{SHCEASTR.UPD} 3/30/97    ================================    EASTER SUNDAY SACRED HERB CHURCH    ================================    MARCH 30 1997 A.D.    ================================    AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE: 43 PEOPLE ATTENDED    ---------------------------------------------       CONDUCTED IN CANYON PARK (BETWEEN 19TH & 22ND STREETS)    --------------------------------------------------------    THE CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO    -----------------------------------------------------------------    -----------------------------------------------------------------    Many old time Brothers and Sisters showed this *   Easter. Quite a many Hippie Rainbow types, fewer Shelter People *   this time. Mostly between 25 & 35 years old. But as old as 65.   Some teenagers sat a short distance away witnessing the Circle of *   the Sacred Herb Church. A few American family types passed by with *   their carriages who seemed amused and not alarmed.    The group gathered in the northwest corner of *   Canyon Park. A nearly invisible corner from many angles but not *   all. The assembling took some time. Reverend Evan and Reverend *   Michael Marijuana; with his kid in the nursery playground *   (sunday school); arrived early. One or two parents stay with *   the real little ones at the swings and things while the other *   adults may sit in on the church. Joshua a recent addition to *   the more Outspoken of the Church arrives ten minutes later in *   these Big City desertlike threads and a portable nylon rollup *   throne.    The Revs. seemed to signal each other across the *   large Circle; everyone cross-legged on the grass; and two *   canine whining and barking. The two Reverends seemed to want *   to see what this newcomer's got. So Joshua initiated the Circle *   with a loud:   "Welcome to the Sacred Herb Church!!" He introduced some basics;   "If you come to this church looking for a certain quality or *   feeling, and you don't find it; then it is that quality, you bring *   to the Church to share with everyone. All of us here is the *   leader. The Church is what you make it. This is your Church. This *   is our Church."    He read from the articles entitled Open Heart, and *   The Sacred Pipe. He found a few moments to be humorous within his *   stories; especially when a large black dog crawled in between *   Joshua's legs with its head, while Josh was kneeling.    He Passes the Sacred Pipe to the left and each *   person is asked to take up to three minutes if they can, on whatever *   they have to say. Several say some short greetings and a few *   unaccountable mentions. Eventually it ends up with Pounze who is *   eccentric as always. With his raspy and cool voice he does his *   usual: "Hello Everybody! I'm Pounze; love ya' all Brothers *   and Sisters. Hey; I brought some beautiful Sisters with me today; *   from Nebraska."(or Kansas?) He's a regular character and wonderful *   personality in this Church. S      Then Sister Carrie talked about a need for a *   Sisterhood. She went into detail [NOT RECORDED]    Another one who stands out is Sister Alisha, A *   pretty, loving, dark haired lady always in fine, new country *    Brother Ray spoke of "Have a Beautiful Day Cafe"   reopening in the hills, April 20; at the Rainbow camp just past *   Nederland in inaccessable territory from vehicles and authorities.    The others who contributed on this Holyday *   and breath a fresh aire into the group were as follows: -------------------------    Dragon; a Rainbow Brother    Birgit Alice in Wonderland    A couple other brothers and sisters Sherman    Reverend Evan    Rev. Michael Marijuana    a few others    Little Hawk    Renz    Rebecca    Mau-shein    Last few comments    A Hand in Hand Circle started; standing up    A few Last announcements    Weak OM    Ray gives off a savage call and ends the service    Then everyone greeted each other, then dispersed    The last few people and some of the Reverends and *    Functionaries of the Church; got a group photo *    together.    Final Goodbyes ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ANOTHER VERSION OF EASTER -------------------------   By Rebecca O.H.W.   ----------------- [not yet recorded]