Well if you have ventured this far you must think you have a pretty good page on your hands. You see thoes mean looking girls up there??? Yha them!! They are going to be the pannel of judges! And to show how serious this award is they made me turn off all the lights so that no one would be able to read what they were writeing.
Now I shouldn't be doing this but..... Here is a sample picture of what this ultimate award is going to look like. There is going to be 3 winners 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for the month of August. Winners of my past awards will be automaticaly entered, but if you haven't won one of my awards you will have to apply by sending your name, email, URL, site name, and a short discription of your page to me. My address is at the bottom of this page.
Hay what are you wispering about down there!!!!(Venus)
Euhh...Nothing!!! N-E-Ways here are the sample pictures and I will try and sneek up dates on who is in the lead when ever I get the chance!
Who are you talking to!!!!!(Mars)
Its so dark I can't see anything, great idea Mars!! (Sailor Moon)
Well I would like to see you come up with something better!!! (Mars)
Euhh.. I better take my exit when I have the chance!! See Ya and good luck! And oh! If they ask, I was never here!! And don't Forget to place your votes!!
Well let me start by appologiseing for takeing so long to get to this part of
my web page. But it is now 100 time better and more efficient than it was before.
Well Let me start by congradulating the last winners. Sailor Moon Universe Wedge Hut(Which no longer exists) And Tuxedo Masks Sailor Moon Web Site (which also no longer exists).
Now with that done and out of the way, its time to get down to bussines! There have been some changes to the way this contest is going to work. Now rather than emailing me to vote you are going tobe useing a poll, which gives you instant updates! All you have to do to enter is email me with your site's name, address, and and email adress where you can be reached if you win. Then I will send you the new SMALLER banner for your web site. And all you have to do is link it back to this page, for people to come and vote for you. Now doesn't that sound so much better than before. You wouldn't believe the amount of trouble thoes scouts gave me! They told me to figure out a better way for them to view the applicants and vote so thats what I did! The banner can also be picked up right here! This is what it is:
Thoes are the contestants so far from last time. They will have 2 weeks to let me know if they still want to participate. A message will be sent to them as well. So take a look around then head back here and cast your votes! Only once though! And not that I can stop you but , guys don't vote for your own page!
By using this poll you can check the stats whenever you like now! My job is to open and close the contest every month. So it will start next month so get your entries in now.
Good Luck!
To get back to the main page just click on my Banner!