Hi! I thought I would join you whille you looked around.

If this award interests you then make sure to put it in the application form.

If you read just bellow the sample picture you will find what you need to win this award.

Have fun and Good Luck!!


Nicole and Vanessa's Moon Kingdom Angle Scouts Seal Of Aproval Award

To win this award your page must meet the following conditions: 1)The page must have info. on all of the scouts,including the outer scouts. 2) There must be no Sailor Moon Bashing!! found anywhere on your page. 3)must be a new webpage, or a page made by someone who is just starting. 4)Should have something original or unique on it.

This award is ment to encourage beginners, because we want to encourage people to support our Sailors,and what better way to show you care than a web page!! *Smile*