The Muslims, even in the days of early Islam; had, developed a high culture and had
organised their administration on a sound footing. The Islamic Caliphates as well as other
Muslim principalities had created separate departments for different subjects which were
headed by Ministers and supervised by Secretaries. Organised on highly efficient lines was
the public works department whose function was the construction and maintenance of roads
and bridges as well as the provision of sanitation and medical facilities to all classes
of people. Never before had medical facilities been provided for the common people on such
a large scale and in such an organised form. The Muslims were the first to establish
hospitals, dispensaries and medical schools in the world. "In the curative use of
drugs," writes Philip K. Hitti, “some remarkable advances were made at this time
by the Arabs. It was they who established the first apothecary shop, founded the earliest
school of pharmacy and produced the first pharmacopoeia." Several pharmacological
books were written by Arabs. The author of the first of these books was the celebrated
Jabir bin Hayyan. The greatest medical theorists during mediaeval times were Zakariya Razi
(Rhzes), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Tabari and Majusi. Among these Razi and Ibn Sina were also
two of the outstanding practising physicians of their time.
Early period
Even before the anvent of Islam, Haris Ibn Kalda, 戢 resident of Taif who had mastered
medical science was welcomed in the court of the Persian emperor, Nausherwan, the Just.
His son, Nasir Ibn Haris, earned an even greater reputation than his father as a physician
and was instrumental in popularising medical science in early Islamic Arabia. Hazrat Omar,
the second Caliph of Islam despatched a company of physicians along with the Arab army
bound for Persia.
The Omayyad Caliphate represents a period of consolidation and proper organisation of
Muslim resources. The third Omayyad Caliph, Walid Ibn Abdul Malik, who took much interest
in public works, founded an institute for blind and disabled persons. He established the
first medical dispensary in Islam in 88 A. H. and staffed it with a number of able
physicians and surgeons. Soon afterwards dozens of small dispensaries sprang up all over
the vast Omayyad empire.
The Abbasid Caliphate provided the most congenial atmosphere for the development of
culture and the advancement of public welfare activities. The early hospitals in the
Islamic domains were founded on the models of the old academy-hospitals of Jundeshapur and
were named Bimaristan, The first hospital was founded at the beginning of the 9th century
in Baghdad during the reign of the celebrated Abbasid Caliph Harun-ar-Rashid. Five more
hospitals were established during the IOth century A.D. Greek and Persian methods of
medical treatment were prevalent during the early period of the Abbasid Caliphate, but the
talented Barmekides also introduced Indian methods. They invited a number of Indian raids,
had their medical works translated into Arabic and founded a big dispensary in Baghdad in
which patients were treated by Indian methods. Harun-ar-Rashid also created a separate
department of health, which used to run several Government dispensaries staffed by
talented physicians. The department was supervised by an Inspector-General of Health and
Bukht Yishu was the first to be appointed to this high post in 171 A.H. The same post was
occupied by his son Jabriel in 175 A.H. The medical practitioners were highly paid and
Jabriel received ten thousand dirhams as his monthly salary and five thousand as
allowances from the imperial exchequer. In addition he earned lacs through his private
practice, mostly from high dignitaries of the State. His house and his person rivalled in
luxury to that of the Caliph. According to the author of the Chahar Minar the biggest
income of all the physicians was that of Bukht Yishu bin Jurjis. His salary from
Harun-ar-Rashid was 10,000 dirhams a month. The value of presents received by him was
estimated to be over 3,00,000 dirhams a year. From the house of the Caliph he received a
retaining fee of 4,00,000 dirhams. He was also physician to the Barmekides who paid him
25,00,000 dirhams a year for his services. In addition to all this be received from his
private practice about 5,00,000 dirhams a year. This amounts to a total income of not less
than 40,00,000 dirhams a year which represents about- �1,75,000 per annum.
The maintenance of efficiency and high standards in the medical profession was also looked
after. As early as the days of Mamun and Mutasim, pharmacists- had to pass a sort of
proficiency test, before starting their practice.
