"Christ in Perspective"



In 1865, an unsaved young girl fell ill and into a coma.  While in that coma, she visited Heavenly places in which she witnessed many "scenes" including the young who had died in infancy, among other  things.  Through the "scenes", she and angels received knowledge and instruction about Jesus that they and she might help others to know who was responsible for their admission to Paradise and, in coming to know Him, might the more praise and worship Him.  The following are parts taken from the story she told upon her "return" to consciousness.



Angel of the Cross:

"First learn that all Heaven reveres the Cross.  Before it myriads bow, and around it the redeemed delight to linger.  Earth's religions are but dreamy scenes, compared to these.  Vague and imperfect are the highest conceptions of the human soul, relative to our condition here.  'Tis but just above the plains of earth, where in perfect order begins the Spiritual Heaven.  Around it move the guardian spirits.  Mingling, as permitted,  with the inhabitants of earth are countless guardian angels; no day, nor hour, nor moment passeth, but each mortal is watched by the spirit appointed to his charge.

"Man knoweth not the nature of sin, nor the fullness of Grace in his redemption.  Numberless are the causes, to prevent the light of Heaven from reaching and controlling the race of man, wretched and deathward tending.  But the time draweth near, when Man shall become more conscious of the reality of this abode; when his attention shall be turned more fully to the truth of Inner Life.  Man's redemption draweth nigh.  Let angels swell the chorus; for soon the Savior descendeth, with holy attending angels." .


                    "Be instructed by what is given.  Truths connected with your race are revealed to your under-  standing.  Receive the principles, seek to comprehend."


Then was revealed, beneath a pale light, Bethlehem, the birth place of the Redeemer.  The condition of the infants in Paradise, moving in the very glory of Divine Life, attended by angels expressly appointed, blessed by the Redeemer, sanctified by His Love, and greeted with choral bands of the Heavenly spheres, reflected a state greatly in contrast with that now being revealed, in which was represented the dreary world, and the circumstances attending that memorable event, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

The humble condition of Mary mother of Jesus, while holding in her arms the infant, through whom Salvation alone could appear unto men, and in whom was revealed the untold goodness and Love of God, reflected so clearly the truth, that not only the infants but all the angels, beholding the scene, manifested great emotion.  After a short pause, the angel who before enforced the truths revealed, said, "Behold the birth place of the Redeemer, even Jesus whose glory illumines this temple.  For you the Spirit of Redemption assumed this humble form of manifestation.  Through His humiliation, who is the Saviour, these favors are conferred, and heavenly mansions prepared for all who trust in His grace and are obedient to the Law of Redemption.   ADORE HIM FOR HE IS WORTHY."


"We will adore Him ever more," said the chief guardian; and the infants [being taught] repeated, "We  will adore Him."  And again all was silent.  The scene more plainly revealed Mary, meekly resting upon the breast of Joseph, who pressed her to his heart, while she gently folded to her pure bosom the Babe of Bethlehem.  Near them were a few Israelites in humble attitude, steadily looking upon the babe and its mother.  Around them were innumerable company of angels, but invisible to mortal vision.  These held in their hands crowns, while their harps, which were  untouched and silent, lay before them.  Above them rested a cloud of glory, and out of that cloud proceeded a Voice saying, "This is My Beloved Son."  And another voice said, "This day is made manifest the Love of God to Man, who is fallen, yea, who is dead in trespasses and in sin.  Now salvation appeareth.  Now truth moved from the eternity of its existence, clothed in garments of salvation.  "Justice and Mercy meet upon the fallen orb, and over prostrate humanity,  embrace.  Justice declareth against sin; thus the Eternal Throne is vindicated, and the government of the Kingdom perpetuated; while Mercy pleadeth the cause of the sinner who is exposed to unremitting sorrow by reason of transgression."

"Let us bow down and adore the God of our Salvation," said the chief guardian, and all assumed an humble attitude; during which another voice from above spoke, saying, "It becometh thee to worship, yea, to bow down while infinite condescension is being revealed.  Thus let all Heaven adore."  The humble attitude of the angels and the infant spirits added greatly to the solemnity of the occasion.  Surely there was reverence - sincere acknowledgment of mercies bestowed.  I [Marietta] was reflecting upon the true devotion manifested by the worshipers, when the chief guardian said, "We will arise.  Behold a new scene draweth nigh;" and raising her eyes toward the Higher Heaven, she continued, "Be Thou our help, O our Father, in Whose Life we exist; that we may understand what Heaven revealeth for our instruction; that we may know Thy Love and be prepared to do Thy Will ever more."  "Amen," responded every infant, led by their separate guardians.


