As we approach the year 2000, big corporations and government are controlling our lives each and every day! Religion & Family is being thrown right out the window.....

Do we really want our rights thrown out the Window?

Do you want to be able to express your feelings without fear?

Do you want your children to see that we as adults have no voice, with no say in our future?

That is what we do not want. It's up to all of us in retail to let our friends and the government know how we feel. After all, there is nothing bad or wrong for telling others how you feel.

Technology has come along way, have we?

Discrimination against us must come to a halt and only we can make a difference! Say No to Sunday Shopping and yes to your FAMILY and Religion.





Retail workers working on Sunday, will this affect me?

Right now you may not think that or even consider that this could eventually hurt you. As most of Canada and the United States adopted Sunday Shopping. Sunday has become like another day of the week meaning it is not that day we all normally have with our families. Other Occupations now also work in the US and Canada. Banks, Alternator shops, Liquor stores and the list goes on and on, they are now open in other areas of the country.

So What is our message to non-retail workers?

Please support us and you know the saying "what comes around goes around!" We should all reunite, as a work force, for this one common goal! Keeping our Sundays a day for family and a day of rest! We need to join forces or our government will not only take Sundays from us, next will be our holidays.

Can it happen? Just look at other provinces across the border! We want to keep the family together and Sunday is very important to the family unit. Please support us and the lord be with us!!

The purpose of this Save our Sunday site is to let everyone know how we feel as workers and tax-payers of our province! And also to promote family life that seems to have taken the back burner to $$ money-hungry companies.

So please support us and pass along our web site to your friends.

Like what you see so far? Please sign our guestbook below and leave us, and all our visitors know, exactly how you feel! Many thanks for looking at our site!

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