In the reign of another Abbasid Caliph, al-Muqtadir Billah, the Medical Department
registered phenomenal progress. His talented minister Ali Ibn Isa took a lively interest
in public welfare activities. Sinan Ibn Thabit Ibn Qurra an eminent physician was the
Inspector-General of Health. The outbreak of large scale epidemics in the Abbasid domains
necessitated the expansion of the Health Department. A number of new hospitals were opened
and a separate hospital was attached to each jail. A section of temporary dispensaries was
also opened. Hundreds of physicians were appointed who toured the rural areas with mobile
dispensaries and attended to ailing persons. In addition to these arrangements, Muqtadir
Billah also founded several large hospitals, one of which was built on the bank of the
river Tigris and spent about Rs. 35,000 a year. Another hospital built in his own name,
had an annual expenditure of about Rs. 12,000. Due to the discovery of a case of
malpractice, Sinan, who was the Inspector-General of Health, was ordered by the Caliph in
931 A.D. to test all practising' physicians and grant certificates to those who could
satisfy him, Diplomas were awarded to successful candidates. Arrangements were made for
practical instruction. Orthopaedists were examined as to whether they were acquainted with
anatomy and surgery. Like surgeons, the ophthaImologists had to undergo a further test and
were-forbidden to practise unless they knew the gross anatomy of the eye-ball. They had to
satisfy the examiner that they knew the three principal diseases of the eye as well as
their complications. Hence a system of medical proficiency tests was introduced and over
860 men passed the test in Baghdad alone and started their practice. In this way the
Metropolis of Abbasids rid itself of its quaks.
Medical facilities were provided in the distant part of the far flung Abbasid domains. At
least 34 hospitals were scattered all over the Islamic world during the Abbasid Caliphate
and mobile clinics existed in the 11th century. The hospitals trained physicians as well
as treating patients. They were divided into male and female sections and also contained
medical libraries which offered courses in medicine.
Egypt was somewhat backward in establishing centres.of medical facilities. According to
Allama Maqrizi, a dispensary was opened in Cairo under the orders of Fath Ibn Khaqan, the
Minister of Caliph Al-Mutawakkil Billah. The first hospital in Cairo was built by Ibn
Tulun, the Governor of Cairo in 872 A.D., and it survived until the 15th century. The
celebrated Governor had set aside property yielding Rs. 3 lakhs a year to meet the
necessary expenditures of the hospital. He had made elaborate arrangements for the free
boarding, lodging and dress of the patients. The hospital was equipped with all available
medical facilities and had obtained the services of the best physicians who regularly
examined the patients twice a day. A separate section of the building was reserved for the
treatment of lunatics. The Governor himself visited the hospital on every Friday. Each of
the two main sections of the hospital was divided into several halls. The biggest hall,
meant for general medical cases, was partitioned into small rooms each serving a different
disease. There were separate wards for surgical cases, eye diseases and orthopaedic cases.
From the point of view of treatment the hospital was divided into two main sections--the
out-patient department and the in-patient department.
Ayyubids and other dynasties
At a time when the dwindling Abbasid Caliphate was helpless to meet the greatest threat to
Islam, Sultan Nuruddin Zangi and Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi successfully met the challenge
and rolled back the surging waves of crusaders who had swarmed into the Holy land. These
incessant military campaigns could not lessen their interest in the patronage of art and
learning and they spent the major part of their income on public welfare activities.
Allama Ibn Jubayr, who,on his way to Mecca in the 6th century A.H. passed through Baghdad,
Mosul, Aleppo and Damascus found a network of charitable public welfare institutions
there. Nuruddin had opened a big dispensary in Damascus which was called Nooviya which
met.the expenses of indoor and outdoor patients. Another institution of the same type
existed in Damascus.
In 577 A.H., Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi, better known in the west as Saladin, converted a
large Fatimid Palace into a hospital. Allama Ibn Jubayr visited this grand hospital in
Cairo and gives a detailed description in his Travelogue. It contained hundreds of beds
for indoor patients and had a separate ward for female patients who were attended to by
female staff only. A separate portion of the hospital, with spacious grounds bounded by
high walls was reserved for the lunatics. This hospital was frequently inspected by the
Sultan himself who kept a strict watch over it. The Sultan had also built another
magnificent hospital in Alexandria.
The lead given by Sultans Nuruddin Zangi and Salahuddin Ayyubi was enthusiastically
followed by others and well-to-do people vied with each other in founding public welfare
institutions. In 678 A.H., when Mansur Qalaun ascended the throne of Cairo, he built a
magnificent hospital in Cairo, which was second only to the Azdiya Hospital in Baghdad.
The hospital was housed in four big buildings, occupying an area of 10,600 square yards. A
canal which 搭lowed throwgh the-hospital supplied it with water. The ruler had set aside
property yielding a million dirhams per annum for its expenses. This hospital which was
open to all had separate apartments for the treatment of patients suffering from different
diseases. A teaching institution was also attached to this hospital.
The biggest hospital-of the world of Islam which was equipped with all available medical
facilities was built by Azud-al-Daulah in 368 A.H. in Baghdad. This hospital which, with
its spacious buildings, up-todate medical instruments, excellent arrangements and
efficient administration could rank with the best hospitals built until the middle of the
19th century was in reality a Medical University. Drawn from all parts of the Islamic
world were the more than eighty medical specialists including Ibn Baksh, Abu Yaqoob and
Abu Isa who treated patients and also delivered lectures on various medical subjects.