As the new scene opened, the light and glory that illumined the dome gradually withdrew, until a twilight like that which follows the setting sun in an autumnal evening, alone relieved and marked the outlines of the Great City.

All was silence, and every being motionless, and nought relieved the stillness of the moment save the sweet whispering of a soft and gentle breeze, which, like some celestial zephyr, glided over and through the vast plain.

There appeared in view a portion of Earth resembling a moon-light landscape, in which was represented, and beneath overhanging clouds burdened with gloom, a subterraneous aperture where lay a human being wounded in many parts and apparently expiring.  Upon this object, who was struggling as if seeking relief from his suffering, every spirit fixed its ardent attention.

His efforts were pitiful and convulsive, but in no wise adapted to his necessities, and his inability to extricate himself was clearly manifest from his demeanor.  He strove to heal his wounds by administering what he thought to be antidotes, but which, when tested, proved inadequate, and, by contrary effects, enhanced his suffering, and if possible, added to his peril.  He used various instruments by which he hoped to discern the pathway leading from his gloomy abode, and to build a passage across the abyss which encircled him.  But all failed, and he fell back in utter despair.

While he lay languishing and helpless, I saw a group, composed of an elderly female, youths, and children, gather around him.  They appeared to grieve on his account, and endeavored to afford him some relief. They tried to bind up his wounds, to raise his drooping head, and to revive vitality throughout:  but all to no purpose.  He still groaned and languished.  I now saw that he lay more directly upon the brink of an abyss, and that he drew nearer each moment, as if moved by an invisible and irresistible power.  Oh!  The intensity of that moment.  The elderly female drew near, and clasping her arms around his neck, sought to remove him from his fearful condition.  The youths united in the effort, but all in vain.  Still he drew nearer the abyss.  I also saw that his body manifested the increasing effects of the malady, until every part was one diseased mass.  Finally yielding to the destroyer, he lay senseless:  then to my surprise arose therefrom a being like unto the former, and yet I knew it was not the physical man, but his spirit.

The spirit, as it stood above the prostrate form, seemed connected, and was still more deformed and dire.  Spiritual and moral disease was inwrought throughout and controlled each part with unyielding power. I perceived also that the body and spirit were not separated, that, as the body had yielded up to the power of disease and pain, so the spirit also finally languished under the malady which was working within and throughout.  While thus suffering, the spirit looked up, as if to petition aid from above, but a cloud of thick darkness overshadowed it.  It looked wildly around, evidently seeking some place of refuge or source of relief.  As hope declined, the eye of the spirit vacantly fell, and in the downward look, discovered an abyss yawning beneath.  The scene was horrible.  The agonizing, fruitless efforts, and the manifestation of final despair combined to present a scene of wretchedness beyond human description.  Suddenly the spirit disappeared, and the man gave signs of returning to life and sense: but he only recovered to know again, in the outer man, an excessive misery, and to more fully feel his forlorn state.

As the scene closed, an angel addressed the multitude saying, "The gloomy region just revealed is a view of Earth, the birth place of mortals.  The forlorn being, that of Man, who there suffers unnumbered ills, physical, moral and spiritual, and who often struggles to overcome and to arise above them.

"His ineffectual efforts reveal his inability to save himself.  The spirit which arose as the body yielded, represents the immortal nature which, though the body perish, shall exist in a more acutely sensitive state: and its sinking in despair portrays the great truth that the death of the body can in no wise relieve the soul from moral or spiritual degradation.

"The group of friends represent human sympathy, which inclines members of the race to seek relief from sorrow by mutual aid: that principle which prompts the more benevolent and philanthropic to devise means and to prosecute plans for the alleviation of the sufferings of Man.

"Those who indulge this principle feel another’s woe.  They deeply sympathize with those who endure pain and anguish from whatever cause.  But being in like condition, and by seeking to remove evil from the world, and to elevate man through human devices and in their own strength, fail in the result although apparent relief may inspire transient hope.  From this cause the race has struggled without success in unnumbered reformatory measures.  For this reason, Earth’s reformers have encountered repeated failures until disheartened, they sink into despair: and are often finally led to discover fundamental want in themselves.

