The sum of all these discoveries concerning the Reign of Christ must be concluded in the Virgin seed. Eve’s lost chastity will produce a new Generation to whom this Kingdom shall be committed in trust. This was revealed from that Vision which Holy John saw of a great wonder in Heaven, a Woman clothed with the Sun, the Moon under her feet and a Crown of twelve Stars on her head.

Many interpretations have been made of this Vision, which here I am neither to approve of or condemn, but to mind the opening of the living Word - Who is present to explain whatsoever is obscure - to those who turn aside from the Wisdom of the flesh and receive the united drops as they fall from the Heavenly Cloud.  This requires a well purified vessel in which no taint of putrefaction doth remain. This was a proviso given me to observe throughout all this Ministration, which made me set time apart to prepare the vessel before I could see the Cloud break and send down its shower upon my ground. This I mention for their sakes who are in this Ministration of Revelation.

Now to proceed to what the Lord hath opened to me from this figure of the Woman, who is represented here as travailing in birth.  Intimating to us that as it was through a Woman that a sinful off-spring was brought forth in which sorrow, sin and the curse had dominion - so from this Eternal Virgin-Wisdom a birth is to be born in which nothing but joy, Life, blessing and Eternal Power and dominion shall take place.  Adam had this Virgin in himself before ever Eve was taken out of him, but, as soon as Adam looked outward for help as if he were not sufficient of himself to increase and multiply for the replenishing of Paradise, she withdrew. God had created him [Man] Male and Female in himself. But this design was overturned, and Eve’s Generation is now multiplied over the face of the whole Earth.  And Paradise, with the Virgin, fled.

Yet a wonder is now again seen in the Heavens, which we are to declare to our own little flock.  This wonder brings such tidings of Joy as doth far excel that of Gabriel to Mary who was the blessed amongst women as being designed to be the Mother of our Jesus in His fleshly appearance. But now, by this Virgin, He is brought forth in another appearance - as a mighty Ruler and Potentate over this Earth, really and truly to fulfill whatsoever was typified in Solomon’s Reign. David’s Wars must cease but cannot be till this everlasting Virgin hath brought forth her Man-child, who is to possess what Adam and Eve have lost of Paradise and Mount-Zion Kingdom: All which is to be restored by the Virgin, who is not limited to Male nor Female gender, for She may assume either according to her good pleasure, for she is both Male and Female for Angelical Generation.

But here it may be asked, "What is this Virgin? Whence is she? How can she introduce herself into that Nature, since her pure chastity hath been violated?"

This last  may indeed be accounted a wonder above our hopes and expectations, which yet she is in a readiness to do [introduce herself into the Nature of Virgin] as is well known to them, who have understood her and preferred her above all things. They may be well assured that, like as all Bliss and Peace fled away with her, so, upon her return, all good will come back with her again. As to her Nativity, it is from everlasting before the Creation of Heaven or Earth. She was before all, as being the Co-Essential creating Power in the Deity which formed all things out of nothing and hath given a dignified existency to all those Seraphic Glories which move within her own Sphere. These are the product of an unsearchable Wisdom, for the replenishing of those superior Worlds which are little known in this, where we are out-casts; neither can we be acquainted with such glories till we be born again out of her Virgin-Womb; for so it must be before ever we come to be Christs in conformity with Christ our Head.

A marvelous thing the Lord hath revealed to me concerning this Woman which holy John saw:  She represents God's Spouse and Mate.  From this Union came forth the highest Birth.   The Eternal Word of Wisdom did go forth, as the mighty Alpha and Omega in a distinct glorious personality known to Himself in God and the everlasting Virgin - before any thing of the heavenly Hosts were created.  He stood equally in the Counsel of the Father and Virgin for the bringing of the whole Creation into a figurative manifestation. Now for what is all this but to discover the mystery of this Woman:  that she is the eternal Virgin who will essentially introduce herself INTO those who are prepared and appointed to enjoy her? She will confer her Sun and Crown of Stars upon her [holy] Representatives. Here will be brought down the one elemental Robe [Garment].   And the quintessential Root will again be found, which will give a most glorious Luster and will renew the gross vile matter as being the acting Wisdom to shew forth Gods wonders; all which are reserved until her day.

She is looked for as God's fruitful Bride to bring forth Christ's personality in plurality as so many immaculate Princes, ruling in God. Just cause will be found, if we consider this Principle, wherein the Serpent with so much bitterness wars against the Virgin and her Seed, why her Off-spring, as soon as born, is caught up to Heaven from whence the Dragon is cast out and where the Iron Rod will crush him and be too hard for him and his adherents. Her Off-spring will appear as Virgins, with her own lustrous Son, who is the first-born amongst the Kings of the Earth and Heavens. Oh, the high and majestical Glory which shall proceed from the Virgin's Womb, with whom is the blessing that will abound in fruitful Gifts and high working Powers from the Magia [Wisdom] ground. Eve’s Conception in sorrow shall not here be known; for this Virgin never was disobedient nor broke faith with God Who is her Husband.  The fruit of her travail is Blessing and Joy through the whole Generation that shall be Born of her: She shall be the Mother of the true Virgin-Church, wherein no mixture of Will-Worship or False Doctrine shall be found.

But it may be queried, "How can this heavenly Virgin endure to come down upon this defiled Earth for to multiply her Off-spring in it? For without doubt, the Serpent and Dragon will violently rage against her, which we have experience of in ourselves, when he crowds into our very Heavens with all evil Beasts at his Heels, waging War against us."

Yet nothing of all this shall be able to prevent God’s purpose, who will appear WITH His Virgin in the Divine Body and cover her with the one Element, which will torment and wear out all evil-spirits who can as little endure her Virgin-Purity as the Virgin-Spirit can bear their poison. Therefore, a separation is made, as we read, that the Woman had a Place prepared for her in the Wilderness, which signifies the Spirit of Faith which carries it from off the sensual Ground where the concourse of fluttering spirits of all kinds are; wherefore this is no place for God’s Virgin to stay in.   She may be in danger of having her chastity violated or of being drowned with the wrathful floods of the Dragon.

The Serpent will not cease to make his attempts with more subtilty than ever because by this introduced Virgin-Spirit, his head-power shall be crushed and his seed disinherited.  But the Virgin-Spirit shall mount like an Eagle and escape the dragon’s deluge. A Fountain is opened in the Desert from which the Soul in union with the Virgin shall drink, instead of the muddy Waters of the Earth which she loathes: pleasant food is provided in this Wilderness by God Himself and His Christ. The Lord affords these Dainties to the Abstracted Life, where the Virgin-Spirit is a stranger to the sensitive Self [I, N] within, as well as to the enchanting World without [E, S].

Here it wants for no good company for it’s never without heavenly Visitants because it reserves itsself chiefly for converse with the Deity from whom she expects all her Blessing and Increase.  And thus, the Soul shall spring and multiply where the Virgin hath realized herself.  Her Wilderness shall become a rich Sharon-Pasture, a Land of unknown Plenty, where Gold, Silver, and precious Stones shall be as the dust under the feet of these holy separated Virgins.  Also within and without, their feeding shall be on Power, Joy, and Peace, till the division of Time shall come to an end, in which a further Mystery will be understood. But oh! let all this be first fully witnessed.