The hospital, which took three years to be built, employed skilful ophthalmologists like
Abu Nasr Ibn-ul-Duhali, surgeons like Abul Khair and orthopaedic surgeons like Abul Salh.
According to Al-Qifti, ibn Manduyah of Isfahan was summoned from Central Asia. "All
these (hospitals) were overshadowed" says a European writer, "by the hospital
that he founded in Baghdad, complete with equipment, numerous trust funds and a pharmacy
stocked in drugs brought from the ends of the earth". A list of diets and drugs used
in this hospital is preserved in the British Museum in London. The main dispensary of the
hospital was housed in a palatiai building. Benjamm of Tudela, a Jew-who visited Baghdad
in 1160 A.D. found no less than sixty medical institutions there. He writes:-"All are
well provided from the king's stores with spices and other necessaries. Every patient who
claims assistance is fed at the king's expense' until his cure is complete There is
another large building called the Darul Maraphtan in which are locked up all those insane
persons who are met with during the hot season, everyone of whom is secured by iron chain
until his reason returns, when he is allowed to return home. For this purpose they are
regularly examined once a month by the king's officers appointed for the purpose, and,
when they are found to be possessed of reason, they are immediately liberated. All this is
done by the king in pure charity towards all those who come to Baghdad, either ill or
insane, for the king is a pious man and his intention is excellent in this respect".'
A number of medical institutions and hospitals were opened in Baghdad and in the provinces
during the 11th and 12th centuries A.D. In 1113 A.D., a hospital was opened in Baghdad by
Khumastigin and was known as Tutushi hospital. A few years later a school for orphans was
built by Mustufi Aziz-ud-Din who bore all the expenses of its residents. A hospital
attached to a medical university was founded by Azud-al Daulah in Shiraz. Abu Said
Kukuburi, built four asylums in Arbela for the blind and for persons suffering from
chronic diseases.
The big hospitals like that of Azud-al Daulah employed a large staff both technical and
administrative. The Chief Officer of the dispensary was called Shaikh Saydalani. The
administration of the hospital was headed by a governor who used to be a non-technical man
usually a general or prince. The post of mutwalli or dean was usually filled by a medical
man. It was occupied by AI-Razi(Rhazes) at Rayy and later he was appointed mutawalli of
the old hospital in Baghdad. Al-Jurjani held this post at Khwarizm.
One of the finest Islamic hospitals was built by Abdul Wahid al-Marakeshi in Morocco in
about 1200 A.D. According to the writer of the Medical History of Persia, "The
hospital was unequalled in the world. First there was selected a large open space in the
most level part of the town. The workmen embellished with a beauty of sculpture and
ornamentation even beyond what was demanded of them. All sorts of suitable trees and fruit
trees were planted there. Water there was in abundance, flowing through all the rooms. In
addition there were four large pools in the centre of the building, one of them was lined
with white marble. The hospital was furnished with valuable carpets of wool, cotton, silk
and leather, so wonderful that I cannot even describe them. For the use of patients there
were provided day-dresses and night dresses, thick for winter, thin for summer. After he
was cured, a poor patient received on leaving the hospital a sum of money sufficient to
keep him for a time. Rich patients received back their money and clothes......Every Friday
the Prince after the midday prayer mounted his horse to go and visit the patients and
learn about each of them".
A number of hospitals and dispensaries were established in Mecca and Medina. In 628 A.H.,
the Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mustansir Billah built a large dispensary in Mecca. Muslim India
did not lag behind other countries in this humanitarian work and according to Allama
Maqrizi, in the reign of Muhammad Tughlaq, Delhi alone possessed more than 70
dispensaries. The Moghal Emperor Jehangir had issued a proclamation for the establishment
of a greater number of hospitals and dispensaries in his dominions. A Muslim physician in
Cadiz (Spain) had planted in the park of the governor a botanical garden in which he
cultivated rare medical herbs which he had brought from his travels.
Special Features
A military medical unit existed from the days of early Islam, and during the reign of the
second Caliph such a unit was attached to each army. Sultan Mahmud, the Saljuq was first
to organise military hospitals and mobile dispensaries on a regular basis. The military
medical equipment of the Saljuq kings moved on hundred camels.
A post of Inspector-General of Hospitals was created during the Abbasid regime, which was
usually occupied by the most outstanding physician of the Islamic world. Another post,
that of Chief Chemist was also created, to head the Department which supervised the
preparation of drugs. Zia Ibn Baytar, who was a great botanist and herbalist occupied this
post in 646 A.H.