"Oft to the race, to human appearance, has approached the dawn of a better day…but ere they have emerged from the gloomy plains, they have felt the triumph of inbred disease.  The ground upon which they stood, hath yielded to the pressure: and the muscle upon which they relied relaxed, quitting its hold.  The rock became sliding sands, and the strength of their hope and effort, weakness.  Thus, when they supposed victory won, the heights attained, sudden quaking has seized the world of men, which in its convulsive throes, hath precipitated them into a still deeper abyss.  Thus it shall ever be, until men cleave unto the Lord,  Who alone is a sure Defence and a Stronghold in the Day of Trouble….Upon Whose shoulders rests the government: and in whom, all subsist…help wanting in the arm of flesh."


After a brief pause, a voice as from a distance said, "Be instructed by what is given.  Truths connected with your race are revealed to your understanding.  Receive the principles, seek to comprehend."

  Then the choralists, touching their golden lyres, chanted with loud voices, "Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, peace and good will to man.  Behold, we bring good tidings of great joy which shall be unto all people, for upon Earth is born in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."  Then was revealed, beneath a pale light, Bethlehem, the birthplace of the Redeemer…and the circumstances attending that memorable event, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

The humble condition of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, while holding in her arms the infant, through whom salvation alone could appear unto man, and in whom was revealed the untold goodness and love of God, reflected so clearly the truth, that not only the infants but all the angels, beholding the scene, manifested great emotion.  After a short pause, the angel who before enforced the truths revealed said, "Behold the birth place of the Redeemer, even Jesus whose glory illumines this temple…ADORE HIM FOR HE IS WORTHY".


A bright cloud rested but a little above the temple, and from that cloud descended a being who appeared omnipotent in strength.  "JUSTICE" was written upon his majestic brow.  His movement was like one supreme, at whose bidding worlds might flee away…his demeanor indicated purpose.

As he drew very near what appeared the object of his pursuit, a dark cloud moved down the mountains attended by lightning in all the terror of wild display…heavy thundering shook the base of the massive hills.  Fire, smoke, and tempest were emitted, while the elements deemed to madly embrace each other.  The scene was frightfully terrific: but still "JUSTICE" advanced.

"DESTRUCTION" was now mirrored in superflaming letters, in the very lightnings, upon the clouds, and repeated by the stunning peals of thunder.

At this moment…from beneath the cloud, at the foot of the mountain, came a voice of lamentation saying, "Spare us:  is there no hope?"  "No hope", echoed the thunders, and "JUSTICE" STILL ADVANCED.  "No hope," he repeated, as he raised his hand of might….  "We perish with hope," said the voice of wailing…"Alas! Alas! We perish unpitied," and in an instant was revealed the forlorn being and the afflicted group displayed in a former scene.

Over the prostrate man bent the trembling female as if to screen him from the tempest…dreadful was the suspense of that moment.  "JUSTICE" still advanced, as if to cut in pieces, to crush at once the forlorn man whose trembling hands were upraised in a form of supplication, by whose side, and around whom, were fallen his group of friends, alike helpless and suppliant.

At this period a voice from the burning cloud said:  "Law’s proceeding energies have been violated, and thence disturbed in thee, O Man. And thinkest thou to trifle therewith, and not to suffer the consequences?  Dost thou not understand that law, when opposed, worketh the destruction of the body in which it is violated?  Yea, thou hast.  Now ensue the dread effects, and thou art the sufferer."

As this voice ceased, superior light flashed over the scene, and from above, a cloud exceedingly bright descended, from which came, with the speed of thought, another being, the image of meekness, whose demeanor was the very opposite of JUSTICE: and, embracing JUSTICE, who was still advancing toward the fallen group, said:  "Art thou inexorable, O thou who vindicatest the Everlasting Throne?  And must the sinner perish?  Is there no hope?"  "No hope in the arm of flesh," answered JUSTICE in a voice that shook the firmament above.  The very stars trembled, and the Earth quaked and reeled as the words proceeded from his lips.

