Photos sent from AOL to Webtv email should be in one of the following formats:

If sent in one of these formats, the person using WebTv should have no problem viewing them.  

The person sending the photos from AOL must use the "attach" feature and not the "insert" in email.  A photo sent with the insert in email feature will only be viewable to another AOL 4 user.


To make a link clickable when sent to AOL from Webtv, you must use the 'a href=' tag.

Let's say I want to send a page titled Test Link to AOL.
I would have to type out the following code:

~a href="">TEST LINK

(Replacing the ~ at the beginning of each line with the < symbol.)

In AOL email the link would show as simply:

The important thing to remember here is to name your link. Where I have TEST LINK in the code above, you would simply put a name for the URL you are sending or you could even just put something like Click here, but something has to be inserted there for the link to be clickable in AOL email.


I have found that the "audio" email recordings sent to AOl have to handled in the same fashion as the VIDcaps. If the recording is sent in an origninal email, the AOLer simply downloads it, and then uses the Sound Recorder device (found under Programs-> Accessories-> Multimedia in Windows 95) to listen to it.

If the recording is forwarded to AOL, they would have to download and then decode* the file. After decoding they could use the Sound Recorder to listen to it.

*They would download/save the file. Then decode the file with a program such as WinCode. Sometimes a message will appear at the beginning of the decoding process saying that the file has an illegal DOS name-- not to worry, simply shorten the name and click ok. Once the file has been decoded, listening to it should be no problem.

Chatting with AOL and WebTV

To chat with someone on AOL, the Webtv user should go to Talk City
and create a room.  Send the person you wish to chat with your room name and this link:

They will need to "sign up" for a name and password to chat at Talk City, after doing so, they can scroll to the bottom and enter your room name. Be warned though, chatting can be addictive!

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