ADA EMPLOYMENT FACT SHEET/PROJECT ABLE - contains a wealth of information for the job seeker, not only on ADA but also on a wide variety of other topics - online job fair information, colleges, etc. Web site is easy to follow and written in plain English.
ALTERNATIVE WORK CONCEPTS is an Oregon-based nonprofit organization that has developed several resources related to employing individual with disabilities. A summary of their various resources (manuals, video, etc.) is provided.
CAREERS FOR SCIENTISTS WITH DISABILITIES is an article contained in an online science magazine, detailing some of the difficulties experienced by scientists who also have disabilities. This would be good information for an individual considering a career in a science-related field. Percentages of individuals with disabilities who are already in science-related careers are listed.
CAREER IN WEBSITE DEVELOPMENTEver wondered how "the Pro's" got into website development? Want to get an 'inside track' on this fast-paced opportunity? The MAKE NO WASTE! MAKE HASTE! and learn how I, Sandy, have become wealthy in making websites! (If you beliebe THIS, I have some ocean front property available for you in Arizona........):):):)
nonprofit, public charity and educational organization founded in 1991 to help disabled entrepreneurs and professionals maximize their potential in the business world, and to encourage the participation and enhance the performance of the disabled in the workforce.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES PUBLICATIONS, INC publishes 5 magazines which focus on college and graduate-level careers for many minority groups, including people with disabilities. Information regarding Career fairs and subscriptions are included.
GLADNET the Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network on Employment
and Training, is part of a United Nations agency headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. GLADNET brings together research centres, universities enterprises, government departments, trade unions, organizations representing disabled persons. The goal of GLADNET is the promotion of research as well as the collection, analysis and international exchange of information
concerning persons with disabilities in the world of work.
JAN ON THE WEB - JOB ACCOMMODATIONS NETWORK The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is an international toll-free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with functional limitations. Anyone may call JAN for information. Calls are answered by consultants who understand the functional limitations associated with disabilities and who have instant access to the most comprehensive and up-to-date information about accommodation methods, devices and strategies.
THE NETWORK OF PHYSICIANS-IN-TRAINING WITH DISABILITIES - The NPTD is an organization that seeks to promote awareness of disability issues in the medical community. NPTD has its origins in the Network of Medical Students with Disabilities which was established in 1990 to act as a national support group and information exchange for medical students seeking solutions for obstacles (both physical and attitudinal) in the medical work environment.
NETWORK FOR ENTREPRENEURS WITH DISABILITIES is a Canada-based organization with links to web sites useful for those who want to establish their own small business.
PROJECT PURSUIT is a 3 year project, funded by the National Science Foundation, to encourage individuals with disabilities to find materials related to careers in science-related fields. The project provides for various workshops and grants in addition to on-line information.
TRANSCEN, INC. is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1986 to assist at-risk youth and
other disenfranchised job seekers secure integrated employment within the community. TransCen is an active partner in the communities it serves, which include Los Angeles and San Francisco as well as several other large cities within the US. The organization also provides national training in other work-related areas.
WAGE AND HOUR HOME PAGE - The primary focus of this Web site is to provide Wage & Hour information related to Special Minimum Wage in connection with employment of persons with disabilities. General Labor Law information is provided for reference, where applicable to persons with disabilities
BELL'S PALSY contains medical information regarding this disorder.
BURN SURVIVER'S ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER ("IN TOUCH") - The Ross Tilley Burn Centre (Canada) hosts this web site which contains the newsletter, plus links to other burn-related web sites.
CANCER - SELVES AND SELF IMAGE- - This link is contains invaluable things to remember when facing cancer - many concerns which people are reluctant to discuss are caringly explained here. (condensed from National Cancer Institute publication)
CHARGE SYNDROME FOUNDATION - site contains clear information re: features of this
syndrome, as will as additional resources.
GATEWAY TO NEUROLOGY, AT MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - contains a Neuroweb Forum containing bulletin boards for Moebius Syndrome, Bells's Palsy, as well as numerous other neurologically-based conditions. There also are chatrooms for each forum.
KLIPPEL FEIL SUPPORT NETWORK - Klippel Feil syndrome is a congenital disorder affecting
some of the cervical vertebrae in the neck, as well as other anomalies. The Network is designed to provide information about KFS and related anomalies. We provide links to what we feel are the best materials available on the internet related to KFS, in order to save you the time and effort of searching on your own.
is a support network and resource for individuals affected by facial difference, their families and those who care for them. Betsy Wilson, the executive director, has developed an EXTENSIVE list of resources in her annually produced 'Resources Guide'. *A MUST SEE!*
MINNOW'S PLACE - for families affected by CHARGE syndrome, web site developed by a mother of a child with this syndrome.
