Well, I am not going to lie, I LOVE T.V.! I mean is there anything better than sitting around lazily and watching t.v., especially when there is something good on. Of course, we don't all always agree on our favourite t.v. shows, these are just a few of mine and I am sure that I will be adding more soon!

Some of My Favourite Television Shows

That 70s Show

That 70s Show is definitely one of my favorite shows in the whole world!!! :) I mean, come on, Foreman, Fez, Donna, Kelso, Hyde, and those are only a few of the *ucking hilarious characters on this Fox sitcom! :) Some of my favorite episodes include the Prom one (Eric - you look like a pimp!), the "pregnancy" one (Donna's on the pill!) and of course, anyone with Fez in a big part... :) That 70s Show is probably the funniest show on television, and I for one LOVE IT! :)

{ The Rosie O'Donnell Show }

Student Bodies

I love Student Bodies!!! It is such a kiddie show, but I still love it because it is really funny, and although it is a teeny-bopper show, I still really like it! :) My little brother Nic always used to wake me up at 7:30 so that I wouldn't miss it, and now it's on at 1:30 in the morning, so I stay up late just to be able to watch it!!! :) I love the chemistry between so many of the characters, and I especially like Cody's new girlfriend, I forget her name... :) Emily & Romeo should stay together though... and Flash should slap Victor!!! :) Those are just my random thoughts on Student Bodies... on YTV as well as other networks! :)

{ The Rosie O'Donnell Show }

{ South Park }

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