

Should the marks a cat makes be treated as art, or are they simply forms of territorial behavior? This photographic record of cat creativity will intrigue cat-lovers and art-lovers alike, as it deciphers many heretofore unexplained aspects of cat behavior which can be found in the familiar context of art.
* I personally love this book, it is a great conversation starter!

250 Things you can do to make your cat adore you! 250 Things You Can Do to Make Your Cat Adore You
by Ingrid Newkirk

Here it is, straight  & simple.  Even the most well meaning, cat lover can and does often create a home environment that leaves their beloved feline friends in discomfort.
+ Read your pets body language.
+ Use holistic remedies  for common cat maladies
+ Discover the human traits that cats love…and loath.
With this book you can end kitty boredom forever, and improve most health and behavior problems that are common with our four footed friends.

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