Krystal Baby, Hurry Down My Chimney Tonite!

Krystal is one mega-hot babe! She is a 17 year old Filipino gal who is a truly great friend... she has a crush on this guy named Jehu!

Well, Krystal is definiteley one cool girl, and not too bad looking either ;) Krystal and I have been friends almost all of my high school career and we have had some fun times together! She was also in Skin, and that was a lot of fun, she played Jennifer Malcolm. We have also been in some drama classes together, remember Geeks Krys? Plus we've had some fun time just driving around, YOU'VE GOTTA FIGHT .. FOR YOUR RIGHT .. TO PAAAAARRRRRRTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!! Never forget that lunch hour Krystal. Or what about French 10? That was the best class ever! EVER! Krystal, like almost everyone on my page, works at McDonalds. She has two brothers, Rollie and Ryan. Krystal is Filipino and has a really cool family. Krystal also has an ICQ number, but won't give it to me!!! She's too busy talking to Derrick, of Derrick's _______ Page... :) Don't ask 'cause I don't wanna tell! :) Krystal was also at Shal's sister's birthday party, TITS MUCH??? We both share a very dirty sense of humor, but that's ok!


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