GUILT Guilt clouding my mind, making my heart race, poisoning my soul. Words can't clear my mind, embraces can't still my heart, tears can't wash my soul. Guilt tearing me apart, love make me whole. SING ME A POEM Sing me a poem, of smiling eyes and pouty lips. Sing me a poem, of warm embraces and burning assignations. SONG OF YESTERDAY The record spins in my mind, a pop song from my innocence. A limber and carefree youth, dances and prances with exuberance. I come to my senses, and curse my creaking back. I MISREAD YOUR EYES I misread your eyes, I spoke in haste, I don't cherish, suffering slowly. SUDS INSPIRED POETRY You can't smile your troubles away, you can't dreams your fears away. just pour me another cold one, and let me drown in my tears. LOVE SMILES Love smiles eye to eye, but sometimes looks away. Love listens tenderly, but sometimes turns a deaf ear. Love embraces warmly, but sometimes pulls away. Love is forever, but sometimes forever, is a long, long time. SHE TOUCHED ME She touched my arm, she reached into my heart. She smiled at me, she warmed my soul. She looked into my eyes, I feel deeply in love. SAVAGE KISS Tentatively I speak, A minefield of memories, I must delicately evade. I should just savagely kiss her. JUST A TOUCH just a touch, that's all i ask. i desire to feel, the world outside me. just a caress, that's all i ask. i hunger for a connection, to other flesh. just an embrace, that's all i ask. i lust for the warmth, of another heart next to me. just a passionate kiss, that's all i ask. i burn to become, one with your soul. THE EYES OF LOVE The eyes of love, wide as the open skies, but blind as a bat. COLOR ME LOVE I yearn to fall in love, my life is all blues. I need an explosion, of flaming red passion, to snuff out the blues. Or a sledgehammer, of eternal sleep, to knock me, into the peace of black. LOVE IS... Love is magic, not intellect and logic. Love is a circle, not a square or straight line. Love is a poem, not a dissertation or an essay. RAN INTO AN OLD LOVER... ran into an old lover, the other day. hadn't seen her in ages. unprepared for, the chance encounter. forces smiles, mumbled pleasantries, hastily exchanged phone numbers, awkward hug and peck good-bye. wish i had run into, a brick wall instead. GOOD-BYE LOVE no good-bye kiss, no farewell embrace, no parting words, just expeditiously exit. SEEDS OF LOVE seeds of love i sow, labor of love. i reap scorn, i reap sorrow. seeds of love i sow, labor of love, i reap derision, i reap disdain. seeds of love i sow, labor of love. i reap cynicism i reap cruelty. seeds of love i sow, labor of love. i keep sowing. i keep hoping. LOVE LOST I greedily glance back, but she has cruelly vanished. I angrily bite my lip, desperate chance, damn disappeared. I calmly curse, the cold, cold pavement, as I slowly walk, to my empty home. DO YOUR WORST Heap your malicious abuse on me, lay it on rancid thick, bury me in your putrid hatred, cover me with your stinking lies. I will rise again, with the fresh scent, and unsullied charm of a newborn baby. YOU SQUEEZE ME DRY You squeeze me dry, I am as dry as the desert sand. You drain my blood, I am as weak as a withered limb. You sap my soul, I am as cold as a cadaver. SHALL WE DANCE? Shall we dance, the night away? Then allow me, to slink away, into the night. SECRETS secrets i guard jealously, secrets i value above rubies, secrets i scatter promiscuoulsy. HERE COMES THE SUN Eagerly I wait, for the eastern sun. It rises for me, one more day, for me to bask, in its warmth. HERE COMES THE SUN AGAIN I dream of love, I dream of magic, I dream of peace. Then the sun, cuts through the blinds, and rudely awakes me, to face another sunny day. I WILL LOVE YOUR HATE AWAY I feel your pain, I will dry your tears, I will massage your ache, I will love your hate away. LUNCHEON WITH OLD FRIENDS Luncheon with friends, not seen in ages, a get together, for old times sake, pass the salt, and hold the vinegar. HONESTY I'm brutally honest, with myself, and that gives, me the grace, to be gently honest, with others. FREE FALL the emptiness beckons me, silenty it invites me, to lose myself, in its chilly embrace. the lonely pain, of consciousness, is an intolerable burden, i will jump into the abyss, may gravity set my soul free. A FEW WORDS I WRITE a few words i write. a sliver of my soul i expose. tiny drops of my heart i spill. will you not read my words? will you not embrace my soul? will you not taste my blood? I WRITE I write, My soul the author. My heart the critic. My brain the editor. DREAMS AND NIGHTMARES My night is devoid of dreams. My day is replete with nightmares. My life stretches endlessly. My death hides unmercifully. DREAMS dreams die not hard. dreams slowly wither away. dreams leave a residue of nightmares. SONGS OF YESTERDAY The past sings in my soul. Songs from my springtime, swim in my brain. The bleakness of the present, can't drown out their, sweet melodies from my heart. SWEET SURVIVAL Moldy memories, deferred dreams, rancid regrets, torturous tears, listless life, Ah, sweet survival. RAIN the rain drips and drips, my tears can't compete, the deluge washes them away, but I still feel all washed up. NEON SKY The neon sky overhead, is sprinkling dust, of silver and gold, but when it reaches, me down below, it evaporates, leaving only, gritty smudges. LINEAR THOUGHT linear thought? how quaint. pass me the butter, and i smell death, stalking me. DREAMS OF GOD As our planet hurls through, a cold and indifferent space, I look up to the baby blue skies, and I wonder who or what, instills in me dreams of god. GOD IS god is a stirring in my soul, god is a churning in my stomach, god is a quickening in my heart, god is a questioning in my brain. THE REALITY OF GOD Angry zealots believe, that makes god, a reality, for frivolous sinners, like me, to take seriously. WHISPERS OF GOD Whispers of god, perturb my mind, I need to munch, on a burger, to shut them up. I DON'T KNOW POLITICS I don't know politics, I only know which side, my bread is buttered. SEX Sex, it sells cereals and cars. Sex, it distracts sinners and saints. Sex, it invades our minds and captures our hearts. Sex, it is rarely sated and always lusting. © 1998 Robert Paul Reyes