Colonial TacAgenKas DinArim
Space Station
Senator Kar Shurion t' Stmy

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Alliance Statement

Strthmore Colony
A Klingon Outpost
Hergh loD] [Guestbook] [Lady K'kor


Between the Romulan Star Empire, represented through Ambassador Jawn tr'Reannas, Senator Kar T'anbae Shurion t'Stmy, and SCmdr Xzauna Katu, represented by Ambassadors Bakran vestai and Drashar the Klingon Civilian Group, represented by Governor Hergh loD K'kor & Governess Qut Duj be' K'kor of the Strathmore Colony, & Starfleet International, represented through Mark Andrews, Liaison for Chris Camper, Region 4 Coordinator.

The term and conditions having been negotiated and agreed to be identically understood, the Council Members of Province VII of the Romulan Star Empire,The Amassadors of the Klingon Civilian Group, Governor & Governess of Strathmore Colony, and the Coordinator of Region 4 of Starfleet International, mutually pledge to each other their solemn word for the following purpose, effective Stardate 9808.01.

To define a stable and lasting relationship and understanding between these three governments in the region: a relationship which relies on communication, cooperation in mutually beneficial activities, and the pursuit of peaceful enjoyment of their respective organizations in the Star Trek Universe.

This Alliance consists of the following provisions:

A continuing dialog through face to face encounters between diplomatic representatives of the Provincial Council of VII and the members and chapters therein.

The TacAgenKas DinArim - situated in Province VII - shall be the chosen primary place for thes encounters of diplomacy.

At Stardate 9807.18 representatives of the Strathmore Klingon Civilian Colony took residence at the TacAgenKas DinArim of the RSE to openly demonstate this interest in common goals and in mutual understanding

At Stardate 9807.25 representatives of the Klingon Civilian Group took residence at the TacAgenKas DinArim of the RSE to openly demonstrate this interst in common goals and in mutual understanding.

At Stardate 9805.15 representatives of Starfleet International took residence at the TacAgenKas DinArim of the RSE to openly demonstrate this interest in common goals and in mutual understanding.

Diplomats are not only seen as representatives of their government, preventing misjudgment and underestimation while supervising rights, honor and interest of their organizations and their members but also as individuals being a positive example for the whole fandom. Openly minded they support interaction between the individual chapters and the organizations.

Thus this alliance does strengthen the indiviual organiztions in the world of fandom and promote good will between organizations of similar interests and concerns.

Individual members are invited to follow this positive example and start interaction with a continuing dialog through role-play to support the aims, purposes, spirit and philosophy of Mneth'Sahe, the Way of the Warrior and IDIC.

No being, no matter where they come from in the Galaxy, shall be discriminated against on the basis of their gender, sexual preference or orientation, age, race, physical condition nor religious beliefs.

There is no competition between the respective governments. All kind of rivalry is only existing in the realm of fantasy.

Within the course of galactic events, no one fan group in Trekdom can claim to being the sole keeper of Gene Roddenberry's dream. That falls to each and every organization, as all of us together are keepers of the dream. We today offer our hands in friendship to all our counterparts in all other Trek organizations. Let us work together to see this idea fulfilled.

I, Jawn tr' Reannas, having read the terms of this treaty do hereby certify that I am Senior Ambassitor and Member of the Provincial Council of the Romulan Star Empire. I also excute the treaty of behalf of the Empire for this Province.

Jawn tr' Reanna, Senior Diplomatic Office, Romulan Star Empire

I, Kar T'anbae Shurion t'Stmy, Senator of Colonial Frontiers, having read the terms of this treaty do hereby certify that I am Senator and and member of the Provincial Council of the Romulan Star Empire. I also execute this treaty on behalf of the Empire for this Province.

Kar T'abae Shurion t'Stmy, Colonial Frontiers Senator, Romulan Star Empire

I, SCmdr Xauua Katu, having read the terms of this treaty do hereby certiy that I am Provincial Commander and Member of the Provincial Council of the Romulan Star Empire. I also execute this treaty on behalf of the Empire for this Province.

Xzauua Katu, Provincial Commander, Region VII, Romulan Star Empire

I, Hergh loD K'kor & Qut Duj be' K'kor having read the terms of this treaty do hereby certify that I am Governor & Governess of the Strathmore Colony with the full powers to execute this treaty on behalf of this government for this sector.

Governor Hergh loD K'kor, Strathmore Colony
Governess Qut Duj be' K'kor, Stathmore Colony

I, Bakran vesti & Drashar having read the terms of this treaty do hereby certify that I am representative of the Klingon Civilian Group with the full powers to execute this treaty on behalf of this government for this sector.

Bakran vestai, Klingon Civilian Group
Drashar, Klingon Civilian Group

I, Mark Andrews, Liaison for Chris Camper, Region Four Cooridator, having read the terms of this treaty do hereby certify tat I am the representative of Region Four of Starfleet International with the full powers to execute this treaty on behalf of this region.

Mark Andrews, Liaison Officer for Chris Camper, representative of Starfleet International


Aidann ir-Haelaillhe t'Arrilaiu, Commander of the Praetorian Guard, Member of High Command, and Hru'Hfirh of a Lesser House of Fire, allied to the Great House of Water and its Hru'Hfirh, Teelis i-Lhoell, Judicial Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire

Aidann ir-Haelaillhe t' Arrilaiu, Praetorian Guard Commander, Romulan Star Empire

Telair T'S'Sarine, Fleet Commander, Member of High Command, and Hru'Hfirh o a Leser House o Fire, allied to the Great House of Wind and its Hru'Hfirh Aidoann i-mneaha t'DiehTelair T'S'mn, Imperial Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire

Telair T'Sarine, Fleet Commander, Romulan Star Empire

Senator Kar Sharion t' Stmy
TacAgenKas DinArim
Colonial Space Station