MOEBIUS SYNDROME FOUNDATION - This web site contains information related to characteristics of Moebius syndrome (congenital oculofacial paralysis) as well as people or organizations to contact for further information.
- is a listserv for those affected by facial disfigurement. To subscribe, send a message (LEAVE THE 'SUBJECT' EMPTY)...... In the body of the message type:Subscribe MY-FACE Your Name
VELO-CARDIO-FACIAL-SYNDROME INSTITUTE - is an organization comprised of both professional and lay people whose purpose is to educate the public, the scientific community, families of individuals with velo-cardio-facial syndrome, and individuals with velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCF) about this common genetic disorder.
- cleft lip and palate resources
CACOD - CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL ON DISABILITIES - CACOD works with Long Beach, CA's Mayor and City Council to facilitate communication & cooperation between existing & proposed services for people with disabilities and to assemble the concerns & issues effecting the disabled community within the City of Long Beach.
Managed Health Care practices has had a great impact on mental health care in California, according to the
CALIFORNIA COALITION FOR ETHICAL MENTAL HEALTH CARE a grassroots organizations of professionals and clients who are determined to maintain high quality standards of care through a variety of activities, including public and professional education, legal and legislative action.
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES -California Department of Health Services works to protect and improve the health of all Californians. We will be leaders and set the standard in reforming health care into a preventive, coordinated, accountable, high-quality, and affordable health care system available to all Californians.
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH - The mission of California's mental health system is to enable persons experiencing severe and disabling mental illnesses and children
with serious emotional disturbances to access services and programs that assist them, in a manner tailored to each individual, to better control their illness, to achieve their personal goals, and to develop skills and supports leading to their living the most constructive and satisfying lives possible in the least restrictive available settings.
CALIFORNIA CHILDREN NOW A growing number of California's families are simply unable to provide their children the basics in life -- adequate food, clothing or shelter. Stagnant incomes, rising unemployment rates and inadequate child support have lead to record numbers of California children living in poverty. Many families in California cannot keep pace with the rapidly rising costs of housing, health care, and child care, which severely jeopardizes their children's future.THIS WEBSITE HAS LINKS TO INFORMATIONAL RESOURCES, AS WELL AS AVENUES TO ACTION. DON'T MISS THIS SITE! OUR KIDS NEED YOU!
- resources, activities and fun for kids in California
CALIFORNIANS FOR INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS - (CIS) is a coalition of advocacy, family, and professional organizations and individuals committed to ensuring that all students are provided with the opportunity for an effective inclusive education. Compliance with federal and state laws ensures.
CALIFORNIA NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS, well over 200 of them, with some brief descriptions and links, are listed here.
CALIFORNIA REGIONAL CENTERS - (includes address, phone and email)
- links to California government web sites
promotes advocacy for Californians with severe disabilities in education,
employment, living, recreation and other community access issues through legislation, information and support of litigation.
CANINE COMPANIONS FOR INDEPENDENCE (CCI) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to serve the needs of people with disabilities by providing trained service, hearing and social dogs and by providing continuing support to ensure the success of the working team.
CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING The Center for Independent Living (CIL) is a national leader in helping people with disabilities live independently and become productive, fully participating members of society. The staff and board, most of whom have disabilities, are strongly committed to supporting others in their efforts towards self sufficiency. Since 1972 we have opened doors for over 140,000 people, who were traditionally viewed only as "patients", to help them leave institutions, set up independent living situations and hold jobs.
(CENTERS FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING) -contains names, addresses, and phone numbers to California's regional centers, as well as links to online centers.
CITY.NET GUIDE TO CALIFORNIA very thorough place to start 'touring' the Golden State.
FAMILY RESOURCE NETWORK (Stockton, CA) (FRN) is a non-profit organization which provides support and information to families with special needs children in Amador, Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Tuolumne Counties.
- has a contract with the State of California to provide services
to people with developmental disabilities in the Torrance, Harbor, Bellflower and Long Beach health districts of Los Angeles County.
- is one of California's 21 Regional Centers which coordinate
community-based services to California's 140,000 citizens who have developmental disabilities. KRC serves about 4,000 people in Kern, Inyo and Mono Counties. Our counties cover about 25,000 square miles and contain a total of about 650,000 people.
NATIONAL ARTS AND DISABILITY CENTER (NADC) is an information, training and resource center funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities and supported by the University of California, at Los Angeles (UCLA), University Affiliated Program. The mission of the NADC is to promote the full inclusion of children and adults with disabilities into the visual, performing, media, and literary arts communities.
NORTH BAY REGIONAL CENTER -(NBRC) is the agency that provides or funds services for people with developmental special needs in Napa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties. It is one of twenty- one such local, non-profit organizations, mandated by State law, which covers the State of California.
ORANGE COUNTY ON THE WEBcontains individual links to cities in Orange County, as well as numerous State and Federal links.
