This Week's Sermon
Getting right with God.
By: Pastor Christopher Lindemann

          "like newborn babies, Long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation."
1 Peter 2:2 (NASV)

     What does it mean to be right with God? Does it mean to be in a wierd euphoric state where every hair on your body stands up in the air? Or is it being able to "Understand" the words in a King James bible? DIfferent churches have varying opinions as to what it means to be right and to know God. 

     Today we are going to discuss what the bible has to say about God's plan for our lives. I want you to understand that the most important part of being right with God is to follow his word. Matthew 4:4 says "It is written,'Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God'." The scripture mantioned above, 1 Peter 2:2 is a key scripture to understand how to overcome those things in our life that are against God's word. Here is the breakdown. This scripture is about the three A's. Attitude, Appitite, and Aim. If your attitude is one of longing for God, like the psalm says "As the deer panteth for the waters so my soul longs after thee," then you want to partake of the goodies that await you. This brings us to appetite. We need to hunger for God's word. This comes throught the change in attitude. You long to drink the water. In the case of God, this is the word of God. When you are longing for the water, your only thought is to get to the water and drink it. This is the Aim. Your aiming to get to the river so you can quench you thirst. So, if I keep thinking to myself, "I need God," and you begin thinking "I need God," suddenly the only thought you have is " I want and need God." Suddenly all of the obsticals you thought were there are gone! When I feel I am not doing my best for God, I say the following, "God, just as a baby longs to drink milk, I long to know you. Help me to aim my thoughts on you." I also say this every morning. Then, throughout the day, all I can think of is God. This helps me to not fall into the same loop holes of sin that I used to. It is hard to sin when you know that God is watching... Also it is hard to think of sin when all you are thinking of is God. 

     I hope this helps you grow closer to God and overcome the same old sins in your life. If you need to get right with God, I invite you to meet the Lord. He has his arms open wide. He wants you to call on him. I remember what it was like. The feeling of "I'm not good enough." God takes you as you are! He doesn't discriminate. Or maybe you think "I don't fit in at church..." So what! Make your own, or whatever! The motions is not the important part. God's love is the important part! If you would like to learn more about Jesus, e-mail me, 
Or, if you have never asked Jesus into your life, and would like to do so now, feel free to call 1-800-NEED-HIM, that is 1-800-633-3446. Don't wait! God wants to give you peace and forgiveness. All you need to do is ask him, confess that he is your Lord and savior, and admit that you are a sinner and are in need of his forgiveness. He will do the rest. If you cannot call, or e-mail, or whatever, all you need to do is say "Father, I understand that I am a sinner. I admit that I have been living a life of sin. I need you, Lord Jesus. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I thank you for my salvation. Thank you, Jesus. Amen." That is all that there is to it. Just believe and trust in him. He will do the rest. He has done the rest.

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