And as the blow was about descending upon the sinner, the being who hung upon the neck of JUSTICE bent over that bleeding form, and placing her left hand upon his heart, raised the right, and touching the arm of JUSTICE, said, "Thy Throne, O God, endureth forever.  Thy Kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting.  Thy Word endures.  To Thy years, there is no end.  Thou, O God, art holy.  Righteousness is the foundation of Thy Throne – the pavilion of Thy dwelling place - the glory of the everlasting hills – the defence and safety of the Heaven of Heavens, where congregate the unnumbered myriads of glorified seraphim.  Here, O God, is a fallen being.  Sin is the violation of Thy Law.  The sinner hath presumed upon Thy Government, and touched with impious hands the flaming sword:  hath dared vengeance: trifled with Thy Will:  and contended with Eternal and Irrevocable JUSTICE.  He hath fallen.  He lieth bruised, mangled and expiring.  Yet, O God, Thou hast created him an immortal being:  intellectual, hence accountable:  spiritual, hence by sin he lieth upon the verge of a bottomless abyss, where, if he fall, he shall feel immortal pangs and dwell in unremitting woe.  The reed is bruised, but not entirely broken:  the flickering blaze of the smoking flax, though expiring, still exists.  MERCY IS MY NAME.  Mercy is an attribute of Thy Throne.  To Thee, O God, belong JUSTICE AND MERCY.  Let Thy Love, O Eternal, descend!  And Thou, JUSTICE, spare, o spare this fallen being!"

Here MERCY bowed her head, as if to wait the decision and a voice from the cloud said, "Mercy, thou hast pled for the sinner, and Heaven giveth audience.  Canst thou find a ransom?  JUSTICE, pause in thy execution."

Then all with one accord said, "How shall we utter praises and thanksgivings to God, for this gift, the gift of Life through His only Begotten Son, our Savior?"

"And here," MERCY again repeated, "BEHOLD THE RANSOM."

"Even so," said JUSTICE.  "The offering is presented.  But it is in the Law of Existence, and accepted in the Law of Grace, that He shall tread the winepress alone."


Then I saw them lead Jesus into the audience-chamber of the Rulers of the People.  Upon His head was a platted crown of thorns.  His temples were pierced, and blood ran down His cheeks.  His hands were also bound.  He did not murmur, but looking upward moved His lips as if speaking.  Suddenly the host that had arisen from the pit, fell back as though smitten by some mighty hand, and exclaimed, "Lo, He speaks with God!  And with pity beholds the multitude of mockers.  The issue is not equal!  Our prompter is hate, malice, revenge:  HIS is love, meekness and submission.  Flee we must from the power of that gentle spirit.  It is the deepest hell to endure His tenderness, and we cannot contend with His Love."

In His life He had moved with men as a benefactor.  He had healed the sick, raised the dead, exorcised evil spirits, restoring those who were  possessed and grievously tormented by them to quietude and happiness.  He had bound up the broken hearted; caused the mourner to rejoice.  He had forgiven transgressors, filling their hearts with gladness and heavenly love.  He had faithfully reproved the vile, and cleansed the temple of money changers.  And when opposed and persecuted, and even condemned to the Cross, He had not reviled, but by His meekness and harmony He had revealed that which could only have been Divine.

No fault could be found in Him, in His life, betrayal, or when condemned to the cross.  The soldiers commanded Jesus to arise and proceed to Calvary.  Obedient, He struggled beneath the cross, but His trembling limbs failed, and again He sank back in His agony.   Who could depict the scene?  What artist, with pencil formed of immortal colors, could so touch the sense of Man, and blend the light and shadows with skill sufficient to reveal the great reality of the scene?

There was the Saviour, the spotless, holy, and lovely Jesus, struggling with convulsive effort, under the scourger's lash, to raise the cross beneath which He had fallen.  Blood from His bleeding body stained the ground.  The severed flesh quivered from repeated strokes by the athletic scourger's hand.  His swollen visage was more marred than any man's.  His eye of Love and pity was concealed beneath blood and tears.  His holy lips moved, prompted by His heart, which was ever full of Love and pity, and they accented, "Sinner, for thee I freely suffer; for thee I endure these afflictions, yea, I endure them that thou mayest be saved."

Then a voice, full of sympathy, spake from a cloud which rested far above, saying, "Calvary revealeth her wonders.  Prepare to witness the last struggle of the Redeemer, as He meets in death the Destroyer!"