PARENTS HELPING PARENTS (San Jose,CA) (PHP) is a parent-directed family resource center serving children with special needs, their families and the professionals who serve them. PHP is one of the oldest and largest children's charities of its kind in the United States. We are the family resource center for Early Start services for Santa Clara County; a Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) for Northern California; the National Center for Parent-Directed Family Resource Centers in the United States; and the leading consultation and assistance agency for others starting or operating a parent-directed family resource center in the world.
PEOPLE WITH SPEECH DISABILITIES NOW HAVE A TELEPHONE SUPPORT SERVICE - If you are a Californian with a speech disability you can now use a new, free telephone assistance service 24 hours a day. This service, called Speech-to-Speech, provides human voices for people who have difficulty being understood by the public on the telephone. Please visit this web site to learn more about it!
Besides having information and resources on OUR end of "The Golden State", this website has ADDITIONAL information for travelers with disabilities
STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES - DDS provides services and programs to children and adults with developmental disabilities. These include mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism and related conditions. DDS contracts with 21 private, nonprofit regional centers to provide a comprehensive community-based system of services throughout the state. The regional centers serve approximately 140,000 individuals in a variety of school, vocational and living arrangements. The department directly operates developmental centers which provide around-the-clock services for approximately 4,300 persons with developmental disabilities.
TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES IN CALIFORNIA - Alliance for Technology Access -The Alliance seeks to make technology a regular part of the lives of people with disabilities by providing easy access to conventional and assistive technologies, related services, and information resources. The Alliance is driven by adults and children with disabilities, their families and friends,
teachers and therapists, employers, service providers, technology vendors, professional organizations, and community agencies_ all working together and sharing the belief that meaningful and lasting change occurs when the search for solutions begins with individuals defining their own dreams and expectations.
Located in Oakland, CA, the
WORLD INSTITUTE ON DISABILITY (WID) is an international public policy center dedicated to carrying out cutting-edge research on disability issues and overcoming obstacles to independent living. Over the past 13 years, WID has earned an excellent reputation for high quality research and public education on a wide range of issues that impact people with disabilities.
of topics that are all disability-related. (Go here and you may NEVER finish!)
DISABILITY LINKS BARN - There are almost 1,000 links in the barn, and probably more are
being added as you read this!
SOLUTIONS@DISABILITY.COM -links people with disabilities and chronic health conditions to resources, products and services that promote active, healthy independent living.
- an absolute MUST SEE! Family Village contains easy to access information regarding a multitude of disorders, plus a multitude of other resources. (If you can only make one stop, make it THIS ONE!)
GATEWAY TO NEUROLOGY AT MASSECHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - contains an extensive collection of bulletin boards for a wide assortment or neurologically-based conditions,
as well as matching 'chat rooms' and other great stuff.
INDIECOOL SITE OF THE WEEK-Each week Indie picks a disability-related site to feature on this list - go here for interesting and new resources.
information broken down by continent and country, with links to resources from all around the world.
If you can't afford the medicine you need, you may be eligible for
(FREE MEDICINE FOR THOSE WHO QUALIFY). Check out their requirements!
MEDWEB:DISABILITIES - is an exhaustive list of links, many with short summaries.
(NARIC) is a library and information center on disability and rehabilitation. Funded since 1979 by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), NARIC collects and disseminates the results of federally funded research projects. NARIC's document collection, which also includes commercially published books, journal articles, and audiovisuals, grows at a rate of 250 new documents per month. This site has TONS of information!
NATIONAL INFORMATION CENTER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH DISABILITIES (NICHCY) is the national information and referral center that provides information on disabilities and disability-related issues for families, educators, and other professionals. Our special focus is children and youth (birth to age 22). Hablamos espaƱol.
NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR RARE DISORDERS (NORD) is a unique federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them. NORD is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and service. NORD has an exhaustive database on hundreds of little-known conditions.
RARE GENETIC DISEASES IN CHILDREN - is another resource which has categorized links in an easily understandable fashion.
FROM THE AMERICAN SELF-HELP CLEARINGHOUSE - While it feels good to find another soul who 'understands' specific needs online, it also is wonderful to find REAL-LIFE support networks (you know, the rest of the world that you can't see through this monitor). THIS is where "support groups" first got started - way before online resources were even minimally available.
Looking for others online to connect with via email, bulletin board or chat? Go to
GROUP.COM to see their extensive list of currently available bulletin boards, chat and email connections.
TASH is an international association of people with disabilities, their family members, other advocates, and professionals fighting for a society in which inclusion of all people in all aspects of society is the norm. TASH is an organization of members concerned with human dignity, civil rights, education, and independence for all individuals with disabilities.
800 NUMBERS is a list of nation-wide "800" numbers (like, "duh!") all related to human