The Philippine Environmental Code
(contained in Presidential Decree No. 1152)
        The Philippine Environmental Code is a body of laws settling forth management policies and prescribing quality standards for the environment in its totality. It has declared two-fold policies relative to our natural resources:
a. To manage these natural resources in order to obtain maximum benefits therefrom;
b. To conserve these natural resources for the future generations.

        The scope of the natural resource management and conservation under the Environmental Code includes fisheries and aquatic resources; wildlife; forestry and soil conservation; flood control and natural calamities; energy development; conservation and utilization of surface and ground waters; and mineral resources.  The Philippine Environmental Code prescribes that the government through the Ministry of Natural Resources shall follow a system of wise and prudent exploitation of its fisheries and aquatic resources in a manner as to ensure to the highest degree possible their continous productivity. To this end, the government shall encourage maximum citizen participation.

        Among the measures set forth by the Environmental Code for the wise exploitation of fisheries and aquatic resources are:
a. Regulating the marketing of vanishing species of fish and other aquatic resources. This regulation shall include in its scope both domestic and foreign marketing.
b. Conserving the threatened species and other aquatic resources as well as sanctuaries for fish and other aquatic life.
 c.    Reviewing all existing rules and regulations on the exploitation of fisheries and aquatic resources for the systematic and effective enforcement.

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